Teen denied heart transplant due to bad grades and trouble with the law according to family

breaking and entering
firing a gun at a person
running from the police
hitting a pedestrian

Just kid stuff

Lol I'm saying tho! Some of you dudes really trippin hard acting like this story so sad. This **** almost sounds like a joke out of one of them spoof movies, Scary Movie 2 esque. The twitter convo is even worse, borderline looks on purpose, like I bugged out laughing, had to hold my chest (no pun intended).

But seriously captain sympathy in here when I was 17 I was better than this scumbag and even when I was 15 I was still better than this scumbag and I'm sure someone on that list was more deserving of that heart than this scumbag. I'm 22 and when I was those ages I was looked at as a conscious, mature adult. We bring it on ourselves to be honest. Yea I've gotten wiser since then, but it no way was it ever the case that I didn't know that my actions have consequences when I was this kid age. He knew better. He had probably heard it enough times going through the media frenzied transplant in the first place and then 2 years living after it. Fam knew better.

Btw dude didn't just shoot a dog with a pellet gun either, he shot at an old lady after breaking into her house and then stole a whip ran somebody over and crashed it. That's not no teenage stuff man. What if that was your grandma he almost killed? What if that was your mom he ran over? Bet you'd take your cape off then. Smh dude wasted a heart basically. Some y'all way too soft playin sad songs on your lil violins. like turn air bud off go outside play ball or sumn man bad **** happen everyday
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Lol I'm saying tho! Some of you dudes really trippin hard acting like this story so sad. This **** almost sounds like a joke out of one of them spoof movies, Scary Movie 2 esque. The twitter convo is even worse, borderline looks on purpose, like I bugged out laughing, had to hold my chest (no pun intended).

But seriously captain sympathy in here when I was 17 I was better than this scumbag and even when I was 15 I was still better than this scumbag and I'm sure someone on that list was more deserving of that heart than this scumbag. I'm 22 and when I was those ages I was looked at as a conscious, mature adult. We bring it on ourselves to be honest. Yea I've gotten wiser since then, but it no way was it ever the case that I didn't know that my actions have consequences when I was this kid age. He knew better. He had probably heard it enough times going through the media frenzied transplant in the first place and then 2 years living after it. Fam knew better.

Btw dude didn't just shoot a dog with a pellet gun either, he shot at an old lady after breaking into her house and then stole a whip ran somebody over and crashed it. That's not no teenage stuff man. What if that was your grandma he almost killed? What if that was your mom he ran over? Bet you'd take your cape off then. Smh dude wasted a heart basically. Some y'all way too soft playin sad songs on your lil violins. like turn air bud off go outside play ball or sumn man bad **** happen everyday

Honestly, everything youre defending is after the fact perspective.

my issue with those of you saying the kid didn't deserve that heart is that we as people should not be making that call based on favoritism, but based on need.

There will always be someone on some list more deserving of the prize than we are, and there will always be a list because there are more patients than donors. But In my opinion, The most unbiased way to go about it is having everyone wait on a list in order of direct need. People should not have to bring a resume to their heart transplant surgeries and doctors should not have the power to take on the God-complex of deciding that "Blue eyed Blake deserves that heart more than Jamal, or Carlos, or Bao or trailer park Marshall because the doctor's realllllly got a good feeling about Blake and his future".

you can argue that it works like that in the academic world, but we are all well aware of the controversies and debates surrounding that system. Don't be surprised when the patient pool starts getting a little more skewed and those with good money, strong educations and silver spoons get selected over the kid buying food stamps in front of you at the grocery store.

There is no such thing as a wasted heart. Im an organ donor myself and I want it to go to the person most in need, not the one who doctors think will make the most of it or live the longest with it. It would make me just as proud if not more, to give my organ to a poor kid who would live an extra 5 days than a rich kid who may end up being a Rhodes Scholar one day if the selection was based on need.


Co-co-co-co-combo breaker

No way id defend this kid. He lived that life and deserved to die living that life. Its a shame the heart couldnt of gone to another person, but thats life and nothing we can do about it now
Kids will be kids isn't me justifying hours actions. Its me saying young men usually make some decisions they regret around that age.. I did.. Alot of people I know did.

We got second chances to right our wrongs.. People mature. People grow up. It took me until I was 22-25 for the "light bulb to come on "..I'm just glad I had supportive people in my corner steering me right.

Just curious if you believe the same thing to be true of the SAE idiots from OU....
I don't even post on here that much.

I do recall that one time you tried calling me a SWS, tho.

Then I tell you where I'm from and your response was something like "well, Argentina is corrupt".

...but I digress.

Argentina? What the hell are you talking about lmaoo i don't remember this convo but I guess you do

But it must've been awhile ago which goes back to me saying this is your pattern

Also white supremacy isn't "European" only

I feel sorry for you...b/t your africa comment in the Kendrick thread and this....idk what to say
Kids will be kids isn't me justifying hours actions. Its me saying young men usually make some decisions they regret around that age.. I did.. Alot of people I know did.

We got second chances to right our wrongs.. People mature. People grow up. It took me until I was 22-25 for the "light bulb to come on "..I'm just glad I had supportive people in my corner steering me right.

Just curious if you believe the same thing to be true of the SAE idiots from OU....

This dude was going to prison if he didn't kill himself :lol:

SAE idiots (even tho only one is at the forefront) got caped by some civil rights *****. He will go along and live a good life and not be an outcast. The people the chant were aimed at aren't the people he will work for.
Even though he was a criminal,it was wrong to originally deny him a heart. But in hindsight, it looks like it was a waste of time giving him a heart since he still ended up dead. The change of heart, didn't change his ways.
Man what the hell are you even talking about.

Since when is death a suitable punishment for any of the crimes he committed?

