The Giant Leap for Mankind - Do You Believe?

Mythbusters Busted this saying it was real. It was done enough said. They havent done one in a long time cause theirs no real reason besides publicity when wehave rovers.

If you really wanna go to another planet Nasa is looking for people to go to Mars right now but its a 1 way trip though until they can figure our/care to bringyou back.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

It's fake as hell. You'd have to be an idiot to think thats real.
You're *@*!*%+# me right?
This is me:

Maybe I'm not thinking outside the box, but why would they lie? What do they gain?

Okay, so we're all fooled into thinking our country is technologically advanced. And then what?
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

This is me:

Maybe I'm not thinking outside the box, but why would they lie? What do they gain?

Okay, so we're all fooled into thinking our country is technologically advanced. And then what?
It was more so because at the time we were competing with Russia. I just think its weird that technology jumps so far every 5 years yet 40 yearslater we can't get back to the moon easier?
I say this on the news last night.

They said NASA "lost" the actual footage of the moon landing or something.
anyone who thinks the moon landing was faked needs to kill themselves before they are allowed to reproduce.

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

This is me:

Maybe I'm not thinking outside the box, but why would they lie? What do they gain?

Okay, so we're all fooled into thinking our country is technologically advanced. And then what?
It was more so because at the time we were competing with Russia. I just think its weird that technology jumps so far every 5 years yet 40 years later we can't get back to the moon easier?

Ummmm....where have you been? Space travel has completely changed since the Apollo missions and the first trips to space. It is much easier to go back to themoon now than it was then, there is just no reason to spend the money doing it just because a bunch of tards believed some other tards who said it was faked.

Anyone who still has problems wrapping their minds around this should watch "When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions."
We landed on the moon.

[h1]Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment[/h1] [h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]
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The Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment from the Apollo 11 mission

The ongoing Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment measures the distance between the Earth and the Moon using laser ranging. Lasers on Earth are aimed at retroreflectors previously planted on the Moon and the time delay for the reflected light to return is determined. Since the speed of light is known with very high accuracy, the distance to the moon can be calculated. This distance has been measured with increasing accuracy for more than 35 years.

The distance continually changes for a number of reasons, but averages about 384,467 kilometers (238,897 miles).

The experiment was first made possible by a retroreflector array installed on July 21, 1969, by the crew of the Apollo 11. Two more retroreflector arrays left by the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions have contributed to the experiment.

The unmanned Soviet Lunokhod 1 and Lunokhod 2 rovers carried smaller arrays. Reflected signals were initially received from Lunokhod 1, but no return signals have been detected since 1971, at least in part due to some uncertainty in its location on the Moon. Lunokhod 2's array continues to return signals to Earth.[sup][1][/sup]

Time when photons arrive after many short laser pulses are directed at the location of a lunar retro-reflector. Credit: Apollo Collaboration

The Apollo 15 array is three times the size of the arrays left by the two earlier Apollo missions. Its size made it the target of three-quarters of the sample measurements taken in the first 25 years of the experiment. Improvements in technology since then have resulted in greater use of the smaller arrays, by sites such as the McDonald Observatory and the OCA Laser-Lune telemetry station affiliated with the Côte d'Azur Observatory.

At the Moon's surface, the beam is only about 6.5 kilometers (four miles) wide[sup][2][/sup] and scientists liken the task of aiming the beam to using a rifle to hit a moving dime 3 kilometers (two miles) away. The reflected light is too weak to be seen with the human eye, but under good conditions, one photon will be received every few seconds (they can be identified as originating from the laser because the laser is highly monochromatic). This is one of the most precise distance measurements ever made, and is equivalent in accuracy to determining the distance between Los Angeles and New York to one hundredth of an inch.[sup][3][/sup] As of 2002 work is progressing on increasing the accuracy of the Earth-Moon measurements to near millimeter accuracy.

