The Hate is Disgusting vol. fox news

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I have had some critical words for the discipline of Sociology but sociologists do make some very good observations and one is the "in group and out group" phenomenon. If you are black and you did something bad, as long as someone on Fox News criticizes you or any white establishment figure for that matter, you are considered just fine in the eyes of most black people, if not a folk hero. Something like OJ Simpsons's Murders, Michael Jackson's multiple acts of child molestation (molestation is usually euphemism for rape), Chris Brown's vicious battery of a young women and Michael Vick's systemic torture of innocent sentient beings are all excused and even celebrated.

I have seen Simpson's murders being largely written off as the result of him being framed, Michael Jackson's serial rapes are considered merely the result of the connivance of greedy parents (The parents were horrible and greedy because they knew their child was likely to be raped and they would be able to reap the financial bounty of a civil suit and/or a settlement out of court). In the case of Chris Brown, the consensus among his racial and age cohort (male and female) is that Rihanna had provoked her own savage beating and/or that "Fox News" has trying to deny him the ability to make music.

Michael Vick was seen as not doing anything wrong in the first place and that compassion for sentient mammals is some bizarre trait reserved for white people only. There are also the 1992 LA riots where destruction of black owned property and the ransacking of Korean owned shops (or attemoted ransacking, high power rifle and rooftop were better than any Statefarm insurance policy or the LAPD), were considered by everyone from the rioter in the street to Congresswomen Maxine Waters as a "rebellion" and an "uprising." Apparently, the appropriate thing to do to respond to centuries of injustice at the hands of whites and present day high unemployment is to burn property in the neighborhood that was owned by non whites. Ironically the only Black celebrity in recent memory to not be defended vigorously in the court of black public opinion was Kobe Bryant, whose accuser's credibility was extremely flimsy.

These words and actions make black people look bad and while they do not have a monopoly on defending someone's blatantly bad behavior due to possessing the same heritage and/or hue, they have been, in recent history, the worst in terms of doing so. Whites almost never cheer a not guilty verdict for someone who likely killed someone very close to them. The reaction to the Casey Anthony spectacle/trial was white people who were protesting a not guilty verdict and the fact that she likely will go unpunished for her very likely role in extinguishing the life of another human being. White people did not rush to the rescue of the accused and very pale skinned rapist Dominique Strauss-Khan, when he is supposed to have tried to rape and sodomize the black chamber maid in his palatial NYC Sofitel Suite. We reveled in the Old World Aristicrat's perp walk and the same was true for fellow white man Bernie Maddoff and many white people want to see a few dozen more high profile whites behind bars, expecially Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke and Lloyd Blankfein.

The same patterns persist when no one is charge with a violent crime or any crime at all. White People, especially white people from New York that shared his political views, reveled in Anthony Weiner's tragicomedic political demise. White actor Charlie Sheen's drug fueled spectacle was a figure of fun while LeBron Jame's bombastic arrogance and hubris and self aggrandizing statements somehow made him into black civil rights hero in the eyes of some. I suppose that self criticism and the ability and willingness of the majority of white people to condemn a white person who brutalized a black person will not be considered as any sort of evidence of evolving white attitudes about race but will be reckoned as another item of "white privilege" to be placed in the "invisible knapsack."

Most whites initially thought that the Duke University LaCrosse players, accused of rape, were bunch of rich and pampered thugs, who indeed raped and beat a working class black women, and only after the facts of the conflicting accounts and the women's duplicity did white people change their minds, reluctantly and still developed no sympathy or sense of solidarity with those privileged sons of millionaires. Black people send a message to non blacks that, in the eyes of black folks, it is okay for a black man to butcher his ex wife, rape child, brutalize women, raze homes and businesses of innocent people and torture canines for sport, so long as his actions manage to draw the ire of someone, anyone on Fox News or even any white establishment figure (It also helps to contend for an NFL MVP, to have set NFL rushing records, to have made a nice chunk of change selling songs on iTunes or other things not related to your disregard for the lives of others).

