tts and you better hurry. ndc is notorious for pulling the rug from under you on iDs right before you order
Yeah ... I couldn't find them on the site using search, but when I googled it, I got them to pull up. I just checked out, so hopefully they ship. In any case, can you PM me the instructions Singledout sent you to give your shoes that distressed look, please. Thanks
Yeah ... I couldn't find them on the site using search, but when I googled it, I got them to pull up. I just checked out, so hopefully they ship. In any case, can you PM me the instructions Singledout sent you to give your shoes that distressed look, please. Thanks
Hit his dm...I'm sure he'll hook you up. I didn't dye mine.
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Red Anniversary pair came in over the weekend. Very happy to be able to get a pair. May have to score an additional pair. Next up, Royals.
OCD is not something that should be thrown around lightly.
It really isn't, it's tough trying to deal with feeling like everything has to be perfect, or its not done. Beating yourself up until it's good sucks, especially when in the end it feels like you wasted so much time on something so small. That feeling of panic if something is out of order, really isnt something a lot of people know. But yeah, I deal with it. So ******* what. It doesn't stop me from ****, I've learned to not let almost anything stop me from doing ****.
I've spent years dealing with this ****, it can be very debilitating. Ive learned to deal with it for the most part and catch myself. Trying to tell people this gets hard because people on the outside just don't get it. If that's my excuse for wiping my midsole or brushing my suede it is because it's mine. It's me.
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I've spent years dealing with this ****, it can be very debilitating. Ive learned to deal with it for the most part and catch myself. Trying to tell people this gets hard because people on the outside just don't get it. If that's my excuse for wiping my midsole or brushing my suede it is because it's mine. It's me.
You do you. Nobody here is judging you. Only comment was about the petty pricks that claim OCD when in fact they are just *****.
Yeah, I guess your right. Part of me just sees fingers pointing directly at me, and it bugs the **** out of me. Probably time to stop now.

FINALLY!! These came in yesterday from BAIT and man, I wish I got my reaction on camera because I blown away. These are everything I was hoping they'd be. I'll definitely get a quality photoshoot in sometime soon and maybe a video review. I've been wanting to try out some new shots and these would be a good place to start.

Have another pair I haven't inboxed yet. Was gonna pick the best of the two but this pair is flawless.

Feel like throwing these on and throwing on some classic 80s movies and traveling back in time. Even though I was born in '94 :lol: Something about THIS color way gives me nostalgic feels Of a time I've never actually experienced. It's weird. Can only imagine how the old heads feel.
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