The College Basketball Post

Sounds like Larry Brown may have dropped off the bag.

Bill Self waiting in the wings also. Turner's recent play has his pops questioning if he is gonna really be pushed to improve at Texas to be one and done
You mean to tell me Mitch is the only top d1 player to get caught smoking L's? I only ask because ive never heard anyone getting suspended a year for that and you would think tons of players would be suspended a year.
The NCAA disgusts me.

Its stuff like this makes my blood boil when they claim to be about preparing or "developing" kids.

Mitch Mcgary wants to come back, and "develop" (the NCAA stated purpose) and you suspend him for a year for weed??!!

was it about development, when Myck kabongo self reports a minor violation and you suspend him for 90% of a season putting the final nail in his draft stock? That develop Myck?

I hate these people and I feel bad for mitch, hopefully all the people who told him to stay and "develop" can pitch in to make up for all his money he lost.
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Way more than a million.

True, true...if I was him I might stay in school. Nobody is going to take a first round pick on him with a back issue. His draft stock can't be worse at the moment. I probably would try to get the suspension reduced....train my *** off, come back and ball out in hopes of increasing my draft stock.

Right now he's looking at the 2nd round, Free agent deal, or D-league. IMO, being at Michigan trumps all those.
On the bright side him not coming out last year probably saved some GM's job. Dude was about to be a top 10 pick to put up Tyler Hansbrough career numbers at best.
Right now he's looking at the 2nd round, Free agent deal, or D-league. IMO, being at Michigan trumps all those.

if he's healthy he's locked into second round, his pedigree and will have teams willing to invest in him.

but staying at Michigan and not playing, then coming to the draft as a 24 years old, thats death. You won't be a first round pick, and you lose a year of salary and teams will perceive you as having less potential.

and if you get hurt again? you would be undraftable at that point.

staying would be insane.
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How did he face a year suspension though? Cfb players fail drug test and just take a 2-3 game hit
How did he face a year suspension though? Cfb players fail drug test and just take a 2-3 game hit

Thats where im confused lmao. Makes no sense.

But like, no other D1 player playing bball failed a drug test before? Ive never heard anybody miss a year
How did he face a year suspension though? Cfb players fail drug test and just take a 2-3 game hit
Because it was administered by the NCAA and not the school By failing a test administered by the NCAA, rather than his school, McGary was subject to the draconian Bylaw, which calls for a player to be "in­eligible for a minimum of one calendar year." A second offense, even for just marijuana, results in permanent banishment.
This is dumb as hell
How did he face a year suspension though? Cfb players fail drug test and just take a 2-3 game hit
Because it was administered by the NCAA and not the school By failing a test administered by the NCAA, rather than his school, McGary was subject to the draconian Bylaw, which calls for a player to be "in­eligible for a minimum of one calendar year." A second offense, even for just marijuana, results in permanent banishment.
This is dumb as hell

Thats interesting... Never heard that rule before.

I agree tho, dumb as hell for sure
F**k a split , we beat those bastards 4 out of the last 5 games.


i guess the NCAA only tests for performance enhancing drug during the season. Its up to the school to test for recreational drugs. Michigan's penalty is 3 games for a first offense, where BYU kicks you out of school. But the NCAA tests when the tournament starts, and if caught then, its a whole calender year. Michigan tested them all during the BIG10 tournament, he passed then, she smoked up after they won. NCAA has already changed its policy and its only half a year or season, forget which exactly. but since mitch was caught during the old penalty, it was the whole year.
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