The practice of defending someone else's bad behavior solely on account of what he or she looks like and what his or her critics look like is tribal and it is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself if, solely based on the malefactor's hue, you opt to defend and rally behind a widely and justly criticized person who did what would otherwise be universally judged as loathsome if not gruesome or both. I and most other white people know that black people do not actually support rape, murder, torture, banditry, racially motivated mob violence and physical abuse and that in most of these cases blacks feel besieged and they feel as if the white establishment is trying to bring a wealthy, successful and even beloved black man low (or in the case of the riots a once working class but very clean, safe and proud neighborhoods were brought low, perhaps by a drug introduced by the white political establishment.) and the rhetorical defenses of Brown, Simpson, Jackson et al. are part of a repudiation of that same tactic of racial solidarity being used, in the past, by whites to deny justice to black victims or at least I hope that is the case. That has to be the case because virtually any black person would not want to see any of his or her own loved ones being slabbed, tortured, raped, or brutally beaten, no matter how many MVP votes garnered or albums sold by the man doing the harm.

After scrolling down the 3'rd paragraph i was like $@#! this

For real, why in the blue hell does this guy type like this in every single one of his posts? 
No one is going to read your long %+% paragraphs.
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I have had some critical words for the discipline of Sociology but sociologists do make some very good observations and one is the "in group and out group" phenomenon. If you are black and you did something bad, as long as someone on Fox News criticizes you or any white establishment figure for that matter, you are considered just fine in the eyes of most black people, if not a folk hero. Something like OJ Simpsons's Murders, Michael Jackson's multiple acts of child molestation (molestation is usually euphemism for rape), Chris Brown's vicious battery of a young women and Michael Vick's systemic torture of innocent sentient beings are all excused and even celebrated.

I have seen Simpson's murders being largely written off as the result of him being framed, Michael Jackson's serial rapes are considered merely the result of the connivance of greedy parents (The parents were horrible and greedy because they knew their child was likely to be raped and they would be able to reap the financial bounty of a civil suit and/or a settlement out of court). In the case of Chris Brown, the consensus among his racial and age cohort (male and female) is that Rihanna had provoked her own savage beating and/or that "Fox News" has trying to deny him the ability to make music.

Michael Vick was seen as not doing anything wrong in the first place and that compassion for sentient mammals is some bizarre trait reserved for white people only. There are also the 1992 LA riots where destruction of black owned property and the ransacking of Korean owned shops (or attemoted ransacking, high power rifle and rooftop were better than any Statefarm insurance policy or the LAPD), were considered by everyone from the rioter in the street to Congresswomen Maxine Waters as a "rebellion" and an "uprising." Apparently, the appropriate thing to do to respond to centuries of injustice at the hands of whites and present day high unemployment is to burn property in the neighborhood that was owned by non whites. Ironically the only Black celebrity in recent memory to not be defended vigorously in the court of black public opinion was Kobe Bryant, whose accuser's credibility was extremely flimsy.

These words and actions make black people look bad and while they do not have a monopoly on defending someone's blatantly bad behavior due to possessing the same heritage and/or hue, they have been, in recent history, the worst in terms of doing so. Whites almost never cheer a not guilty verdict for someone who likely killed someone very close to them. The reaction to the Casey Anthony spectacle/trial was white people who were protesting a not guilty verdict and the fact that she likely will go unpunished for her very likely role in extinguishing the life of another human being. White people did not rush to the rescue of the accused and very pale skinned rapist Dominique Strauss-Khan, when he is supposed to have tried to rape and sodomize the black chamber maid in his palatial NYC Sofitel Suite. We reveled in the Old World Aristicrat's perp walk and the same was true for fellow white man Bernie Maddoff and many white people want to see a few dozen more high profile whites behind bars, expecially Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke and Lloyd Blankfein.

