The Cash Money ILLUSION: Birdman, Wayne, Drake (and Justin Beiber) EXPOSED!!! (vid)

"little girls listen to his music and they become convinced that justin beiber loves them"

yeah...if theyre ******ed
@ "Nothing" like it was some huge revelation.
If only yall knew how the Music Industry works alot of these dumb conspiracies would be thrown out the window.

Not gonna watch but let me guess did they show when Birdman and Big Mike went into the Freemason Grand Lodge in London?
i love how many people have been brainwashed to believe all this conspiracy/freemason stuff in music...all these documentaries take little things and blow it out proportion and make you believe them....its straight bs
I guess this will be talked about at the next DAR homie.....

You know how it is in the general section. Anything meaningful is frowned upon.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

I guess this will be talked about at the next DAR homie.....

You know how it is in the general section. Anything meaningful is frowned upon.

But how is this meaningful b???

Baby gon keep flossin regardless & dude gonna still be here in bummy B-More
lol, its entertainment,
you think everyone is living what they talk about, if you do you're a fool
That has to be one of the dumbest videos that i have ever seen...
So Justin Bieber is part of the movement cause his songs cater to young children who love him?

When he really doesnt at all.

And for everyone backing the OP instead of making empty statements why don't you "enlighten" everyone that isn't seeing the light or who doesn't get this because its way over our heads.

I'll be waiting.
I don't agree with the whole video but I do agree that people in the music industry that are successful know "how" to market. I would go as far as to say they are marketing gurus. I am not sure that the pawns, or musicians, know what they are doing when they sing their songs but everything, from the persona, the attitudes, the everything is well scripted to give off a lifestyle that people can admire. People want to be like these guys, but I am not at all surprised that the majority or society doesn't recognize they are being "brainwashed". That's the beauty of the way they are doing it.

Tell me what con is the best con? When you can have someone believe that what they are doing is right until they finally have to realize they have been duped!

I am not saying there is a conspiracy with Free Masonry or anything else. As far as I'm concerned there are some people who are thinkers, they wonder why, and there are those that just go along with life and don't question why. I like to call those people "Ignorance is Bliss" people.

I am a person that likes to know why things work the way they do, I have the mind of an engineer, so i question a lot of things. I like to understand the ins and outs.

For those that are the same type of people, they understand what the person that made that video is trying to say, things are not always as they seem. And I for one am a person that has understood that for a long time.

The people that responded saying this video is stupid, learn to think for yourself, question why more. You will find a whole new world will open up to you. Although I am sure that the majority will laugh off what I just said and that is how you know the con is working to near perfection.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

unfortunately, everytime i come to general i am reminded of why the future of humanity looks so grim and hopeless. it's quite sad. it is quite amazing how utterly ignorant such a large sect of society is. their success depends on the public's ignorance and stupidity, which is why the brainwashing techniques used by these artists works everytime with greater efficiency than they originally anticipated.
Shut up. Go back to talking about Foamposites in Nike Retro.

Baby gon keep flossin regardless & dude gonna still be here in bummy B-More

1. The use of "there" and not "their" annoyed the hell out of me.
2. How is the use of "you" and "we" by Justin Bieber/Drake any different from songs that teeny boppers have been singing about.
3. We all know, even his fans, that Wayne and Baby kiss.
4. We all know, even his fans, that Wayne lost his virginity @ 11.
5. There will always be weak minded people, no matter WHAT you throw at them when trying to kick knowledge.
6. The video had no real direction or purpose. Because their execution was heavily flawed.
7. I will continue to not listen to these artists because its a choice, not forced upon me.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I don't agree with the whole video but I do agree that people in the music industry that are successful know "how" to market. I would go as far as to say they are marketing gurus. 

this is true to a point. they're people that know how your brain works and how to force an artist on you. However its not a full proof sinister plan its an attempt to market and sell records. I know this because I see this going on. As far as a devil worshipping cult that is when the craziness begins and conspiracies theorist run amuck
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

I knew this thread would suck as soon as I saw Justin Beiber in the title with YM
I wish I was smart enough to come to that conclusion prior to wasting 17 minutes of my life watching that video.

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