The College Basketball Post

Before the alcohol gets to me, let me just say congrats to Wichita

You guys deserved it. Respect.

Big disappointed. Ill survive tho
All i know is Quinn better have his **** together tomorrow. Can't come out with those butter fingers. Need him playing like he did against them in Atlantis.

Ryan needs to stay around the 15 ft range tomorrow. He's been terrible from 3 since the Miami game.

Coach K is 11-1 in the elite 8 while Pitino is 6-4

GOAT for a reason. Lets get it done
I text DreCLARK yesterday during the game and told him if we lose its Quinn's fault followed by Ryan's.

Those two need to play MUCH BETTER & stronger for us to advance.
Seth unleased that inner baby jesus that he has in him last night.

We gotta keep the defense up cause I'm not ready to see Sonya leave the stands for the last time
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