THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

trailer to be shown before the new Sherlock Holmes movie
I thought it was for Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol? 

I believe,
Trailer will be in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Prologue will be in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (70mm IMAX Prints Only)
Interesting, I'll likely see both in the theaters anyways so no problem. 
I think it makes sense to have it take place 8 years after TDR, and based of what Bale said about the film this week then If the prologue is true then Bane breaks Batman back making him paralyzed and with Batman being a fugitive he retires as Batman. Then Bane takes over Gotham and destroys the image of Harvey Dent by revealing the truth about him and eventually the City and police will realize that Batman is the hero they Needed but did not deserve(opposite of what Gordon stated at the end of TDR). And Batman rises again to save Gotham but at the end Bruce Wayne will probably become Gotham's new hero taking over the mantle for Batman and becoming more like Thomas Wayne and be more of a philanthropist.
Looks like it will be the best 12 bucks spent on a 6 minute preview. Take my money and now.
If the leak is true, that still doesn't much sense to me. Like someone said above, it took him 8 years to heal? Or it took Bane 8 years to rule over Gotham?

Obviously the movie will make sense, but what's the whole point of making it 8 years later?

From the picture I've seen he still drives that damn tank. So no batmobile 8 years later.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

If the film takes place 8 years after TDK then the leaked prologue has to be fake given where it starts back from.
Spoiler [+]
Unless we're suppose to assume it takes 8 years to heal from that injury which would suck
Bats looks huge in that one pic, more bulky than Bane

Was just about to say this.

Prologue must be fake.

 @ actually posting the spoilers without a spoiler. Had to scroll away mad quick,put that *+!% in a spoiler. I'm not trying to find out anything about the plot before the movie releases.
okay between Batman Begins and Dark Knight it was a year correct?  (going by the jokers line where he says " a year ago")  now this one is 8 years later, i hope that there is good story told to fill up 8 years.  And then the fact from all the footage and pictures we have seen it is with batman and catwoman are mostly in the daylight.  I am also wondering do we revisit the scarecrow in this movie and do we possibly see Coleman Reese again, since he knows who batman is? ( they never really closed him out, imo)
i guess i dont understand why people would even come into a thread about a movie you havent seen that isnt even out yet...

and then complain about the spoilers...


what did you expect to find in here?  waldo?
Originally Posted by misterj

i guess i dont understand why people would even come into a thread about a movie you havent seen that isnt even out yet...

and then complain about the spoilers...


what did you expect to find in here?  waldo?
 I'm saying! They knew what they were doing when they clicked in here. There's pictures, videos, theories, inside stories, etc in here about the movie. Stay out if you want to be in complete shock when you watch it in theaters.
"I hope there's spoilers so I have a reason to be mad!" 
readin the emp magazine details gives me chills, sounding like it's going to be the best one in the series
From Drew McWeeney of HitFix on the Prologue and why Riddler wasn't considered:

Between Nolan and Goer's decision to cast Bane in the prime antagonist role and its announcement, the rumour mill ground out talk of The Riddler. But Nolan insists that, after Heath Ledger's Joker, The Riddler was never a contender.

"The world of Batman, indeed the world of all graphic novels, deals with archetypes," he says, "And there's a very real sense in which The Joker is an extreme and an absolute and Batman is an extreme and an absolute. So whe you're looking to continue the story - in this case finish Bruce Wayne and Batman's story, as we see it - then you certainly don't want a watered-down version of a character you've already done. You want a different archetype. What Bane represents in the comics is the ultimate physical villain.
Our first best look at what he's got up his sleeve will be the six-minute prologue sequence in IMAX that is playing exclusively in front of the 70MM IMAX engagements of "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol." The people who I've talked to who have seen the six-minute segment just smile at the mention of it, and I've been told to expect something on a much larger scale than the opening bank robbery from "The Dark Knight" which played in front of the IMAX prints of "I Am Legend." That's going to be the moment where we really get a sense of what tone to expect from this one, and I'm willing to bet it's going to be very different than either of the first two films.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

From Drew McWeeney of HitFix on the Prologue and why Riddler wasn't considered:

Between Nolan and Goer's decision to cast Bane in the prime antagonist role and its announcement, the rumour mill ground out talk of The Riddler. But Nolan insists that, after Heath Ledger's Joker, The Riddler was never a contender.

"The world of Batman, indeed the world of all graphic novels, deals with archetypes," he says, "And there's a very real sense in which The Joker is an extreme and an absolute and Batman is an extreme and an absolute. So whe you're looking to continue the story - in this case finish Bruce Wayne and Batman's story, as we see it - then you certainly don't want a watered-down version of a character you've already done. You want a different archetype. What Bane represents in the comics is the ultimate physical villain.

