The Combat Jack Show Thread

Martin looked ok in Bad Boys 4 beside a part in the end. That cookout scene looked like a reshoot, because he was slurring words in that part.
Good, i'm about sick of this grown *** man, a father, asking what he can or can't say like he's a child. It's like Jr raises him.
Flips immaturity is weird as hell. Dude is around my age and he constantly makes me shake my head. Props to dude for making it with the skits etc, a regular life would've been hard for him.
Yeah, Joe was on Hot Boxin, and Mike did his. Joe does a poor job of promoting his interviews.

Flip wasn't on today's pod :nthat:

They did a good job of trying to make Elliott understand why dudes don't want to be interviewed. I've heard Vlad say that same thing about people not having an interview for people to learn about them. A lot of these people have nothing to say in their music, so in an interview it wouldn't be any different.

I have it the opposite way

most of these people are far more entertaining in interviews than they are musically

Camron for example can actually rap I always thought he was better at acting and funny in interviews and now it’s showing with his sports show

but now alotta these newer acts are bad at both so it’s a toss up
Let me ask you something...

I feel like I'm listening to a child

Do you know about anything besides wrestling and anime?

and how are you not into "real" sports, but you're into the fake one? Not boxing or MMA?

I'm like damn duke, what did you do as a kid. I know it's a difference in Caribbean homes, but kids are outside playing basketball. Kid is short so he just said **** it, sports ain't for me? Uncoordinated kids say **** it? They didn't make you play soccer?

Shocked Kyrie sent them Anta's. I haven't heard them support him like that, maybe Ish 🤷‍♂️

I guess they're better than the Team Iverson's Ice wears.

Shocked Kyrie sent them Anta's. I haven't heard them support him like that, maybe Ish 🤷‍♂️

I guess they're better than the Team Iverson's Ice wears.

Rubi team definitely paid for this, girl got zero buzz. I wonder how much money these labels losing with these thot rappers.
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