The Chi [ A Showtime Original Series | Sundays @ 10 | Season 3 ]

I honestly watch every week and kind of suspend belief and try not to take everything too seriously so I can actually make it through the episode without SMH’ing too hard or think that I’m overanalyzing. Then I come in here and the reviews just confirm my suspicions and some :lol:

This show is just flat out bad. The storylines are poor top-to-bottom. The substance, development, conclusion. Horrible.

So there’s three episodes left and this powerful donor is just now endorsing a candidate? I told y’all a couple weeks ago they neglected this storyline. Now they’re just going to rush it to conclusion :smh

I concur with whoever said that Misha was getting her back blown out when Poppa came through or thst she has another man. The whole closing the door thing on top of what we saw with the no hand holding was OD. She been had ole boy stealing from the Lord and his father. Ima need Poppa to get his heartbroken and come back next season ripped and smashing all of Chicago’s baddies.

They better include Sonny in the whole Emmett/LaLa takeover storyline. They made it seem like the transition was going to be clean but it shouldn’t be. The man fired Emmett and within an episode, Emmett convinced a big shot commercial realtor to kick Sonny out so he could take over the lease? They make entire movies about that type of **** and Emmett is about to execute it in a scene and a half which occurred in 1-2 days period of time? Nah bruh.

I honestly thought Kev was going to ignore the call AGAIN when Gemma’s pops was laying into him. Hopefully he stops acting like a fake tough guy now.

Jake is going to do something to **** things up for Douda and the aftermath will play out with him and Trig in the following season. It makes sense plus it allows Lena to win and therefore be a prominent character next season :sick:

I wonder if Lena lurks and saw spacedoodoo spacedoodoo say he was done in Keisha wasn’t found this week. I said it would have to be rushed if it happened in Episode 7...and both were true. That whole rescue made little to no sense bruhs. I don’t even want to speak on it. Basic cable TV shows like NCIS and Law and Order SVU have better thought out rescues than that and they only have a single episode. Sad.

I will continue to watch but this show is beyond disappointing now. I feel like it’s more than myself or others in here being overly critical. The writing is just extremely lazy.
For whoever is coming back for next season I'll kinda look at this like a Showtime thing.

Shameless and Homeland had some pretty weak seasons deep in to their run and they bounced back. Maybe, hopefully with some bts changes the show will get better. I imagine Lena's role being limited might have to be a part of that.
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Finally got a chance to watch the episode early this week, won't my post my usual thoughts, since yall kind of covered what I was gonna post & I'm too tired today, but here some quick ones:

-I don't get the quick turn/lets evict Sonny. It's a change from Emmitt's character so far, so that was weird to me. :smh:
-Alot of x-men Mystique going on this season. Jake checking Douda now & Kevin getting back to being soft in front of his girl daddy etc. :lol:
-Dre aint giving up hope on Keisha, then the next scene with them she packing all of her ****. Then the whole sequence with her getting kicked out. :rofl:
Ronnie dancing. :rofl:
-As soon as I heard that Keeeeeyshhhaaa! I know Ronnie was about to find her. Honestly, the fact that this storyline is over NOW is the highlight of the episode to me.

Douda gonna lose this race if he keep trying to treat Kandi like an employee.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they try to make her pregnant by the end of the season.

I do agree that he’s gonna get screwed over for the simple fact of how they building up how she don’t wanna be public about being with him.

Kev spazzing on shawty then literally doing a 180 when she offered the yeeks had me weak cause that be real life.

I can definitely see them doing that to Keisha or LaLa, poppa will get played & 💯:lol:

I hate how this show cuts to the next scene. From dark/somber to joy and with no time to take in the prior scene.


Happy that’s done with. Buddy light weight tackled Ronnie and got him out the paint. One kick to the ribs got him laid up in the hospital :lol:

Dre a counselor? Telling her wife to start the grieving process after two months is wild.

Papa so sprung it got him stealing from the church and questioning his OG.

:rofl: :rofl:

They better include Sonny in the whole Emmett/LaLa takeover storyline. They made it seem like the transition was going to be clean but it shouldn’t be. The man fired Emmett and within an episode, Emmett convinced a big shot commercial realtor to kick Sonny out so he could take over the lease? They make entire movies about that type of **** and Emmett is about to execute it in a scene and a half which occurred in 1-2 days period of time? Nah bruh.

Jake is going to do something to **** things up for Douda and the aftermath will play out with him and Trig in the following season. It makes sense plus it allows Lena to win and therefore be a prominent character next season :sick:


I'm just watching the show for jokes at this point....

Nina packing Dre's strap, kicking her out....

Ronnie finding the spare crowbar in the garbage can outside, only to kick the door in with his feet...Was the crowbar like a special weapon you find in a video game?

I saw someone mention it a scan in the last page or so, but why weren't there any police at all when they took Keisha away in the ambulance, or why wasn't a police officer talking to Keisha? No evidence of Omari being arrested, taken away etc...

This whole plot device of Keisha getting kidnapped just for Ronnie's redemption is stupid, just have the ***** go to church and get saved, it ain't that hard. What a waste of 7 episodes...

I guess I'll just have to bury this show with Power....

On another note, I wonder what is Lena Waithe's endgame with the women on this show? NONE of them are positive. They all are trifling and angry, and I don't think it's right. So tired of the downtrodden Black woman trope, you'd think they'd have some sort of example of a decent woman on this show, but nah.....smh
I gotta hope they downplayed that all season and those two detectives have had a wire on Douda all season and they reveal it in the finale.