The same patterns persist when no one is charge with a violent crime or any crime at all. White People, especially white people from New York that shared his political views, reveled in Anthony Weiner's tragicomedic political demise. White actor Charlie Sheen's drug fueled spectacle was a figure of fun while LeBron Jame's bombastic arrogance and hubris and self aggrandizing statements somehow made him into black civil rights hero in the eyes of some. I suppose that self criticism and the ability and willingness of the majority of white people to condemn a white person who brutalized a black person will not be considered as any sort of evidence of evolving white attitudes about race but will be reckoned as another item of "white privilege" to be placed in the "invisible knapsack."

Most whites initially thought that the Duke University LaCrosse players, accused of rape, were bunch of rich and pampered thugs, who indeed raped and beat a working class black women, and only after the facts of the conflicting accounts and the women's duplicity did white people change their minds, reluctantly and still developed no sympathy or sense of solidarity with those privileged sons of millionaires. Black people send a message to non blacks that, in the eyes of black folks, it is okay for a black man to butcher his ex wife, rape child, brutalize women, raze homes and businesses of innocent people and torture canines for sport, so long as his actions manage to draw the ire of someone, anyone on Fox News or even any white establishment figure (It also helps to contend for an NFL MVP, to have set NFL rushing records, to have made a nice chunk of change selling songs on iTunes or other things not related to your disregard for the lives of others).

The practice of defending someone else's bad behavior solely on account of what he or she looks like and what his or her critics look like is tribal and it is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself if, solely based on the malefactor's hue, you opt to defend and rally behind a widely and justly criticized person who did what would otherwise be universally judged as loathsome if not gruesome or both. I and most other white people know that black people do not actually support rape, murder, torture, banditry, racially motivated mob violence and physical abuse and that in most of these cases blacks feel besieged and they feel as if the white establishment is trying to bring a wealthy, successful and even beloved black man low (or in the case of the riots a once working class but very clean, safe and proud neighborhoods were brought low, perhaps by a drug introduced by the white political establishment.) and the rhetorical defenses of Brown, Simpson, Jackson et al. are part of a repudiation of that same tactic of racial solidarity being used, in the past, by whites to deny justice to black victims or at least I hope that is the case. That has to be the case because virtually any black person would not want to see any of his or her own loved ones being slabbed, tortured, raped, or brutally beaten, no matter how many MVP votes garnered or albums sold by the man doing the harm.

After scrolling down the 3'rd paragraph i was like $@#! this

For real, why in the blue hell does this guy type like this in every single one of his posts? 
No one is going to read your long %+% paragraphs.
ricky409 wrote:

Wow, you are so original, I do not think that anyone has ever posted a gif about not reading a post. You are the epitome of wit and you have an ability to take your inability to read and make that deficiency into a joke in a way that no else has ever done before. I await your future flourishes of creativity.
ricky409 wrote:

Wow, you are so original, I do not think that anyone has ever posted a gif about not reading a post. You are the epitome of wit and you have an ability to take your inability to read and make that deficiency into a joke in a way that no else has ever done before. I await your future flourishes of creativity.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Wow, you are so original, I do not think that anyone has ever posted a gif about not reading a post. You are the epitome of wit and you have an ability to take your inability to read and make that deficiency into a joke in a way that no else has ever done before. I await your future flourishes of creativity.

you want a long winded, useless post that uses words, that even the most intelligent people dont use on a daily basis, to illustrate your snappy mind process?

you want me to develop a new gif that demonstrates my lack of interest in your post?

or you want me to respond in an angry, dumbfounded fashion that gives you the internet troll nourishment you so desperately crave for, all while making you feel superior to a 21 year old on the way to gettin his MBA, along with other accomplished professionals on this board, and INCLUDING everyone that is doing ANYTHING productive in their life, unlike yourself??

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Wow, you are so original, I do not think that anyone has ever posted a gif about not reading a post. You are the epitome of wit and you have an ability to take your inability to read and make that deficiency into a joke in a way that no else has ever done before. I await your future flourishes of creativity.

you want a long winded, useless post that uses words, that even the most intelligent people dont use on a daily basis, to illustrate your snappy mind process?

you want me to develop a new gif that demonstrates my lack of interest in your post?

or you want me to respond in an angry, dumbfounded fashion that gives you the internet troll nourishment you so desperately crave for, all while making you feel superior to a 21 year old on the way to gettin his MBA, along with other accomplished professionals on this board, and INCLUDING everyone that is doing ANYTHING productive in their life, unlike yourself??

