Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

i'm sorry, but if you insult someones recently dead sibling, you have to expect something. especially when its someones ONLY brother who recently committed suicide. the person is already filled with anger, depression, and guilt. you can't just say something out of pocket like that.

im not saying the dude was justified, but she knew that something was going to happen. and while being so near death is no fitting punishment for anything, I can honestly say I see why the guy did it.

and futhermore, had the roles been reversed, I'm sure people would feel more sympathetic towards the girl. im just sayin'.
best post.
Damn he literally stomped the girl to within an inch of her life.

Sad situation. The girl was out of pocket, but dude took that +%@$ waaaaaay too far. He'll get his.
kid goes to my old high school SMH.

He definitely OD'ed with the beating and she didnt deserve anything that severe, but with that being said she shouldve known she had something coming after that low blow.
should have kept her mouth shut. nobody asked her about her opinion on the relationship. nobody asked her about her opinion on his brother's suicide. what did she expect this kid to do? he was depressed, sad, angry and w/e emotion that ties with the suicide of a close loved one. kids/females/e-thugs need to be careful who the ruin their mouths on because not everybody is Bana( no shots, but you're a bigger person than me because jeebus help the person that talks about my recently dead relative) and will walk away. what he did was awful, but what mind frame do you think this dude was in? obviously not a sane one. jails isn't going to help this kid in anyway.
1) She's a *%%!@$!
2) He way OD'ed but I'm certain the kid is not in the right state of mind with a bro who committed suicide and all..
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Nothing that kid did was justified. You people treat this like an act of rage. He rode 3 MILES to hunt her down. He stopped home to put on steel toed boots to kick her. You serious? I hope he gets life in jail he doesn't deserve to live in society.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Umm.. Is it not? Exactly how is RAGE measured anyway? There are some people who would chase you for 20 miles down a highway and lay some hands on you if given the opportunity just because you cut them off.. Get outta here man [/color]

for a kid to go into a rage like that, i can believe that. its not right or justifiable, but i can believe see why he did it.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What I've been saying all along. I'm done in this thread.[/color]

An act of rage would have been if she said it too his face and then he flipped and beat her.  You have to be crazy and a terrible person to go on a man hunt like this.  He never met the girl in his life.  If he can't deal with a little girl saying a rude remark about his dead brother without beating her into a coma then he deserves to sit in a cell for a long...long time.

How can you people say she deserved this? Have you ever known anyone that has been through something like this.  She will be in and out of hospitals for treatment for the next 2 years.  She and her family will be financially crippled with medical bills for the rest of her life.  She will need a therapist for a really long time because she may think at any moment a man can beat her without even knowing her.  She will never have a comfortable relationship with a man ever again.  This incident will ruin her life on so many levels.  Over what? A text message??  No one deserves this over something so small. I don't care what words were said, they are just words not even threatening ones.
Sad story. Kid should've been getting help and there wouldn't be a mother with a girl in a coma and a mother without any sons. He needs to be in jail though. You can't condone premeditated attempted murder for any reason.

She deserved it. *%+%%+%% are *%+%%+%% whether they're 13 year old girls or not. Atleast she'll find out early in life that being a *@*$@! up person will get you *@*$@! up.
Its sad how to see this many people have that "lock him up and throw away the key" mentality. This is exactly why our prison system is a joke, nothing more than a revolving door.

Has anyone ever stopped to think at what kind of psychological drama this kid is going through? People are aware that his brother died, surely there must be something wrong in this household for one kid to hang himself and the other to act in such a vicious manner. Im willing to bet this boy had psychological problems even before he found his brother dead. Perhaps if we looked into all of these factors instead of just writing him off and forcing him to spend the rest of his life in prison, he might still have a chance. Its sad cause this "lets lock him up mentality" is nothing but a temporary "fix" on an enormous problem in this country.
We're not even giving our kids a chance anymore.
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

