****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

It's fine but considering how much free marketing he had and headlines for days, you'd want more than just 300. Those were the early adopters. Now you have to put the rest into lonzos hands and hope he is a star with enough swagger to make people wanna wear his shoes. This is a long term game. These initial sales don't mean that much. Essentially your still at a net loss when you factor in the possibly contract Lonzo could've gotten at a Nike or adidas. Your gonna have to sell more product that that contract before you can consider this a "win"
Yeah Lonzo could have easily got $2 mil a year at least with the big dogs if Lavar played his cards right.

Remember though, that's "peanuts" for NT.
All this LaVar "support" yet they can only move 300 pairs, :lol:

LaVar got the same type of fans as Wale, what a shame.
^I can't speak for Wale, but those shoes are still $500 :lol: people understand why they're priced that way but don't care to actually spend a decent carnote's worth of $ on shoes
Less than 300 in sales on day 1? Not too shabby considering the price point.

Dude managed to get almost 300 people to pay $500+ for an off-brand sig sneaker of a dude who hasn't played a second of NBA ball.

Not everyone can make that happen. Gotta give the guy some credit in that regard.
Lol Lonzo Ball "Free Smoke" Freestyle hit TMZ Haha starboy

Big Baller Brand Records bout to pop off.

LaVar gonna go up to Warner Bros and Universal and demand reverse 360 deals, they don't get a piece of everything Lonzo does, instead Lonzo gets a piece of everything the label does. :smokin
Just heard the free smoke joint. Not bad for an amateur. Won't be surprised if his pops tried to release an independent album for $150.

Whenever lonzo gets drafted you already know the camera will be in lavar most of the time. He might even go on stage with him.
Lonzo at least has to be prime Kevin Martin in the NBA. With all the attention he'll get, it'll stink if he's just CJ Watson
I was talking to this old head at the gym bout LaVar and the kicks today. Man was like how much did ur shoes cost? Im like i dunno like 100 or so... He told me im not a big baller :lol:
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