The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Tecia Torres looked delicious. Would let sit on my face
She did look good, she looks drastically different when she's make up'd to the gills. During the Embeddeds she wasn't looking anything like tonight imo lol

Unless Whittaker is feeling the effects of that injury there's no way Gastelum is touching him. Yoel has a much better chance than Weidman, Gastelum etc.

Jacare so close to yet another title shot only to lose by split decision just like his fight with Yoel. Jacare probably also gets finished again by Whittaker though if we're being honest. Time is just a big an enemy as Whittaker would have been

Really hoping Paulo Costa pans out

Next UFC card is legit skippable
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Man. I remember being in the arena for the Hendo vs Shogun fight. Absolute MADNESS!!!

Yea man.. I remember thinking, good on the ref for not stopping it early. I had no idea how badly Rogan was loosing his mind on the broadcast until a week later.

Fight should've been a draw IMO. 5th rd should've been 10-8 Shogun

This is the 2nd time Machida has front kicked someone into retirement. Maybe it's time to book Bisping v Machida
Dern deflecting the weight cut failure, saying at least she "didn't get caught with steroids like other champions, or caught with drugs like cocaine"

This ***** :rofl:

Used to like this chick but coming under the spotlight showing her annoying *** personality and sloppy *** body
224 Wrap Up

Dos Santos with a great spinning back kick to serve Strickland his first KO loss.

Aleski with another Ezekial choke, you just never see that and to see someone, a Heavyweight none the less, submit guys with that choke is crazy. Guy is slick.

Main Card
Lyoto with the highlight reel front kick KO. I was also a little underwhelmed by the applause for a legend like Vitor, I thought a Brazilian legend retiring in Brazil would of got a bit more hype regardless of outcome but the crowd didnt even get that hyped up. Vitor looked lost all weekend, I dont know if it was just from this being his last fight, him being 40 and off cycle but something seemed off from the minute he touched down in Rio. Regardless Vitor is a legend and has fought every name there is to fight, his SOS is unparalleled.

Linekar/Kelleher was a great fight. No surprise in Linekars performance, the guy always comes to throw bombs and did nothing but that. As a fan you got to love it. Props to Kelleher as well, he stood in there and took some shots and gave some back, never backed down but was clearly outmatched. Linker 8-1 in his last 9, maybe they give him the Cruz fight? Doubt it, but Linekar is always entertaining.

Dern/Cooper just left you with a bad taste in your mouth tbh. She was clearly about 15-20 lbs above ABC when they entered the octagon and she made slight work of Cooper as well. I feel for Cooper tbh with yall, Im sure shes pissed about the whole situation. There also seems to be no accountability on Derns end as well, its still just rainbows and lollipops in her mind. Seems to not even care she weighed in a weight class above her opponent. The fans will always have more respect for you if you own up and address the issue. She still just seemed to shrug it off as if it was no big deal. Shes still undefeated and still missing weight, atleast she cant fight for a belt missing weight.

Gastelum/Souza another solid fight but I was shocked by Jacares conditioning. Gassed in the 2nd round and couldnt apply his strategy at all. 1st round Souza, 2nd round Gastelum and 3rd round was close but I think the judges got it right. I was rooting for Souza as well, always been a fan and wanted to see him get the title shot. Sadly I think this was his last shot and his conditioning was extremely poor for such a big fight. The guy seems to always climb the mountain and then trip right before the peak.

Nunes/Pennington....Man, Pennington had no business being in there with Nunes. It wasnt quite Cyborg levels of discrepancy but it wasnt far off either. She pretty much accepted standing with her back to the cage and eating everything Nunes threw at her. No forward movement other than a quick flurry here and there but she would just backstep right to the cage and let Nunes do as she pleased round after round. No confidence or steam from her at all, she looked like she gave up minutes into the first and accepted her fate. Her wanting to quit at the end of the 4th just shows her lack of will, a true competitor isnt going to throw the towel in a main event championship PPV fight unless they are unrecognizable. I dont fault her corner at all for not waving the white flag, if she didnt want to continue she could of ended it herself.

Overall a pretty solid card besides the Main Event.
Racquel wanting to quit might show she isn't "a true competitor" but her corner should understand that and understand that she was totally outclassed. Her nose was busted, she was losing tons of brain cells up to that point. She isn't in a right state of mind to end it herself, she's busted up, emotional, exhausted

This isn't like any other sport where you just try to "tough it out". Don't care if it's for a belt or not, that is totally irrelevant. Add to the fact that Pennington showed ZERO signs of having a chance to win. Taking damage like that isn't something you can ever take back
I completely get what youre saying and I agree to an extent but can you imagine living with yourself knowing you quit in a title bout? Something you waited a year and half for? She was clearly outclassed but it wasnt like she was getting pounded like Rockhold on top of Weidman. She took shots but she wasnt taking tons of damage per say. There wasnt any point in the fight where I was like "damn she just got cracked" other than the 5th when she got finished.

