Those bespokes up there are really nice. I feel like the best way to make bespokes are to have them be simple but still unique. When I see pairs that have way too much going on I don't get it. I am a big believer in the less is more strategy but there are also some pairs that real extra but they work though. That's just my opinion because in the end as long the owner is happy that's all that matters.

I would wanna create a pair of bespokes especially because it's definitely gonna be a 1of 1 but that price tag though :smh: :lol: .
Lol that phrase come from Jesus Christ himself. Didn’t know he was French. Learn something new everyday

it is an expression much used in France too, asks the Frenchmen of the forum you will see :wink: (Of course, comes from the Bible at first, I never said the opposite ^^ can it be both? can it come from the Bible and be used in the current language? yes, the one does not forbid the other I believe, the French are a Christian people at the base so in the current language there are inevitably some references, I do not see where the problem is ^^... everyone knows that it comes from J-C, sorry but nothing new, so yes you will have learned something today :wink: lol)
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Those Bespokes are terrible as 99% of the Bespokes I‘ve seen so far!
Unbelievable that peeps have such bad taste and are willing to pay 1000$ for this ****!
On the other side a well made Bespoke isn’t worth the money either!

Singledout made good job and those Bespoke Ind?!? posted from Modzilla at AMD were great! Talking about the Carhartt ones! Really nice!!!
The fact that you care so much about what other people think and are so vocal about it is hilarious to me. :lol:

Everyone has their opinion. Everyone is free to voice it here, too. That’s what Niketalk is and has been since forever. Maybe you need to deal with it since you’re over here talmbout fighting. :lol:
You wanna fight?
today: repping for that dark ages thin mudguard tribe!...

I bet that pole he's riding feels real good taking a selfie shot like this

his ankles only tell half the story i suppose
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