The greediest McNastiest @!!+ you ever did hunger wise Vol. Flashback humor...

Dec 3, 2009
So I'm in munchy mode right now and I sees this can of icing left out from the cake that somebody made. Butter knife in that thang and all that... practically waiting for me fam. So's I picks uip the can to find it had been emptied halfassedly just as I'd hoped. It's finne be one, right? RIGHT?


Why I remember how I once faced a blunt in middle school and proceeded to "accidentally" run through a whole cyllinder of that +!@$ in one pillage with no help
..  I smooth @*+!$@ my whole mode up ya'll. Now I'm stuck eating regular food instead of lil kid +!@$

you fulfill the incorrect stereotype of a marijuana user

regarding the sense of stupidity you presented of yourself

yeah, i'm from Cali
Oh, ok... since ya'll wanna ACT stupid for lulz...

I'm hungry and/or parched righr now. In view is a can of cake icing from a pastry that someone made, unbeknownst to me.  There's even a butter knife still in the can that I can use to my benefit. I pick up the can and notice that it wasn't emptied completely, which I also find beneficial. Satisfaction is eminent, right?


I had a flashback of an incident in middle school whereby one gram of well timed cannibis led me to dismantling a full can of cake icing by myself. This completely ruined my apetite for sweets and I settle for a more hearty, healthy meal instead... smart #%%..
well now that you've explained yourself after magically stepping up your grammar a tad so we can finally understand, all i have left to say is "that's wsup"

no hard feelings, no worries chill out
Yea I dont think anyone was being a smart @%!... Your first post was really hard to understand...

One time I got really drunk and attempted to go on a fast food binge at jack in the box. Brought that mess home and ate like 2 bites of a taco and passed out.. woke up at 2 in the afternoon to flies trying to eat me. jalapeno poppers, tacos, and buttermilk sauce all over my sheets and clothes (i didnt even change)... kinda disgusting but now that I type this Im kinda fiendin for some fast food!
How can you even try to eat a can of cake icing?

Most I've eaten while high was like 10 tacos from Taco Bell. One #10 for me, and one #10 for my friend.
This dude just went from G's to Gents,

Why do people pretend to be dumb when they are high?

*scratches head*
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

I must've caught the herb shift this time

I feel what you sayin tho OP. It's like you think you got that sign from God that a particular food is calling you and it's perfect time cuz you need it so bad, but to your misfortune there always a negative turn of events. So you resort to instinctive means of recipes, stealing food that isn't yours or completely murderlizing something that many of a person(s) will get extremely hot about if they found out
I rememer this one time me and some boys hot boxed a van. We go in my boys crib and I proceed to raid the fridge. I see this small microwave pizza and go to town. I heat it up and this thing is boiling hot. I don't care, I munch it down like crazy. I noticed I burnt my tounge the next day.

I go upstairs where everyone else was trying to put this IKEA bed together but it seemed like a rubix cube cuz of the weed. I tell my boy I ate the mini pizza and he then tells me it's been in there for over a year. Lol didn't get sick tho.
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