But thats probably asking too much.

With how the writing has been the whole season, aint no way in hell they appear. :lol:

I'm just watching the show for jokes at this point....

Nina packing Dre's strap, kicking her out....

Ronnie finding the spare crowbar in the garbage can outside, only to kick the door in with his feet...Was the crowbar like a special weapon you find in a video game?

I saw someone mention it a scan in the last page or so, but why weren't there any police at all when they took Keisha away in the ambulance, or why wasn't a police officer talking to Keisha? No evidence of Omari being arrested, taken away etc...

This whole plot device of Keisha getting kidnapped just for Ronnie's redemption is stupid, just have the ***** go to church and get saved, it ain't that hard. What a waste of 7 episodes...

I guess I'll just have to bury this show with Power....

On another note, I wonder what is Lena Waithe's endgame with the women on this show? NONE of them are positive. They all are trifling and angry, and I don't think it's right. So tired of the downtrodden Black woman trope, you'd think they'd have some sort of example of a decent woman on this show, but nah.....smh

Well most of the men seem pretty beta on here :lol:
With how the writing has been the whole season, aint no way in hell they appear. :lol:


Already confirmed the police will not be a part of this season

Well most of the men seem pretty beta on here :lol:

That's not what I was getting at. The show's over arching theme is the relationships between all the male characters (i.e Kevin/Brandon, Reg/Jake, Sonny/Emmett), not that the male characters are perfect, they're all flawed, and that's intentional and I get it. But they all have some positive sides to them, as well as teaching the younger males positive things in life and just being a mentor on one level or another. I don't see that with any of the female characters at all. They just aren't written as positive role models with anything positive to offer other female characters, at least not in the way the attention is given to the male relationships on the show.
Bruh people writing whole essays in this thread about how bad this show is... it’s really the worst season of any show I’ve ever watched and I’ve seen Game of Thrones and Power lol

I’ll just say a few things...

-tomas is dead wrong mind ya business
-why ain’t Lala shosing then yams like she did in power?
-why Emmett just dont start a cattering business why he gonna kick sonny out his spot?
-ole girl getting found by super Ronnie was so anticlimactic and where’d her get that crow bar just to use his feet? lol
-douda character went from menacing bad guy to corn ball in one season good job
-Lena waith character tryna play the feminist role but she’s a stud running for mayor?
-Afro girl was ready to give up the box but the scene before that was just all over the place between her and ole boy

I got more but this show is literally the worst show ever after two spectacular seasons I just watch it because it’s bad now lol
The way this episode ended had me thinking this was the season finale lol.

Ronnie's voice :sick:. Also him dancing in the middle of the street to no music is peak homeless man. He playin' the role perfectly.

Papa a good dude, but him fumbling through his pops cash :lol:. It wasn't believable to me, he don't have that type of heart.

I was petrified we were gonna be forced to sit though a sex scene with Kev and afro thunder. Lena Waithe needs to be arrested for her crimes against humanity.


LW can't act for ****.

Ronnie technically saved the day, but he got kicked in the gut and laid there lmfao. How was his face so beat up?

I'm glad they finally rescued Keisha, but what is next? They're gonna make her maniacal for the last couple of episodes?

Douda should've slapped the color back around Jake's lips. He was talking that fly sucka **** all episode.

Emmitt still gonna Emmitt. His character arch ******* sucks man. He has no progression. 3 seasons in and he's still the same dude from E1. All he does is have sex and scheme. Enough.

Emmitt and Tiff need until the end of the year to find a place? For all we know it could be April or it could be August. We don't ******* know.

Lala was scared to cater for 20 people? :lol:

Probably the best episode of the entire season, but that's not really saying much. I'm just glad Keisha was found tbh.
Already confirmed the police will not be a part of this season

The police not being a storyline is one thing. But how are going to have:
  • A city-wide blackout in the third largest US city (which happens to be one of the most violent)
  • Two major characters die (Brandon and Reg)
  • The disappearance of a teenager that lasted two months
  • Pedos running amuck (white dude that Ronnie/Dre beatdown)
  • Multiple break-ins (Ronnie looking for Keisha)
AND NOT A SINGLE COP APPEARS?!?! IN CHICAGO!! They got the GTA cheat code to make all the stars disappear or something? Could have at least thrown them a couple officers in at the diner getting coffee during Kev's birthday celebration with Gemma. Or maybe someone putting up tape around the kidnappers crib. But nope. he **** is going on...
Douda admitted to kiling Reg and Jake was just like

Douda admitted to kiling Reg and Jake was just like


How a man gonna tell you that he killed your brother and you can't even pause your game of 2K? :smh:

Also, because we're being petty and scrutinizing the writing...I wouldn't have thought of it until beh235 beh235 brought it up but I'm really pissed about the climate thing now.

So we know it's been two months since she first episode when the kidnapping happened to the 7th episode when Dre got her strap-on, beanies and t-shirts packed up. The kids are in school so that means it's some time August through June. I haven't seen any Moncliers, Hurt Locker or Canada Goose jackets so winter months are out. Meaning it's summer-to-fall or or spring-to-summer.

Well...looks like Chicago holds it mayoral election every four February. This show is fraudulent, man. Can't even get seasons to jive with their storylines :sick::smh:

They marginialized Poppa, arguably the most likable character after Brandon, to a thieving simp :smh:
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