The Army Reserves

Mar 28, 2009
Is anyone on here in the Army Reserves I am really considering enlisting within the next month, and I just want to know is it something that I should pursue and do I have a high risk if being sent to Iraq. You guys help will really be appreciated.
Is anyone on here in the Army Reserves I am really considering enlisting within the next month, and I just want to know is it something that I should pursue and do I have a high risk if being sent to Iraq. You guys help will really be appreciated.
i was thinking about this for the air force. but i dont want to leave my area right now...
i was thinking about this for the air force. but i dont want to leave my area right now...
Iraq? nah

Afghanistan? you bet!

j/k I'm not in so I can't possibly tell you what's up but I do know my cousin was shipped from S. Korea to Afghanistan recently.
Iraq? nah

Afghanistan? you bet!

j/k I'm not in so I can't possibly tell you what's up but I do know my cousin was shipped from S. Korea to Afghanistan recently.
dont do'll regret it, 4 yrs in the army. the reserves is pretty much the same malarchy. you fight for something you get none of...freedom. smh@ uncle sam
dont do'll regret it, 4 yrs in the army. the reserves is pretty much the same malarchy. you fight for something you get none of...freedom. smh@ uncle sam
Do some very biased research.

Look up everything you can about the negative aspects of the army reserve. Google all the horror stories people have to share about it. Find every blog and rant you possibly can that tells you why you shouldn't do it. Pretend everything they say is true.

Then weigh that against all the benefits and reasons you want to actually do it.

If you are still interested in joining even in a worst case scenario situation then by all means go serve your government/country proudly.

I have no bias either way but i would seriously want anyone who joins to go in knowing as much as they can. Not just stuff some recruiter spouts off about and not just stuff some anti-establishment hippie spouts off about. Take all the information you can and form your own opinion.
Do some very biased research.

Look up everything you can about the negative aspects of the army reserve. Google all the horror stories people have to share about it. Find every blog and rant you possibly can that tells you why you shouldn't do it. Pretend everything they say is true.

Then weigh that against all the benefits and reasons you want to actually do it.

If you are still interested in joining even in a worst case scenario situation then by all means go serve your government/country proudly.

I have no bias either way but i would seriously want anyone who joins to go in knowing as much as they can. Not just stuff some recruiter spouts off about and not just stuff some anti-establishment hippie spouts off about. Take all the information you can and form your own opinion.
Not even like that. I'm active, Yeah you regret it AT TIMES. but no biggy. theres a good chance you will get deployed, but i was nervous before i signed but now they prep you for it "train" and I'm hyped to go. I volunteered but they didn't let me. but reserves is good you get PAID. As military and if you pursue a civilian job as well similar to your MOS. Like I'm an MP, and if i were in the reserves and went correctional officer or something law enforcement. I would of got paid even more for OJT & school. I was late on the reserves. but No regrets. But who am i to say what you should do with YOUR life.
Not even like that. I'm active, Yeah you regret it AT TIMES. but no biggy. theres a good chance you will get deployed, but i was nervous before i signed but now they prep you for it "train" and I'm hyped to go. I volunteered but they didn't let me. but reserves is good you get PAID. As military and if you pursue a civilian job as well similar to your MOS. Like I'm an MP, and if i were in the reserves and went correctional officer or something law enforcement. I would of got paid even more for OJT & school. I was late on the reserves. but No regrets. But who am i to say what you should do with YOUR life.
Like he said, once you get trained, you are hyped to go overseas. I'm in the National Guard, and I've had a wonderful experience. I've already been to Japan and Thailand fun as $!*@. And yes, you do get PAID
Like he said, once you get trained, you are hyped to go overseas. I'm in the National Guard, and I've had a wonderful experience. I've already been to Japan and Thailand fun as $!*@. And yes, you do get PAID
Originally Posted by arhymingape12

Like he said, once you get trained, you are hyped to go overseas. I'm in the National Guard, and I've had a wonderful experience. I've already been to Japan and Thailand fun as $!*@. And yes, you do get PAID

I don't know much about the national guard but is it similar to the army reserve ?
Originally Posted by arhymingape12

Like he said, once you get trained, you are hyped to go overseas. I'm in the National Guard, and I've had a wonderful experience. I've already been to Japan and Thailand fun as $!*@. And yes, you do get PAID

I don't know much about the national guard but is it similar to the army reserve ?
Originally Posted by RLAK824

^ well I am really nervous about being deployed if I enlist.

You will be deployed eventually.

The chances last i heard were like 95%.

Whether you go to the middle east or not is more of a toss up tho.
Originally Posted by RLAK824

^ well I am really nervous about being deployed if I enlist.

You will be deployed eventually.

The chances last i heard were like 95%.

Whether you go to the middle east or not is more of a toss up tho.
Originally Posted by RLAK824

^ well I am really nervous about being deployed if I enlist.

if you're nervous about being deployed, why enlist in the first place?  As cliched as NT has made this phrase, it may sum up this idea of yours..."you're not about that life." 
Originally Posted by RLAK824

^ well I am really nervous about being deployed if I enlist.

if you're nervous about being deployed, why enlist in the first place?  As cliched as NT has made this phrase, it may sum up this idea of yours..."you're not about that life." 
ive actually been talkin to my boy about going in. i have a 5 year old son and id be doing PT (10 weeks) and MP (12 weeks) training. I have him all the time, mom has him on the weekends.she not good people for him to be around. but ive been wanting to be a cop (swat) for the longest but in the bay theyve been laying people off for the last 4 years. its been real ugly. So this may be the route im taking.
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