Apollo 14 Lunar Ranging Retro Reflector (LRRR)

Some of the findings of this long-term experiment are:
  • The moon is spiralling away from Earth at a rate of 38 mm per year.[sup][2][/sup]
  • The moon probably has a liquid core of about 20% of the Moon's radius.[sup][1][/sup]
  • The universal force of gravity is very stable. The experiments have put an upper limit on the change in Newton's gravitational constant G of less than 1 part in 10[sup]11[/sup] since 1969.[sup][1][/sup]
  • The likelihood of any "Nordtvedt effect" (a composition-dependent differential acceleration of the Moon and Earth towards the Sun) has been ruled out to high precision,[sup][4][/sup][sup][5][/sup] strongly supporting the validity of the Strong Equivalence Principle.
Additionally, the accuracy of these experiments has improved historic knowledge of the Moon's orbit enough to permit timing of solar eclipses up to 3,400 years ago.[sup][1][/sup]

The presence of reflectors on the Moon has been used to rebut claims that the Apollo landings were faked. For example, the figure on the right shows evidence of something very small, located within a few kilometers of where a landing occurred, and which reflects laser light directly back to the source as well as a mirror array.

Every single conspiracy on this issue has been debunked and the Lunar Laser is all the evidence you really need.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The original recordings of the first humans landing on the moon 40 years ago were erased and re-used, but newly restored copies of theoriginal broadcast look even better, NASA officials said on Thursday.

NASA released the first glimpses of a complete digital make-over of the original landing footage that clarifies the blurry and grainy images of Neil Armstrongand Buzz Aldrin walking on the surface of the moon.

The full set of recordings, being cleaned up by Burbank, California-based Lowry Digital, will be released in September. The preview is available

NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the July 20, 1969, landing.

one of the most historic recordings ever just gets erased.
ThrowedInDaGame wrote:

I've co-oped for a NASA contractor engineer for about a year.

Based on what I've seen and analyzed on-site, yes I do.
However there are idiots who work here who still think the landing was staged. How do you work for NASA or a NASA contractor if you think the organizationpulled off the greatest hoax in recorded human history?

Do you really think NASA wasted billions of tax payer dollars to create an elaborate movie/hoax just so we could say we beat the Russians to the moon?
Do you think all of the men who died in various accidents on the ground, died for a damn hoax

You guys are beating a dead horse. Give it a rest. We haven't gone back to the moon because there was no Reason ($$$) to justify the tax dollars afterwe beat the Russians.
If there was oil on the moon, we would be living there right now. It's a figure of speach you use at work and it gets the point across.
It was more so because at the time we were competing with Russia. I just think its weird that technology jumps so far every 5 years yet 40 years later we can't get back to the moon easier

Some technology has had radical leaps......... As far as launch systems are concerned, nothing has really change since Apollo and now. The newAres launch vehicle's second stage uses the exact same engine as the third stage of the Saturn V (moon rocket). 40 years, same engine. Thecomputers have really outrun the rockets they are powering. You can fly to the moon with a high school level calculator. It doesn't take a laptop toperform trans-lunar injections.

So is getting back to the moon easier than it was 40 years ago? From an aerospace standpoint, not really. A lot of the hardware at NASA is fairly outdated.Take the shuttle for example, the laptops we use on the shuttle are far more powerful than the guidance computers that actually fly the shuttle. NASA has donea lot to cut cost which includes using old hardware if it still gets the job done.

Why? Money. Back then the government was pumping billion into NASA. Now NASA's annual budget is smaller than a banks bonus pool
Tell Obama to increase NASA's budget and you might see something.
Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

I say this on the news last night.

They said NASA "lost" the actual footage of the moon landing or something.
I saw this too and they said they taped over the OG footage. But Hollywood is supposedly using 3 tapes of the recording to make a digitallymastered version and they are a few days into the month long process.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

This is me:

Maybe I'm not thinking outside the box, but why would they lie? What do they gain?

Okay, so we're all fooled into thinking our country is technologically advanced. And then what?
It was more so because at the time we were competing with Russia.
Thank you
The only reason we did it was to beat the Soviets to it after they beat us with Sputnik.

If it were fake, the Soviets would've been figured it out and made it public just to make us look dumb.
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