Only person I blocked was JPTHE3
but I unblocked him.

really surprised I haven't seen my name
Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Ive only blocked Crank Lucas.

Dont plan on unblocking him either, my NT experience is so much better now.


Dude is one of the funniest dudes on NT...

And agthekid, I can tell you spend a lot of time on NT, lil guy. First your twitter family now you asking for dudes opinion on whether you should block someone or not.

Only NTer I've blocked is wawaweewaa, or whatever his name is.

Dude just takes skeptic/conspiracy theorist to an OD level, imo. And the tactics he uses in his replies is ridiculous.

Don't bother responding, because....well......
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by ST0NEFAYCE

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I've got a long list filled with lame losers. Off the top of my head I have:

Gordon Gekko
And a bunch of other lames whose names I can't remember.


Oh and for the record i wouldnt of quoted that PS, you're both going to get banned or suspended now. AKA Anthony, you've been reported.
only person i ever blocked which was a long time ago was gernimo, dude was getting on my nerves posting every 2 sec
Ppl getting confused between ignoring and blocking. But yes I have blocked ppl cause they seem to not understand I don't want them sending me messages.
Originally Posted by i LyricaLJKilla i

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Has anybody had to use this feature let?

I'm not a fan of blocking dudes on any kind of websites but some of the foolishness I've been seeing on here lately I might have to start blocking cats.

So I'm just trying to figure who else on NT has blocked anybody on here.

And don't but the person on blast, just PM me if you want.

Put them on blast, im thinking of blocking AKA Anthony, and Norega, those !#@$%$ *$$ %%%!*@

Yeah I got a few blocked though

One is a Kanye stan and the other is a music industry groupie in general....he would probably top the Dream off if he sung Fancy to him



At least you recognize your stanish ways.

You said something wild a like last summer...forgot what it was though
Originally Posted by CalvinJohnson

Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

Originally Posted by CalvinJohnson

You guys are taking too seriously ^

Didnt you pretend to be a girl for a couple months?
and i still got the hammer o_0

Yo.. Why you be using Calvins name like that though... That #$!$ really got me trippin!
Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Let's sit back and realize how foolish some of sound blocking usernames on a damn messageboard
I don't understand why people say this. I use NT for entertainment, if youdon't contribute to my entertainment what does it matter if Iblock you? It' really has nothing to do with "seriousness."

For the record I've never blocked or ignored anyone.
i have never and will prolly never feel the need to...its not that serious...and sometimes its funny and/or you could bemissing something
Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Has anybody had to use this feature let?

I'm not a fan of blocking dudes on any kind of websites but some of the foolishness I've been seeing on here lately I might have to start blocking cats.

So I'm just trying to figure who else on NT has blocked anybody on here.

And don't but the person on blast, just PM me if you want.

Put them on blast, im thinking of blocking AKA Anthony, and Norega, those !#@$%$ *$$ %%%!*@

Yeah I got a few blocked though

One is a Kanye stan and the other is a music industry groupie in general....he would probably top the Dream off if he sung Fancy to him

but i feel that tho.. if i were to use the block/ignore feature hed prolly be the only one on my list
Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Ive only blocked Crank Lucas.

Dont plan on unblocking him either, my NT experience is so much better now.


Dude is one of the funniest dudes on NT... And agthekid, I can tell you spend a lot of time on NT, lil guy. First your twitter family now you asking for dudes opinion on whether you should block someone or not.
at Lil Guy........Heres a
for such a good job.

I'm not even gonna get into an argument with you because you stay sounding like a jealous *%*#* towards me in your post. What your jealous of I don'tknow? But you have a issue with me for some reason so here another
. Kick rocks.

Good day to you sir.
Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Originally Posted by BlackTh0ught

Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Let's sit back and realize how foolish some of sound blocking usernames on a damn messageboard
I don't understand why people say this. I use NT for entertainment, if youdon't contribute to my entertainment what does it matter if I block you? It' really has nothing to do with "seriousness."

For the record I've never blocked or ignored anyone.

what a dumb excuse, made zero sense. if someone isnt contributing to your entertainment, you keep it moving. your reasoning for being on NT is the exact reason why you shouldnt have to block or ignore anyone. its not that serious, NT is for entertainment and your occasional informative thread/post. i dont know how 1 person out of thousands of us can bother you so much on the net for you to end up blocking them.

A dumb excuse? FOH, it's not an excuse son. I just can't believe some of yall think because someone utilizes the ignore/block feature that it makes NTserious business. Let people do them kid.
Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

NT is for entertainment and your occasional informative thread/post.
You don't make any sense. You seem to agree that NT is for entertainment and informative information. If an idividual doesn't contributeto the above and worse yet spams the forum with nonesense what exactly is wrong with putting them on ignore? I think you're confused. Are you under theimpression that it takes some great degree of dificulty to click 'ignore user' ?

I'm curious as to why you think ignoring someone makes NT more serious to one person than the next.
Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by I Heart Brooklyn

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Ive only blocked Crank Lucas.

Dont plan on unblocking him either, my NT experience is so much better now.


Dude is one of the funniest dudes on NT... And agthekid, I can tell you spend a lot of time on NT, lil guy. First your twitter family now you asking for dudes opinion on whether you should block someone or not.
at Lil Guy........Heres a
for such a good job.

I'm not even gonna get into an argument with you because you stay sounding like a jealous *%*#* towards me in your post. What your jealous of I don't know? But you have a issue with me for some reason so here another
. Kick rocks.

Good day to you sir.

Son why would I be jealous of you, duke?...stop storying, kid
Aight Mayor of KFC
I Heart Brooklyn is Mayor? I guess it makes sense now, what a waste of time, ol devils advocate playing *%%$#.
one time I was on NT and just wondering if the function worked and I blocked like 3 names who had posted dumb comments, is there a way I can check who it was?I don't even remember haha
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