Our first best look at what he's got up his sleeve will be the six-minute prologue sequence in IMAX that is playing exclusively in front of the 70MM IMAX engagements of "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol." The people who I've talked to who have seen the six-minute segment just smile at the mention of it, and I've been told to expect something on a much larger scale than the opening bank robbery from "The Dark Knight" which played in front of the IMAX prints of "I Am Legend." That's going to be the moment where we really get a sense of what tone to expect from this one, and I'm willing to bet it's going to be very different than either of the first two films.
Not having the Riddler was a solid choice. The Joker had some "Riddler-like" elements in forcing Batman to hunt him down, and his character never had any real depth anyways. That quote I bolded has my giddy for the prologue.
On a related note, anyone have that article regarding Tim Burton's proposed third Batman film? I just wanted to compare his premise to Nolan's. As far as I can remember, Tim planned a very similar storyline where Batman is worn out, and I believe he had Bruce hanging up the cowl at the end of the film.
Originally Posted by misterj

i guess i dont understand why people would even come into a thread about a movie you havent seen that isnt even out yet...

and then complain about the spoilers...


what did you expect to find in here?  waldo?
 And that shouldn't surprise anyone who is familiar with the Bane character anyway.
The whole different archetype to finish the story and Bane being the ultimate physical villain for bats I'm not completely buying. If we're talking about concluding this story I'd choose a villain that could completely outsmart Bats, always a step ahead of him. Given the trilogy and that train of thought I wouldn't have been mad if Ra's al Ghul returned since I feel he could've been taken to that level given his character in the comics and his story in BB.
^Bane is actually very smart and has outsmarted or stayed one step ahead of batman as seen in the comics in which figures out batman true identity, plots against him to weaken and tire him out and strike at the best moment to truly end your rival. Ra's Al Ghul had a twisted sense of justice, Scarecrow was just a pawn who loved to experiment on people and cause them to go crazy, Joker was a crazy clown who was an agent of total chaos and loved the cat and mouse game between him. The Joker loved to play chess with Batman because he was a total opposite, they were both opposite from each other and joker had a big attraction to the game between them. Bane is not interested in a back and forth between him an Batman, he waits till Batman has reached his weakest point and then breaks him to finish a threat. Bane did not kill batman because he wanted him to suffer and now who broke him and who is his superior. That is just my two cents of what i have drawn from the Nolan films
just wondering...

what are the benefits of even SEARCHING for leaks of plot lines or spoilers?
am I missing something?
Originally Posted by Hazat50

^Bane is actually very smart and has outsmarted or stayed one step ahead of batman as seen in the comics in which figures out batman true identity, plots against him to weaken and tire him out and strike at the best moment to truly end your rival. Ra's Al Ghul had a twisted sense of justice, Scarecrow was just a pawn who loved to experiment on people and cause them to go crazy, Joker was a crazy clown who was an agent of total chaos and loved the cat and mouse game between him. The Joker loved to play chess with Batman because he was a total opposite, they were both opposite from each other and joker had a big attraction to the game between them. Bane is not interested in a back and forth between him an Batman, he waits till Batman has reached his weakest point and then breaks him to finish a threat. Bane did not kill batman because he wanted him to suffer and now who broke him and who is his superior. That is just my two cents of what i have drawn from the Nolan films

So how the hell does catwoman fit into all this mess?
Originally Posted by Hazat50

^Bane is actually very smart and has outsmarted or stayed one step ahead of batman as seen in the comics in which figures out batman true identity, plots against him to weaken and tire him out and strike at the best moment to truly end your rival. Ra's Al Ghul had a twisted sense of justice, Scarecrow was just a pawn who loved to experiment on people and cause them to go crazy, Joker was a crazy clown who was an agent of total chaos and loved the cat and mouse game between him. The Joker loved to play chess with Batman because he was a total opposite, they were both opposite from each other and joker had a big attraction to the game between them. Bane is not interested in a back and forth between him an Batman, he waits till Batman has reached his weakest point and then breaks him to finish a threat. Bane did not kill batman because he wanted him to suffer and now who broke him and who is his superior. That is just my two cents of what i have drawn from the Nolan films
I know Bane is smart. I've read the Bats comics, I'm just going off that quote posted by LimitedRetroOG, framing Bane as the "ultimate physical villain" I mean since that's been said I have to assume that's what they're going for before we get to the fact that Bane in the comics is smart and is a formidable Bat villain.

Honestly though, I never cared for most of the stories involving Bane as the main villain and since there was talks of archetype villains and not having a watered down Joker to finish this story explaining why the Riddler isn't a good choice in that quote I'm wondering why the story is concluding with the basis of the villain's physicality.

If you haven't read the leaked prologue don't read this spoiler
Spoiler [+]
If you haven't read the leaked prologue don't read this part

Bane being smart is shown just off the implication that he's been lying in wait during TDK and that he had already discovered that Bats is Bruce and the fact that he struck at a time Bats was most vulnerable. I just suggested a villain in Ra's al Ghul geared strictly to outsmarting Bats given what he's done in BB and what he's capable of. I was just focusing on his main strengths, it's not like Ra's can't kick Batman's @!$ too.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

So how the hell does catwoman fit into all this mess?
Catwoman doesn't really fit from the way I see it. I assume she may be used just like Scarecrow was or she could just be the wildcard, against Bats 1st half and then work with him 2nd have of the movie. I dunno. I'm not gonna be sold on whatshername as Catwoman until I see the film anyway.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

just wondering...

what are the benefits of even SEARCHING for leaks of plot lines or spoilers?
am I missing something?
So you can get a better idea of what the movie will be about. Some ppl can't wait and don't mind knowing a bit of information. Plus reading spoilers or looking at pics can make the excitement and anticipation even better if you're not surrounded by the promotions for the movie.
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Originally Posted by misterj

i guess i dont understand why people would even come into a thread about a movie you havent seen that isnt even out yet...

and then complain about the spoilers...


what did you expect to find in here?  waldo?
 I'm saying! They knew what they were doing when they clicked in here. There's pictures, videos, theories, inside stories, etc in here about the movie. Stay out if you want to be in complete shock when you watch it in theaters.
"I hope there's spoilers so I have a reason to be mad!" 
I expected for the spoilers to be at least labeled correctly. I know there's gonna be spoilers but everyone usually puts a spoiler tag up. 
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