The College Basketball Post

Yes, one of the better D3 programs historically. I don't know what the success rates actually are (and this case is way different) but guys who play at a high level where they're at almost always succeed and contribute moving up a level.
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Not knocking their talent because Georgetown is going to be solid this season. Need to finish the game from the Navy boat that was called off.

UF is going to a be a wing player or two short with Devon Walker injury and Brandone Francis not enrolled yet. We need Eli Carter healthy and ready by the opener. I don't think Dillon Graham will contribute anything. Want to see what Devon Robinson will do because he should get some minutes with Walker being out for the season.

Personally I want UNC because I can't stand Roy Williams overrated ***.

UF played Wisconsin and UCLA last season.
Bring it! I want you to hate Roy Williams even more when he beats ya!
Conflicting reports out but Duke may be moving on from Junior Smith, or at the very least pursuing other point guards for that class. **** Cal

UNC just needs to be happy they're gonna land Seventh and be done with any NC talent for that year
Eric Davis cuts his list to 7 UK,Michigan,Michigan St,UCLA,UNLV,Texas,and N.C. St. He doesn't have an offer from UK yet but has already made one visit and will be making another soon.
UNLV is getting on all these list for highly rated guys but seem to be getting no love from the big time local guys.
I don't think Michigan will take a 2015 recruit now with Duncan Robinson on board. They also got a commit from Jon Teske yesterday. Seems like the stretch 5 that Beilien likes but can also work with his back to the basket.
Welp NCAA just lost the O'Bannon case, NCAA inhibiting schools from paying players is an anti trust violation according to the judge. (like I've been saying)

college sports is about to change whether you like it or not.

Wilken's ruling said the NCAA will not be prevented from implementing rules capping the amount of compensation that may be paid athletes while they are in school. However, she ruled, "the NCAA will not be permitted to set this cap below the cost of attendance, as the term is defined in its current bylaws."

She wrote that the injunction also will prohibit the NCAA from enforcing any rules that would prevent schools and conferences from "offering to deposit a limited share of licensing revenue in trust for their FBS football and Division I basketball recruits, payable when they leave school or their eligibility expires."
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Welp NCAA just lost the O'Bannon case, NCAA inhibiting schools from paying players is an anti trust violation according to the judge. (like I've been saying)

college sports is about to change whether you like it or not.

By the time they exhaust their appeals and this undoubtedly ends up in the Supreme Court it will be a while before effects are seen.The NCAA will drag this out as long as possible.
By the time they exhaust their appeals and this undoubtedly ends up in the Supreme Court it will be a while before effects are seen.The NCAA will drag this out as long as possible.
This will be in litigation hell for a while, they won't out without a fight. Sucks cause I want my ncaa football and basketball games.
By the time they exhaust their appeals and this undoubtedly ends up in the Supreme Court it will be a while before effects are seen.The NCAA will drag this out as long as possible.

The NCAA can drag this out as long as they want so long as the end result is kids getting paid what they are due. If its fifteen years before we see the change in place, its still a win. A big day in sports.

Just curious, you guys think the payouts will be flat equal for all players on the squad or will the stars get more lucrative "deals"? I understand the NCAA cannot set up payout caps below the cost of attendance at the university (so to some degree, the low is set) but in terms of recruiting the next known Wiggins, Parker, Clowney, etc. these deals would surely be a deciding factor if some are more profitable than others.
The NCAA can drag this out as long as they want so long as the end result is kids getting paid what they are due. If its fifteen years before we see the change in place, its still a win. A big day in sports.

Just curious, you guys think the payouts will be flat equal for all players on the squad or will the stars get more lucrative "deals"? I understand the NCAA cannot set up payout caps below the cost of attendance at the university (so to some degree, the low is set) but in terms of recruiting the next known Wiggins, Parker, Clowney, etc. these deals would surely be a deciding factor if some are more profitable than others.

I don't agree with the minimum based on attendance thing simply because the varying price of attendance at different schools...This whole thing is one giant pandoras box..The ruling only applies to Division I Football and Mens basketball,what happens when the womens basketball team sues because their names and likenesses are being used also but not receiving any compensation...Or women start wanting to join the football team so they can receive compensation,or players from other sports get mad because they aren't receiving any money.
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On a semi related do UK fans feel about potential life after Calipari? Are ya'll worried about all the penalties and sanctions coming down the minute he dips?
I don't agree with the minimum based on attendance thing simply because the varying price of attendance at different schools...This whole thing is one giant pandoras box..The ruling only applies to Division I Football and Mens basketball,what happens when the womens basketball team sues because their names and likenesses are being used also but not receiving any compensation...Or women start wanting to join the football team so they can receive compensation,or players from other sports get mad because they aren't receiving any money.

The level of complication is so overstated.

1. Women and other sports can sue all they want but if the sports don't generate profits then they will be entitled to a percentage of zero.
2. You can "want to join the football team" all you want nothing other than their inability to compete is stopping women from being on college football teams, if I remember correctly college squads have had female kickers.

They aren't going to stop playing college sports, ultimately colleges willl spend less money on arenas, and ridiculous practice facilities and spend it on players.

I read the rulling, The NCAA should be breathing a sigh of relief, the players are likely going to appeal.

The judge declared restricting payments outside of scholarship to zero to be an anti trust, but she said capping it to $5000 wouldn't be. The players have to appeal that, she doesn't really have the power to determine what the cap should be.

The NCAA doesn't want to face reality but really if I told them at the beginning of this you only have to pay the players up to $5000 they would be jumping for joy.
On a semi related do UK fans feel about potential life after Calipari? Are ya'll worried about all the penalties and sanctions coming down the minute he dips?
Thought that would be a reality this summer. Can't believe Coach Cal didn't dip for Cleveland. The timing, money, and opportunity were picturesque.
On a semi related do UK fans feel about potential life after Calipari? Are ya'll worried about all the penalties and sanctions coming down the minute he dips?
Thought that would be a reality this summer. Can't believe Coach Cal didn't dip for Cleveland. The timing, money, and opportunity were picturesque.

If Blatt/Cavs falter this year, Coach Cal will bounce UK.
On a semi related do UK fans feel about potential life after Calipari? Are ya'll worried about all the penalties and sanctions coming down the minute he dips?

Nahh,I don't think anything will happen,I think he's running a clean program or as clean as anybody else(Word to UNC)When you're one of the most scrutinized programs in the country it's hard to get away with things,not impossible but hard...Just yesterday the AD did a radio interview on KSR and said he believes Cal will end his career at UK..Granted the NBA has the prestige,the Cavs have Lebron,and Cal probably has a chip on his shoulder from that mess with the Nets,UK will throw anything and everything at him to get him to stay they finally found a coach the fan base likes,Tubby was respected but not liked and Gillispie was pretty much universally hated.Around here Cal is basically God plus he's about to get a slice of the 210 million dollar media deal so his pay is about to go up a lot..
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