Ive seen fights where I was like damn just end this bout, throw in the towel, stop the fight. I didnt feel that was the case in this fight.

This is cage fighting, youre going to get busted up a bit.
I completely get what youre saying and I agree to an extent but can you imagine living with yourself knowing you quit in a title bout? Something you waited a year and half for? She was clearly outclassed but it wasnt like she was getting pounded like Rockhold on top of Weidman. She took shots but she wasnt taking tons of damage per say. There wasnt any point in the fight where I was like "damn she just got cracked" other than the 5th when she got finished.

Ive seen fights where I was like damn just end this bout, throw in the towel, stop the fight. I didnt feel that was the case in this fight.

This is cage fighting, youre going to get busted up a bit.

I don't think her not wanting to fight being disappointing, and her corner being wrong are mutually exclusive.

It would've been admirable if she gut it through and took the L with a stoppage. The corner also should've stopped it when she expressed her desire to quit. Neither are winners here IMO
I don't think her not wanting to fight being disappointing, and her corner being wrong are mutually exclusive.

It would've been admirable if she gut it through and took the L with a stoppage. The corner also should've stopped it when she expressed her desire to quit. Neither are winners here IMO

Im not the best reader but I dont really know what youre saying.
homegirl looked like a 135 fighter :lol:

what is it now? 6-0 for fighters that missed weight this yr and fought
not a bad strategy. take the 30% fine and grab the winning purse

Didn’t mayweather weigh in like 5 pounds overweight a few times? I might’ve read that in the boxing thread but he’d rather do that and have his body feel better to preserve his no loss record.
I think nunes was getting uncontested licks off at a pretty high rate. We won't know the lasting effects until later in her life.

Either way if Pennington was showing signs of life or competiveness sure, I could see the corner imploring her to stay with it

It really wasn't a fight though it was her being a punching bag. Her face was bloodied up rather badly in the 5th after the last onslaught
Racquel wanting to quit might show she isn't "a true competitor" but her corner should understand that and understand that she was totally outclassed. Her nose was busted, she was losing tons of brain cells up to that point. She isn't in a right state of mind to end it herself, she's busted up, emotional, exhausted

This isn't like any other sport where you just try to "tough it out". Don't care if it's for a belt or not, that is totally irrelevant. Add to the fact that Pennington showed ZERO signs of having a chance to win. Taking damage like that isn't something you can ever take back

I’ve never broken my nose but it being broken and a heavy puncher like nunes continuing to hit her in the face must suck. I also assume fighters must think about rory and how jacked up his nose is now and it always being an issue in fights.
I’ve never broken my nose but it being broken and a heavy puncher like nunes continuing to hit her in the face must suck. I also assume fighters must think about rory and how jacked up his nose is now and it always being an issue in fights.
Yes exactly you never know in the moment the lasting effects a beating could cause you

Your breathing, your brain damage possible orbital bone damage. It's not something I feel like worth risking when you're clearly getting outclassed
It's difficult to assess "damage". It's easy to say it's not as bad as Weidman but really in the moment there's no actual way of knowing the true nature of the damage you're absorbing. It's better to side with caution than to throw it to the wind. Certain things you just can't take back

You could say it's cagefighting you're gonna take damage but really that's not a free pass to let your fighter who's unable to defend herself go back in when she's already quit


Not to beat a dead horse but....

When Raquel wanted to quit at the end of the 4th, I didnt see a physically unfit fighter. Just a mentally broken fighter who wanted to give up. Her eyes werent swelled shut, she wasnt overly fatigued. Just a demoralized fighter who had enough.

The only reason why its even been a topic is because she got TKO and one of the shots opened the faucet on her nose making it look bad. Hindsight always 20/20.

Just to play devils advocate a bit here.

Can you imagine if Colby fights Woodley, Main Event, Championship fight on PPV and goes to his corner after the 4th and says "Im done, I want to be done". I dont think wed be here talking about fighter safety.

To me if someone was receiving a Khabib vs MJ or Valtenina vs Cachoeira beatdown for round after round and the ref wont call it, throw in the towel. I dont want to see people take punishment they dont need to take but I also dont want to see our championship fighters quitting either.

If youre going to quit atleast do it like Anthony Johnson and give em your neck.

That whole fight Raquel just looked tight and overtaken by the moment, sort of like Eddie vs Conor MSG.

I question what her strategy was going into the fight as well.
Gastelum saying he will wait out the Whittaker vs Yoel fight because he will only take a title fight next

With Weidman still out and likely needing another fight to clinch a title shot, Gastelum is pretty much up next barring Yoel winning and creating a rematch

Really need Paulo Costa to pan out
bj penn quit on the freakin stool between rounds and I never hear people bring it up and use it against him. I guess he got a pass because he was already washed.
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