The Combat Jack Show Thread

>>>> whenever Cory jumps in randomly

Can't take him serious with that lisp

Also the AK **** riding from Joe and Parks is nasty
1 Hr into joe pod, Im confused so Joe owns everything? Told them it's my YouTube page but ya can make your own and use the content.

Mal/Rory really have no Contract, but saw the money they made, made good amount according to Joe and what accounting showed, they just upset they don't have ownership? Didn’t they know that Joe owns it all & if they did why did they keep just going along if they didn’t like that?

Joe doing his friends dirty because they probably unfamiliar with the game, but from business standpoint, seems like typical shady business by the owner and they just workers.
Of course Joe owns everything. He started it and they just came on. Over time, they signed contracts.
1 Hr into joe pod, Im confused so Joe owns everything? Told them it's my YouTube page but ya can make your own and use the content.

Mal/Rory really have no Contract, but saw the money they made, made good amount according to Joe and what accounting showed, they just upset they don't have ownership? Didn’t they know that Joe owns it all & if they did why did they keep just going along if they didn’t like that?

Joe doing his friends dirty because they probably unfamiliar with the game, but from business standpoint, seems like typical shady business by the owner and they just workers.

What’s shady when he owns it and they didn’t help create it? I don’t get why people think he owes them ownership.

Mal got too many industry friends, he should know better. **** even Rory, he been around too many people.

Rory getting drunk and feeling like a celeb thought he could threaten Ak and send people to his house. Got caught up in the podcast hype.
Here's the thing the money they was getting off the strength without them "earning" it made them think they had more value. It's been a bad listen with Mal being too cool to add anything of substance to the pod and the chemistry was off because of Rory offering Joe the hands multiple times for no justifiable reason. Their worth to the pod is the chemistry they had with Joe. Not Rory or Mal on they own. Soon as he brought Ish and Ice who he had better natural chemistry, they bluff was called.
Joe shouldn't have blasted them on air at all. That was some sucka ****.
If Mal wanted a bigger say in the decision, he should have been contributed more to the pod than just filling a seat, saying that's crazy occasionally and being on his phone half the time unprepared.
Rory let his own ruining of his personal life **** up the bag.
Let's see where else they will get the situation they had with Joe for whatever work they were putting in. If they so important, they should have no issue setting up another successful podcast.
The discussion and the opinions when they were discussing Khaled and Ace Hood make more sense now.
What’s shady when he owns it and they didn’t help create it? I don’t get why people think he owes them ownership.

Mal got too many industry friends, he should know better. **** even Rory, he been around too many people.

Rory getting drunk and feeling like a celeb thought he could threaten Ak and send people to his house. Got caught up in the podcast hype.

Nah i actually agree with all you guys, Joe don’t owe them anything, it’s in his right.

My homie Sam put it well:
Joe was famous he's the draw. He thought of this and put it together - invited Rory early on they didn't know each other, and it was free

Then invited his homie Mal.

But every decision and every attraction to show is cuz it's joe budden

Mal and Rory asked for a contract to be paid an amount consistently - he give that to them

They asking for more like ownership etc he says no - which is the right thing to do it's all on him, they didn't invest in show nor did he ask them to

They didnt go create more success elsewhere to make JBP bigger etc

Andmoney isnt issue cuz it's clear they are paid well- parks has no contract neither does Ian
Rory’s cornball shenanigans led to all of this. Glad we don’t have to listen to that try-hard anymore.
Them boys was overpaid employees that started feeling themselves a lil too much.
Pod had become repetitive and stagnant over the last two years. Once the fans heard Ice and Ish the writing was on the wall for the mixxy boys.
I thought Joe did a good job by not eluding to how obviously useless they were on the pod but I guess today was the day.

None of this is surprising but the Real ***** Mal keeping the Tide in his room is upsetting:lol:.
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Are Mal and Rory not “creators” too? :lol: :smh:

What they create?

Mal got on a year or two after it was created and Rory got there a couple months later and used to sit there quietly and let Marissa and Joe talk sooooooooooooooo no
Here's the thing the money they was getting off the strength without them "earning" it made them think they had more value. It's been a bad listen with Mal being too cool to add anything of substance to the pod and the chemistry was off because of Rory offering Joe the hands multiple times for no justifiable reason. Their worth to the pod is the chemistry they had with Joe. Not Rory or Mal on they own. Soon as he brought Ish and Ice who he had better natural chemistry, they bluff was called.
Joe shouldn't have blasted them on air at all. That was some sucka ****.
If Mal wanted a bigger say in the decision, he should have been contributed more to the pod than just filling a seat, saying that's crazy occasionally and being on his phone half the time unprepared.
Rory let his own ruining of his personal life **** up the bag.
Let's see where else they will get the situation they had with Joe for whatever work they were putting in. If they so important, they should have no issue setting up another successful podcast.
The discussion and the opinions when they were discussing Khaled and Ace Hood make more sense now.

This whole portion of Joe's rant just didn't make much sense to me, especially the part about "earning" it ***** Joe talkin like he's ******* Anderson Cooper :lol: , what extreme preparation & "creating" is he doing that Mal & Rory aren't matching on the pod. They come in there and throw around takes about music, women, sports & every now & then some serious ****.

