Thanks buddy

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senior flight

Feb 15, 2013
Anyone else cringe when someone tells them this?

not to be racist but I notice that usually white people use it towards me and I always think its some under cover hate

maybe Im reaching..... *waits for someone to say Bud, not Buddy

Definitely reaching, some people use buddy, some use bud, some use dude, man, bro, bruh, brah, etc.

My greek friend always says buddy in his strong greek accent :lol:
People have different ways of acknowledging strangers that they encounter. 
I think it's reaching if you feel that it is racist when white people use it because buddy is not a racial slur or derogatory.

However there has been one occasion where a white person has said "bro" to me before and I could definitely tell he was being racist with how he was using it and how he confronted me. He definitely wanted to call me something else, but that is just one occasion and I have never had a problem with anyone else that was white saying that to me though.

How was it said to you OP?
I think it's reaching if you feel that it is racist when white people use it because buddy is not a racial slur or derogatory.

However there has been one occasion where a white person has said "bro" to me before and I could definitely tell he was being racist with how he was using it and how he confronted me. He definitely wanted to call me something else, but that is just one occasion and I have never had a problem with anyone else that was white saying that to me though.

How was it said to you OP?
bro i'm not racist bro
Don't think it's racist, but usually think people are not taking me seriously/sarcastic when they say "buddy"
I've been called buddy before and i'm half white and look white so i don't think it's a race issue. Some people just say it like it's dude or bro, etc. I hate when someone calls me boss or guy.
Take it easy big guy

Calm down brah

You okay pal?

Troubled friend?
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You sort of have to elaborate as to *why* you think it's potentially racist. I thought that sort of went without saying? 
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