The Donald Sterling Thread

Saw that, loved how he also brought up the "Stop judging the players" narrative, which honestly hasnt been said enough.

I'm not judging them, but I don't feel sympathetic towards them.

*As awful of a person Sterling is, he's gonna fight it. It's gonna be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
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The problem with ousting Sterling is that you get the feeling his backlash might not be worth the headache for the league.

Guarantee he'll fight it in court till the day one of his Thots poisons him in his sleep. He's definitely not laying down and just taking whatever punishment is given.

From a principle standpoint the NBA should combat whatever rebuttal Sterling puts up but from an image and effort standpoint, I feel it's going to get dragged out and hurt the league.
Alex Kennedy ‏@AlexKennedyNBA 2m

TMZ reports that the NBA will suspend Donald Sterling indefinitely and fine him $5 million. He won't be forced to sell team.
TMZ reporting he'll be indefinitely suspended and possibly fined 5 million.

We'll find out soon.. but I never thought he'd be forced to sell or all the players would be free agents :lol: (wishful thinking by other team's fans). And I imagine they knew trying to take the team away from Sterling would be insanely costly and result in years of lawsuits.
If Sterling still owns the Clips, just relegate them to the D-League.

Let Sterling and his franchise live in the dark ages.
Making him sell the team would be nearly impossible legally but he is going to be advised to do so cause not a single sole is going to want to play for his team after the contracts are up.
Dudes been a well known racist and he's still gotten players to play/re-sign there, Next year they'll still get older role players to sign there and he's still going to roll out a team just like he has for the past 30 years. Plus they still have CP3/Blake/DeAndre still under contract for 3-4 years
@SportsComedy_: SOURCE: Early indications are that Adam Silver and the NBA will punish Donald Sterling by making the Clippers trade for Roy Hibbert.

America loves to turn on it's own if it may cost them money. Donald Sterling has only voiced his opinions in PRIVATE that most people have whether they believe it or not. Whether it's consciously known or simply exists within the subconscious of many people; not only in America, but in the world. All of this goes into the same pot that has been brewing since the "birth" of this country. Look at the number of billionaires, millionaires, upper class ppl, etc in regards to the ratios of white vs. Black. Does that fact not say the same exact thing Sterling was voicing? Or is it just that Black ppl haven't been smart enough or are too lazy to make it to those ranks? Look at all these shows, like basketball wives and other garbage. Look at the glorification of strippers from my "black" community. Don't be up in arms over anything. You didn't complain when your natural hair was deemed unprofessional, so don't be mad when a highly successful (in regards to money acquired through business ventures) "professional" views everything associated with Blacks undesirable. Don't be up in arms over someone making comments like this when a public trial free'd a man who killed an unarmed Black teen. All of this is silly.

Should he be condemned for his opinions? Only if we condemn the infrastrucure, establishment, laws, protocols, propaganda, history, etc of the entire country that very understandably breeds the opinions of Sterling.

It's like raising a kid with wolves and then you get angry at him because one of his private howling sessions became public. Insane.
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