Joe is also going on about how they don't have any contracts, they don't have any equity, and then questions why they aren't willing to take the risk that he's taking.... or work as hard to build up something they have no ownership in.

Sounds like Joe straight up doesn't think they bring much value to the show & is nicely doubling down on AK calling them stooges, so i could 1000% see why they would be like i'm good, especially if the friendship is strained
This whole portion of Joe's rant just didn't make much sense to me, especially the part about "earning" it ***** Joe talkin like he's ****ing Anderson Cooper :lol: , what extreme preparation & "creating" is he doing that Mal & Rory aren't matching on the pod. They come in there and throw around takes about music, women, sports & every now & then some serious ****.

Joe is also going on about how they don't have any contracts, they don't have any equity, and then questions why they aren't willing to take the risk that he's taking.... or work as hard to build up something they have no ownership in.

Sounds like Joe straight up doesn't think they bring much value to the show & is nicely doubling down on AK calling them stooges, so i could 1000% see why they would be like i'm good, especially if the friendship is strained
Joe has said for the longest how he doesn’t feel they bring much to the pod. He’s mentioned how they never speak much, Mal coming late to meetings and so forth.
Joe has said for the longest how he doesn’t feel they bring much to the pod. He’s mentioned how they never speak much, Mal coming late to meetings and so forth.

IDK about the behind the scenes stuff, but the they never talk about stuff narrative is a lie, Joe just goes screaming that whenever the point isn't one he agrees with. they are talking about surface level **** 90% of the time, i'm not sure how in depth he wants them to get.

Dude was pressing Rory about not coming on air and dishing out every detail of his public life for the sake of the pod, He's known Mal years before the pod & always said he was a private person. From the outside looking in, it just seems like dude wants to have control of every situation no matter how it effects those around him
IDK about the behind the scenes stuff, but the they never talk about stuff narrative is a lie, Joe just goes screaming that whenever the point isn't one he agrees with. they are talking about surface level **** 90% of the time, i'm not sure how in depth he wants them to get.

Dude was pressing Rory about not coming on air and dishing out every detail of his public life for the sake of the pod, He's known Mal years before the pod & always said he was a private person. From the outside looking in, it just seems like dude wants to have control of every situation no matter how it effects those around him
Probably so but in speaking on what they bring, it’s very little. Mal has been useless on the pod for idk how long. Rory has just been out of control. Couple that with them not doing much else, they don’t deserve ownership. That’s the only route I’ll agree with Joe on.
This whole portion of Joe's rant just didn't make much sense to me, especially the part about "earning" it ***** Joe talkin like he's ****ing Anderson Cooper :lol: , what extreme preparation & "creating" is he doing that Mal & Rory aren't matching on the pod. They come in there and throw around takes about music, women, sports & every now & then some serious ****.

Joe is also going on about how they don't have any contracts, they don't have any equity, and then questions why they aren't willing to take the risk that he's taking.... or work as hard to build up something they have no ownership in.

Sounds like Joe straight up doesn't think they bring much value to the show & is nicely doubling down on AK calling them stooges, so i could 1000% see why they would be like i'm good, especially if the friendship is strained
Them bouncing on the pod the other day and talking about putting it on ice while they worked out their issues exposes that they don't take the podcast seriously, so to Joe, he decided to dash the friendship part away and handle it from a business perspective. After basically telling them that they ain't taking it seriously from a friendship perspective, he showed them the business side of things and that's when Rory wanted to take it serious and inquire about money. I think Joe was right in separating from them. Did he handle it the best way? Probably not, but who are we to say what was the best way to handle the situation that we aren't directly involved in. Plus, cats been saying that they add nothing to the pod for quite some time.
I can't speak on the business but Rory and Mal lost their leverage with the long break. Ak hit the nail on the head a couple weeks back, fans will be mad initially but they will get over it because people are creatures of habit. The JBP is part of Wednesdays for Hip-Hop heads that like podcast.

Joe looks like a wild ***** talking all that for the creator talk and doing his homies like that though.

I totally understand the financial ramifications and responsibilities it takes to be an owner but Joe is wild to pretend like Rory and Mal didn't help create what is now the JBN. Just because they didn't put the same work in financially doesn't mean they didn't contribute. All those years of doing free pods set up the foundation for his current network. They were a huge part of that.

Honestly I didn't listen to the pod much with Marissa but Mal 1000% added an element that they needed to the show, to pretend like he hasn't earned his keep is wild. He might be too cool for a lot but in my early days of listening to JBP it was for Mals takes.

Rory let that ***** AK live in his brain rent free and it cost him. Sending dudes to Ak house when ****** is negotiating for Mils is a bad play. "Get your head in the game g, we can squash these other ****** later".

Idk where to stand as a fan. At a minimum I prolly cancel my patreon. Joe can say what he wants but I'm not getting the product I initially signed up for, so yeah I'm good.
This whole portion of Joe's rant just didn't make much sense to me, especially the part about "earning" it ***** Joe talkin like he's ****ing Anderson Cooper :lol: , what extreme preparation & "creating" is he doing that Mal & Rory aren't matching on the pod. They come in there and throw around takes about music, women, sports & every now & then some serious ****.
And Mal was either too cool to delve into certain topics, never had a clear opinion on things or didn't bother looking at the timeline to get some extra context on **** they'd probably discuss on the pod.
His contribution was less and less and they were making more bread off of the pod.
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