She deserved it. *%+%%+%% are *%+%%+%% whether they're 13 year old girls or not. Atleast she'll find out early in life that being a *@*$@! up person will get you *@*$@! up.

if she lives
the girl is barely hanging on for now

And yes the whole thing is a terrible situation.  Yes the kid was messed up and obviously there is something mentally wrong with him.  But that doesn't make it ok.  He doesn't deserve to live in normal society.  I'm not saying forget about him in jail but he needs to serve a lot of time.  He knows what he did was wrong he is a 15 yr old kid.  Not a sociopath.  He was living a normal life up until that point.  School, friends, normal kid.  He deserves what is coming to him.  
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

She deserved it. *%+%%+%% are *%+%%+%% whether they're 13 year old girls or not. Atleast she'll find out early in life that being a *@*$@! up person will get you *@*$@! up.

if she lives
the girl is barely hanging on for now

And yes the whole thing is a terrible situation.  Yes the kid was messed up and obviously there is something mentally wrong with him.  But that doesn't make it ok.  He doesn't deserve to live in normal society.  I'm not saying forget about him in jail but he needs to serve a lot of time.  He knows what he did was wrong he is a 15 yr old kid.  Not a sociopath.  He was living a normal life up until that point.  School, friends, normal kid.  He deserves what is coming to him.  

What normal life? His brother killed himself.
That was a broken home.
Girl should NEVER had said something like that, she'll learn from this
Dude should NEVER have OD'd on girl like that, I hopoe he learns from this.
Both are wrong, I hope to god she recovers ok
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

She deserved it. *%+%%+%% are *%+%%+%% whether they're 13 year old girls or not. Atleast she'll find out early in life that being a *@*$@! up person will get you *@*$@! up.

if she lives
the girl is barely hanging on for now

And yes the whole thing is a terrible situation.  Yes the kid was messed up and obviously there is something mentally wrong with him.  But that doesn't make it ok.  He doesn't deserve to live in normal society.  I'm not saying forget about him in jail but he needs to serve a lot of time.  He knows what he did was wrong he is a 15 yr old kid.  Not a sociopath.  He was living a normal life up until that point.  School, friends, normal kid.  He deserves what is coming to him.  

What normal life? His brother killed himself.
That was a broken home.

So do to the fact that it was a broken home its cool what he did?  People go through a lot in life my friend found his dad hanging in his bed room from a ceiling fan when he was 12 years old.  He doesn't destroy everyone that tries to make fun of him for it.  Everyone has hard times in life.  This kid deserves no pity for acting irrationally.  They can send him to a psychologist before he goes to prison and in some jails there are prison psychologist that work with these people and try and figure out what is wrong with him.

Sure treat him for like 3 years in a mental ward sure why not.  When he is healthy throw him in jail for 25 more years for what he did.  He obviously knew what he did was wrong he was crying in the court room.  He told his friends he was going to kill her he just acted like a moron.  And when dumb people do dumb things they go to jail.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

She deserved it. *%+%%+%% are *%+%%+%% whether they're 13 year old girls or not. Atleast she'll find out early in life that being a *@*$@! up person will get you *@*$@! up.

if she lives
the girl is barely hanging on for now

And yes the whole thing is a terrible situation.  Yes the kid was messed up and obviously there is something mentally wrong with him.  But that doesn't make it ok.  He doesn't deserve to live in normal society.  I'm not saying forget about him in jail but he needs to serve a lot of time.  He knows what he did was wrong he is a 15 yr old kid.  Not a sociopath.  He was living a normal life up until that point.  School, friends, normal kid.  He deserves what is coming to him.  

What normal life? His brother killed himself.
That was a broken home.

So do to the fact that it was a broken home its cool what he did?  People go through a lot in life my friend found his dad hanging in his bed room from a ceiling fan when he was 12 years old.  He doesn't destroy everyone that tries to make fun of him for it.  Everyone has hard times in life.  This kid deserves no pity for acting irrationally.  They can send him to a psychologist before he goes to prison and in some jails there are prison psychologist that work with these people and try and figure out what is wrong with him.

