The days of illegal downloading coming to an end

The traditional Industry assembly-line Demo->A&R->Exec->Deal process is great for lazy artists that don't mind gettin raped by the "game"... Cats are making bank touring overseas owning their masters with their in-house producer and cutting out the middle man (the Industry)

The record companies didn't agree to put their music on iTunes until they realized Apple was on to something and they could still get paid in some fashion, they didn't lower the price of CD's until everyone had a CD-burner... these money hungry parasites at this point have nothing to offer to the artistry of music (they never really did)... The funny thing about it is that the quality of albums has dropped due to all the cost cutting measures taken by the record companies and the quality of "mixtapes" have improved to the point that the difference between the two is negligible... free digital music is here to stay *shrug*
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Nothing like turning millions of piraters into 'Challenge Accepted' mode 

so if rick ross or any other rapper puts out a mixtape not a album 
lets face it most music being downloaded is rap 

its illegal to download that mixtape after july 12 ?
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

so if rick ross or any other rapper puts out a mixtape not a album 
lets face it most music being downloaded is rap 

its illegal to download that mixtape after july 12 ?
no mixtapes arent copyrighted work they are supposed to be free

this is for retail stuff which is why this is a bit irrelevent to urban music right now
4318MichaelJohnson4318 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Peep Game

That's the only part you're wrong about, unless by "average rapper" you mean people like Big Noyd and the like --- guys who have never been on the radio, rarely had videos,
and barely had promotion in general. When buying cds was the norm, damn near everybody was going platinum and gold. Memphis Bleek of all people has 4 gold albums.

Yung Joc has one. Chingy has like 4-5 million total sales. Chingy. Chingy
. Every major rapper out of Houston was going platinum around time time. Everything came to a stop

though in late 2006, to the point where unless you were Jay, Em, or Kanye, you don't move a damn thing. wont matter. these dudes will nit pick, and point out every single difference they can to justify stealing music over buying it.
"oh i stole your music, but i paid for your concert and a few tshirts so we good"

"i stole your music, but you werent going platinum anyway"
"i stole your music, but i promise to tell everyone i know about how good it is, i got you my dude, i got you *fist bump*"
...thing is though. if your stance is im going to steal it anyway, and i dont care about the quality of music produced, thats one thing.
...but to steal it, and then expect them to still pump out quality product without conpensation is crazy.
You still have yet to prove me that I would of gave artist more money by buying cds than going to their show. YOU CLEARLY HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THE MUSIC BUSINESS. NO ARTIST is getting more than 2 dollars a cd (And thats a STRETCH), TOUR REVENUES AND MERCHANDISE MAKE WAY MORE. Hell ARTIST ARE GIVING MUSIC FOR FREE THESE DAYS.

all you guys are just defending the OLD system of the music industry which basically is just supporting these shady labels. I am 100% against record label in this current music environment.

Lets be honest how many of you guys actually post in the music forum outside of Cartune (who ironically gives out free music) one is trying to prove to you or even saying artists recieve more money through cd sales than shows. you are mostly correct when you say that no artist is getting more than 2 dollars a cd.
....however everything you said is a moot point and has NOTHING to do with what i was saying. stance is "the artist only recieves no more than $2, and ill make that up in other areas to the artist". okay the same can be said about movie theaters. everyone knows movie theaters make their money off of concessions, and hardly make anything off of ticket sales. correct? does that give you an excuse to walk into a theater, steal a movie, but make up for it buying hot dogs and popcorn? if you think so, try it out. walk into a theater, steal a movie, and when you get caught, try explaining that to the about explaining it to the polic officer when they get there too. i mean since you bought so much from the concession stand that shoul totally make up for the movie you stole right? ........right?
...if im selling something i want you to pay for what you took. not steal something, and pay for something else to make up for it. I WANT MY $2, period! if what you bought to make up for your theft doesnt include the $2 YOU STOLE then we're going to have a problem.
4318MichaelJohnson4318 wrote:
$2 X 1,000,000 copies = $2,000,000
$2 X 500,000 copies = $1,000,000
$2 X 100,000 copies = $200,000
and so on and so forth
 , so if you take 100,000 people with the same mindset as you, that artist just lost out on $200,000 
 @ you accusing someone of not understanding the music business when you lack basic multiplication skills if artists getting peanuts for their work is some trade secret or something


4318MichaelJohnson4318 wrote:
all you guys are just defending the OLD system of the music industry which basically is just supporting these shady labels. I am 100% against record label in this current music environment.

Lets be honest how many of you guys actually post in the music forum outside of Cartune (who ironically gives out free music) one is defending any old system other than to pay for what you use. retail cd sales is the means by which certain artists choose to be compensated for their work. its unfair to the artist for the consumer to decide not to use it and opt for just stealing it instead.
....if an artist chooses to host his music on Bandcamp, by all means goto Bandcamp and buy it
....if an artist chooses to sell his cd on the corner, by all means buy it on the corner
....if an artist chooses to GIVE his music away on the net, then download it for free
......NO ONE is defending any one system over the other. but its not up to the consumer to just steal the music because they dont like the means by which the artist gets compensated. 
....for example:
4318MichaelJohnson4318 wrote:
so are you saying small acts like Odd Future, Asap Rocky, The Weeknd, Wiz Khalifa, Chip The Ripper, etc basically the new generation of artist arent making money? You keep bringing up record sales but that is so irrelevent to rap music right now most artist are GIVING AWAY music no one is even stealing.

- those artists are using alternative means to get compensated, and its working out well for them.
......GIVING AWAY is one thing, but were not talking about promotional products that are being given away are we?

.....your answer is right in front of your face, you're just too selfish to understand it. 
Seriously, if you can't see the people people are saying, there's not much more to say.
I'm 21 years old, grew up in the midst of downloading. Never was buying CDs growing up because I would just listen to whatever was hot on the radio.
Nowadays, I have an incredibly vast and diverse selection of music. Truth be told, almost everything on my computer has been downloaded from somewhere or shared from a friend through a means of flash drive, external HD, or ripping CDs.
But I was never big on music growing up, and wasn't into nearly this many different artists and genres of music. If I had to pay for everything I've ever had (without hearing the album first) there is no way in helll i would even be listening to them let alone buying their music.

I can definitely say that due to downloading and listening to something first, it has caused me to buy that album. And in some cases, I may have not bought that album but I bought their next release. And in the case that I didn't buy the album, whether I couldn't afford it (no way I could afford all the music I have), or just didn't find it worth the money for what it was, I still was helping out the artist. There are so many bands and artists that I've put friends and family, complete random strangers onto. And they bought their music.
I have also attended their concerts and venues which is still supporting them. The people I put on went on to go to their shows. I've bought merchandise, I've advertised for them.

Yeah, it's true that if I were to buy every single album I had, and now I am getting them for free, that I would be stripping artists of money that WOULD have gone to them, but I never would have paid for a large percentage of the music I was introduced to if I was required to pay in the first place.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Seasoned Vet- You have to much time on your hands
im a federal worker man, what can i say? its why you hardly see me post after work hours or on weekends.

Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

you're not method man so quit typing up essays. We get hate people who download. Now move on.
....nah, i dont hate them, i just dont mind pointing out the asinine things people try to put out there as the truth.
....if you wanna steal, then by all means do so. but dont steal and try to say your stealing is somehow beneficial to the person you're stealing from. thats an insult to our intelligence.
...dont steal then claim that your measly $2 wont be missed, as if we're too stupid to know how to multiply. it what it is.....STEALING. stealing from the artists you love. and you couldnt care less about that same artist, yet you want quality music.
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