The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book

she is so damn sexy

damn teaser
My mind would be so @#$%$# up if she were my girl. Doing @#$% all out of the ordinary. I don't even wanna think about it.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

In before the no mass comment.

But for the record...I would dive into a pool of used condoms and bloody tampons and swim 100 miles using nothing but Rosie O'Donnell's belches as sole source of oxygen then run naked across acres and acres of a habanero pepper plantation just to smell the sweet aroma dissipating from her body that wind carried across the hall from the building across the street towards me.
Bro, that's too much work. I'd just hit her over the head with a tire iron and throw her into the trunk of my car. I would take her back to my place and tie her up in my basement where she would live the rest of her youth on nothing but water, tofu, and string beans. After those years are over, I would then skin her and wear her flesh as my trophy as I sleep in heavenly peace.
you guys do that...
i think this is the first time all of NT agreed on a girl without that cynical !*#+ who always complains about something so pointless, but wouldnt have a chance in the world with a girl thats even 7/10.
I'm in love, BUT my only complaint, not enough booty IMO. Other than that, wheres the HD photos of the shoot
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