Spoiler [+]

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I agree to 60% of what was talked about.
BUT I think its crazy folks talk about his influence on young girls but are ok with the victim walking around in outfits fit for her next pap smear.

It's one thing to type a tower of words on here lol, but to have a verbose writing style along with it is annoying.
It really damages your point of view. That's why I like reading Method Man's essay's better.
I agree to 60% of what was talked about.
BUT I think its crazy folks talk about his influence on young girls but are ok with the victim walking around in outfits fit for her next pap smear.

It's one thing to type a tower of words on here lol, but to have a verbose writing style along with it is annoying.
It really damages your point of view. That's why I like reading Method Man's essay's better.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

ricky409 wrote:

Wow, you are so original, I do not think that anyone has ever posted a gif about not reading a post. You are the epitome of wit and you have an ability to take your inability to read and make that deficiency into a joke in a way that no else has ever done before. I await your future flourishes of creativity.

you want a long winded, useless post that uses words, that even the most intelligent people dont use on a daily basis, to illustrate your snappy mind process?

you want me to develop a new gif that demonstrates my lack of interest in your post?

or you want me to respond in an angry, dumbfounded fashion that gives you the internet troll nourishment you so desperately crave for, all while making you feel superior to a 21 year old on the way to gettin his MBA, along with other accomplished professionals on this board, and INCLUDING everyone that is doing ANYTHING productive in their life, unlike yourself??

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

ricky409 wrote:

Wow, you are so original, I do not think that anyone has ever posted a gif about not reading a post. You are the epitome of wit and you have an ability to take your inability to read and make that deficiency into a joke in a way that no else has ever done before. I await your future flourishes of creativity.

you want a long winded, useless post that uses words, that even the most intelligent people dont use on a daily basis, to illustrate your snappy mind process?

you want me to develop a new gif that demonstrates my lack of interest in your post?

or you want me to respond in an angry, dumbfounded fashion that gives you the internet troll nourishment you so desperately crave for, all while making you feel superior to a 21 year old on the way to gettin his MBA, along with other accomplished professionals on this board, and INCLUDING everyone that is doing ANYTHING productive in their life, unlike yourself??

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
The entire Chris Brown situation is over with.  Fox News latest attempt to bash CB is pretty late.
The entire Chris Brown situation is over with.  Fox News latest attempt to bash CB is pretty late.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Fox News always finds the finest of Uncle Toms for these type of segments.

Anton would be a star on that network. 

lol que, I'm literally a tree hugging liberal. I hate everything fox news stands for.  I think hypocrisy is a mortal sin, and Fox news is fraught with it. But I guess disagreeing with uneducated people on NT makes me a Conservative republican. Figures.

Because being extremely pro-homosexuality and non-religious is what's poppin' in conservatism......yea you're definitely Nat Turner.
Welcome home buddy you were missed. I was starting to get bored of NT.

Hey bruh we on the same plane... If you support the anything outside the "NT black norm" you're an UT and dudez catch butt cramps while huggin a Malcolm X pillow...
*sighs and turns on Bill Maher*
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Fox News always finds the finest of Uncle Toms for these type of segments.

Anton would be a star on that network. 

lol que, I'm literally a tree hugging liberal. I hate everything fox news stands for.  I think hypocrisy is a mortal sin, and Fox news is fraught with it. But I guess disagreeing with uneducated people on NT makes me a Conservative republican. Figures.

Because being extremely pro-homosexuality and non-religious is what's poppin' in conservatism......yea you're definitely Nat Turner.
Welcome home buddy you were missed. I was starting to get bored of NT.

Hey bruh we on the same plane... If you support the anything outside the "NT black norm" you're an UT and dudez catch butt cramps while huggin a Malcolm X pillow...
*sighs and turns on Bill Maher*
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