Teen Girl In Florida Kicked Almost To Death By Teen Boy She Has Never Meet Over Text Messages

Those of you who think this is justifiable wow...   It doesn't matter what she said, it's not worthtrying to take somebody's life over it.
Originally Posted by kien

you don't mess around when it comes to family members.

that girl probably thought she was real funny with the jokes, acting like she won't be held responsible for her actions

especially if we don't even know what her words were, and i highly doubt they threatened dude.

i'm not defending the girl, because i still don't think it's right for her to speak badly about his dead brother, but i don't feel that her punishment was deserved.

and to dude calling me Ghandi.. if the whole world acted the way i'm speaking, maybe it WOULD be a better place. supporting these sort of actions just contributes to a hostile society.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

this girl reminds me of alot of you dudes acting tough behind a screen only thing different is the boy knew where she was and he made that trip and gave her wat she was looking for i hope this is a lesson learned for her and everybody that read this story...............

and no he shouldnt have did that much but it is wat it is

Originally Posted by nikes23

Those of you who think this is justifiable wow...   It doesn't matter what she said, it's not worthtrying to take somebody's life over it.

again you reap what you sow.     the beatdown was od, but you never know that the words you say could cause someone to snap.

she crossed the line by speaking on his dead family  and he crossed the line by responding.

like it was said before,  be realistic,   if one of us went up to that girls mother, father, brother, sister, or any close relative and said
im glad your daughter got her face smashed in,  she was
before she got her face smashed in  now shes even more
and i think thats
  have a great day girls family members

how do you think they would react in response to that
This is why I feel people who commit suicide are selfish..... look at all the people this kid has affected. Because some lame dude couldn't handle life anymore, he pretty much destroyed the lives of two more young people. Sickening....
It's all based on where you are from.

To allow someone to talk about a family member who died, is crazy to me.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by kien

you don't mess around when it comes to family members.

that girl probably thought she was real funny with the jokes, acting like she won't be held responsible for her actions

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]As if words have never had some sort of  impact on Society[/color]

Originally Posted by DJ bana

and to dude calling me Ghandi.. if the whole world acted the way i'm speaking, maybe it WOULD be a better place. supporting these sort of actions just contributes to a hostile society.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Oh, trust me sweetheart, I'm with you on that.. But stop talking in the sense of "what if" and look at "what is".. Humans respond in various ways. This broad opened her trap disrespectfully and dude put her in her place.. The beat down was excessive, but not everyone is like YOU and will just turn their back and walk away.
The girl didn't start this at all this lame herb texted her trying to get at another little girl and she didn't give him what he wanted.

I highly doubt she was the aggressor in the texts just based of how this kid was so vicious in beating her but we'll see once the texts get leaked.
How can you defend this. The whole point is the kid didn't know anything about the girl. It was an off the cuff comment that's it. She wasn't threatening him. You people ar litterally saying if this 14 yr old girl came up to you and "dissrespected" your dead family member then you would "put hands on her". It's a female. I don't know how you were raised but that is not cool.

Nothing that kid did was justified. You people treat this like an act of rage. He rode 3 MILES to hunt her down. He stopped home to put on steel toed boots to kick her. You serious? I hope he gets life in jail he doesn't deserve to live in society.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

The girl didn't start this at all this lame herb texted her trying to get at another little girl and she didn't give him what he wanted.

I highly doubt she was the aggressor in the texts just based of how this kid was so vicious in beating her but we'll see once the texts get leaked.

Its interesting how her parents claim to have no clue of what the texts said. They claim that they only know whats been reported in the media.
Seems like a big lie since Im sure they would have access to the phone if the cops arent holding it as evidence. Based on the fact that they didnt want to discuss the what she said to trigger the dude, Id be willing to bet she said some pretty wild #**@.
He should have just cut her off. They both did something wrong and they're both paying for the consequences in two different ways.
sad situation.

she shouldn't have said what she did about the suicide, but she had no idea he would react the way that he did.

for a kid to go into a rage like that, i can believe that. its not right or justifiable, but i can believe why he did it.

sad part of this is them saying this was a pre-meditated murder. we all say that we're gonna kill someone when we're pissed, but most of us don't mean it. those texts will pretty much damn him though. sympathy will be on the girls side, not on the emotional guy who lost it. either way though, theres some sort of imbalance in him that caused him to react that way, instead of confronting her without violence.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Nothing that kid did was justified. You people treat this like an act of rage. He rode 3 MILES to hunt her down. He stopped home to put on steel toed boots to kick her. You serious? I hope he gets life in jail he doesn't deserve to live in society.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Umm.. Is it not? Exactly how is RAGE measured anyway? There are some people who would chase you for 20 miles down a highway and lay some hands on you if given the opportunity just because you cut them off.. Get outta here man [/color]

for a kid to go into a rage like that, i can believe that. its not right or justifiable, but i can believe see why he did it.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What I've been saying all along. I'm done in this thread.[/color]
Originally Posted by anygivensunday

^^ exactly what casper said...

No one in here is saying that the kid shouldn't be punished or sent to jail... but a lot of people aren't feeling sympathy for the chick simply because she pretty much created this situation by talking that %+$%.
Hope dude gets charged as an adult and does some years. You can't have a kid like this roaming the school hallways.

She def shouldn't have mentioned her brother. You just don't know how people are going to act. She was def wrong for that.
Originally Posted by janoy

Steel toed boots!?

Edit- Anybody know the reason or purpose to why doctors put people in comas?

slow the brains activity.  same reason why if you have a heart attack, they may cool your body down to a cool 94 degrees so that your brains activity needs are low since blood going to the brain is decreased.
Originally Posted by ncjamn

Hope dude gets charged as an adult and does some years. You can't have a kid like this roaming the school hallways.

She def shouldn't have mentioned her brother. You just don't know how people are going to act. She was def wrong for that.
Uhh what?

@ trying to "voice" your opinion, when you don't even know what you are talking about.
Word she definitely created some drama there. He shouldn't have done what he did, but I can see why he would do that.
Who knows, dude could have been perfectly normal. I mean, the closest person to him just committed suicide and she made FUN of that? I have no experience in dealing with that kind of situation, but I could see someone getting very upset with that...
I dunno man she got reckless and paid the price. It seems like excessive force but you don't give out your opinion when your not asked and you definitely dont make light of a family members death
Originally Posted by HigherGround

1. 15 year old 8 grader?
 and he rode his bike 3 miles
...  but in all seriousness, she did go too far by making fun of his dead brother, but stomping her out? maybe a backhand, but really to ride your bike 3 miles to stomp out a girl, you need some help...
and for the dudes thats saying he shouldnt have even touched her cuz she a female you fools are the very reason females have the nerve to even say and do such bold $$+% with out a fear in the world of anything coming out of it
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