Sure treat him for like 3 years in a mental ward sure why not.  When he is healthy throw him in jail for 25 more years for what he did.  He obviously knew what he did was wrong he was crying in the court room.  He told his friends he was going to kill her he just acted like a moron.  And when dumb people do dumb things they go to jail.

Thats called being counter productive.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

the title of this thread made my head hurt.....

Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

these parts are horrible....it should read something like

Florida teen almost kicked to death by a boy she met via text message.....

EDIT:  I cant believe people are in here standing up for this piece of %@%#....When is it ever ok to hit a girl?  and no matter what was said about his dead brother he should not have taken things this far.  I hope this kid rots in jail, because he is a nut bag,  dude had a 3 mile bike ride to think about what he was doing.......

For all the people defending him, so if anyone says anything that pisses you off you get to put them in a coma......????  also, the girl who said something should never be the same again, have brain damage and a life of health problems because he cant control his anger??? 

I do hope she gets better...

Agree 100%
How yall dudes defending this, My thing is dude rode his bike three miles to stomp a girl head in.

During the three mile ride, dude didnt think to himself that this was stupid, he couldnt call anyone to talk too.

If she would have been in his face and said that I wouldnt even be mad, but he rode his bike three miles.
Originally Posted by devv

How yall dudes defending this, My thing is dude rode his bike three miles to stomp a girl head in.

During the three mile ride, dude didnt think to himself that this was stupid, he couldnt call anyone to talk too.

If she would have been in his face and said that I wouldnt even be mad, but he rode his bike three miles.
This is what I am saying.  Yes what the girl said was messed up but like he should have just cursed her out via text message.  What she said did not deserve what she got.  If he would have like broke her arm id be like that really sucks and is OD but like she did say something pretty messed up.

But the girl could be dead any day.  They removed her skull to alleviate pressure from her brain.  I just can't get over people saying she deserved it.  If she dies did she deserve that?? Did she deserve to die over a text message?

And who cares about being counterproductive.  You can't just let him back into society after being treated.  In court its going to come down to whether or not he knew what he was doing.  And the fact that he drove 3 miles on his bike to do it? He def knew what he was doing.  He is going to get 25-life and he deserves it
Diego, Well done my dude... You are one of the few people in this thread who actually know what they are talking about.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by devv

How yall dudes defending this, My thing is dude rode his bike three miles to stomp a girl head in.

During the three mile ride, dude didnt think to himself that this was stupid, he couldnt call anyone to talk too.

If she would have been in his face and said that I wouldnt even be mad, but he rode his bike three miles.
This is what I am saying.  Yes what the girl said was messed up but like he should have just cursed her out via text message.  What she said did not deserve what she got.  If he would have like broke her arm id be like that really sucks and is OD but like she did say something pretty messed up.

But the girl could be dead any day.  They removed her skull to alleviate pressure from her brain.  I just can't get over people saying she deserved it.  If she dies did she deserve that?? Did she deserve to die over a text message?

And who cares about being counterproductive.  You can't just let him back into society after being treated.  In court its going to come down to whether or not he knew what he was doing.  And the fact that he drove 3 miles on his bike to do it? He def knew what he was doing.  He is going to get 25-life and he deserves it

Im not saying she deserves what she got. Thats far from the truth.

What I am stressing is that there should be an alternative other than sending this boy to jail. This is what we as a society have gotten accustomed to doing and look at how far its gotten us (see extremely high prison populations). Dude has psychological problems that need to be evaluated before we can say lets send him to jail forever.

Dudes is in here acting like 25 years in prison cures all. Maybe if itll magically heal this girl then Id be for it, but thats not reality. Prisons aint !*$@ but breeding grounds for criminals. If hes not a criminal at 15, hell sure as hell be a cancer to society by the time he gets out. 

Youre not even scratching the surface of the problem. Dare to dig a little bit deeper on this issue.  
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