It wasn't like he was trying to kill himself, his knucklehead action lead to his death, that doesn't mean he deserved to die.

-BTW, what was your previous SN?
These dudes minds were already made up..

He ran from the cops, so he must of deserved to die..

No.. He deserved to do 3-5 like anybody else in his position..

And dude was 17 man... 17... Let that sink in.. Y'all saying a kid deserves death.. That's just disgusting coming from what I assume are a bunch of grown men.

Kids will be kids isn't me justifying hours actions. Its me saying young men usually make some decisions they regret around that age.. I did.. Alot of people I know did.

We got second chances to right our wrongs.. People mature. People grow up. It took me until I was 22-25 for the "light bulb to come on "..I'm just glad I had supportive people in my corner steering me right.

Now it's up to me to repay that favor too troubled youths. Y'all see a dude that deserved death, I see a young knucklehead that needs to see a way out...

I don't wish death on anybody.. Death is real.. Death hurts.. Ive experienced that pain and unless you killed someone else or other extreme cases, I rarely think that's a proper punishment.

Y'all obviously never made mistakes in life and can comfortable speak perched way up there on your high horse tho...
1. 3-5 for assault with a deadly, carjacking, evading arrest, vehicular assault, strong arm robbery.....? what.... he was at least 10+

2. I never said he deserved death through the legal system.... PHYSICS decided he deserved death

3. nobody wishing death.... how can you "wish" for an outcome that somebody already gave to themself?

4. He made a mistake... . assaulted and almost killed a few people then HE KILLED HIMSELF...that's the outcome of his own decisions.... i don't see how he can not deserve something that he did to himself....

I guess people who eat fastfood all day don't deserve to be fat?

people who have sex unprotected don't deserve to get STD's?

people who sign up to boxing classes don't deserve to get punched?

people who work a corporate job don't deserve to have to wear a suit and tie everyday?

Even though he was a criminal,it was wrong to originally deny him a heart. But in hindsight, it looks like it was a waste of time giving him a heart since he still ended up dead. The change of heart, didn't change his ways.
it wasnt wrong to deny him... he failed the criteria....

i guess it's wrong for my license to get suspended for a dui?

i don't deserve to take the bus?
Even though he was a criminal,it was wrong to originally deny him a heart. But in hindsight, it looks like it was a waste of time giving him a heart since he still ended up dead. The change of heart, didn't change his ways.
nah he should've stayed denied 
My boy worked security at that hospital when this was going on. He said dudes family was in there wilding out and from what he remembered part of the reason he got denied was because the kid wasn't taking his heart medications.
Honestly, everything youre defending is after the fact perspective.

my issue with those of you saying the kid didn't deserve that heart is that we as people should not be making that call based on favoritism, but based on need.

There will always be someone on some list more deserving of the prize than we are, and there will always be a list because there are more patients than donors. But In my opinion, The most unbiased way to go about it is having everyone wait on a list in order of direct need. People should not have to bring a resume to their heart transplant surgeries and doctors should not have the power to take on the God-complex of deciding that "Blue eyed Blake deserves that heart more than Jamal, or Carlos, or Bao or trailer park Marshall because the doctor's realllllly got a good feeling about Blake and his future".

you can argue that it works like that in the academic world, but we are all well aware of the controversies and debates surrounding that system. Don't be surprised when the patient pool starts getting a little more skewed and those with good money, strong educations and silver spoons get selected over the kid buying food stamps in front of you at the grocery store.

There is no such thing as a wasted heart. Im an organ donor myself and I want it to go to the person most in need, not the one who doctors think will make the most of it or live the longest with it. It would make me just as proud if not more, to give my organ to a poor kid who would live an extra 5 days than a rich kid who may end up being a Rhodes Scholar one day if the selection was based on need.
Bro, you really don't understand how organ donation works. Like, not at all. It's 100% based on need & match. It has nothing to do with future potential…Steve Jobs ring a bell? "Bring a resume to their heart transplant surgeries"? LOLWUT? The hell are you talking about? 

If you're an "A2" or "B" patient that's been on the list since last year, and an "A1" patient is admitted today, they take priority and you are moved back. If that's not based on need, I don't know what is. Now to be on the list in the first place, you need to be compliant with the criteria…which is there for a reason. 

I'm an organ donor as well, and hope all NT'ers participating in this thread are too. It's amazing how we can impact others lives just by way of donating organs after we pass. 
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My boy worked security at that hospital when this was going on. He said dudes family was in there wilding out and from what he remembered part of the reason he got denied was because the kid wasn't taking his heart medications.

you sound like a broad coming in here with gossip.

"....ooh chile, I heard..."
My boy worked security at that hospital when this was going on. He said dudes family was in there wilding out and from what he remembered part of the reason he got denied was because the kid wasn't taking his heart medications.
you sound like a broad coming in here with gossip.

"....ooh chile, I heard..."

this thread title is gossip... 
it's a done deal....he got the heart and went out as a criminal...I'm sure he isn't the first or the last person to receive a transplant who ended up not being ****.

As a 15 year old he rustled grown *** men who didn't want him to get a transplant. Now that is funny

He died "stillln" and now look who old *** is celebrating

I'll be in the german pilot thread sifting through the anger over there....I'm sure I'll see the usual suspects
it's a done deal....he got the heart and went out as a criminal...I'm sure he isn't the first or the last person to receive a transplant who ended up not being ****.

As a 15 year old he rustled grown *** men who didn't want him to get a transplant. Now that is funny

He died "stillln" and now look who old *** is celebrating

I'll be in the german pilot thread sifting through the anger over there....I'm sure I'll see the usual suspects

sometimes you let your race issues get the best of you, you need to learn to stop seeing everything as black and white and actually look at the situation at hand
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