Teen denied heart transplant due to bad grades and trouble with the law according to family

stilln729 if u could immediately vacate my genital area that would be great.  

all im saying is this doesnt happen to people with money and/or some sort of status.  

now go hit the google and try to find that one obscure case proving me wrong..
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props to the fam, they made up some *******t that they're emotions potentially lead them to believe is actually true, they contacted reporters about it, and if everything goes well saved their son's life from certain death.

ends justifying the means here. to me this was also something that shouldn't have even been news (it was on national news on ABC.) I think race has just been a hot topic in the news lately, and here's another situation that brings up the discussion of race, and a young black kid who isn't a saint, in a controversial situation. it's got a very subtle hint of Trayvon. (btw before people go in on me about saying Trayvon wasn't a saint, I strongly believe Zimmerman should be doing life behind bars.)

the crazy thing to wonder now is, what happens if the kid was an average non-black/non-hispanic student without any criminal record, but has a history of non-compliance? There's no controversial bit to make a story out of, he becomes just another unlucky kid who has a history of non-compliance, there is no story, we never hear about shorty, and 6 months later he's dead. even though he did "the right thing" more than this kid did.

I could be reaching like MJ in Space Jam, but maybe if Trayvon doesn't die and there is no flavor of the month of young black kid who isn't perfect/Race in America, then people wouldn't care to report this story and he dies. Maybe Trayvon's death saved this kid's life.
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kendrick lamar was on the list. dropped a verse last night, moved straight to the top and knocked homeboy off.

nobody safe from kendricks verse ::smh
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OP needs to do more research!
Family friends told the reporter this crap and the reporter went it even without fact checking!
I am surprise family friends didn't add race into the mix

Regardless the kid is on the list now 3 days after the news report.


@ being denied over bad grades and trouble with the law.... these reporters are such imbeciles.
Well there you have it.
Truth of the matter is the hospital doesn't want to waste surgery time or cost of procedures on a black dude that probably doesn't have insurance and they feel is just going to end up in jail or that's going to continue breaking the law. They will try to be as p.c. as possible and beat around the bush.
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If the parents were really non-compliant then public complaining and possible fabrication by friends shouldn't get him on the list

It's not the kid's fault, he's only 15. Hope he gets it and the parents wise up
Truth of the matter is the hospital doesn't want to waste surgery time or cost of procedures on a black dude that probably doesn't have insurance and they feel is just going to end up in jail or that's going to continue breaking the law. They will try to be as p.c. as possible and beat around the bush.

You cannot be serious.
stilln729 if u could immediately vacate my genital area that would be great.  

all im saying is this doesnt happen to people with money and/or some sort of status.  

now go hit the google and try to find that one obscure case proving me wrong..

You know **** Cheney had to wait 20 months for a new heart? You know the average wait time is only six months to a year? Cheney is about as "privileged" as it gets and he received no special treatment. The only special treatment he might have received was due to his age, but older heart transplant patients are becoming more common these days.
Truth of the matter is the hospital doesn't want to waste surgery time or cost of procedures on a black dude that probably doesn't have insurance and they feel is just going to end up in jail or that's going to continue breaking the law. They will try to be as p.c. as possible and beat around the bush.
Also, isn't it racist to assume the people in charge at the hospital are all white and racist? What if the chief of medicine is black? What if one (or more) of the doctors and nurses working with this kid are black? You don't know anything about the situation other than what the family told the media (a bunch of non-medical related stuff, at that). All you're doing is making baseless claims off assumptions, which is just as dangerous.
I Love America. Complain and complain and you get what you want. So what about the other kids/adults that were compliant with regular Dr visits and taking their meds? Does he get put ahead of them now just to a avoid bad press? Will his family complain again if the hospital deems the donor heart not suitable for him but for someone else? Every child deserves the right to live but still I believe rules must be followed.
I Love America. Complain and complain and you get what you want. So what about the other kids/adults that were compliant with regular Dr visits and taking their meds? Does he get put ahead of them now just to a avoid bad press? Will his family complain again if the hospital deems the donor heart not suitable for him but for someone else? Every child deserves the right to live but still I believe rules must be followed.

So what were they suppose to do? "welp son they won't put you on the list I guess we'll just wait til one day your heart stops"
If **** Cheney's unscrupulous self can receive a heart transplant at age 71, then there's no reason why that kid or anyone, for that matter, should have to wait if there's a donor organ ready and available.

So what were they suppose to do? "welp son they won't put you on the list I guess we'll just wait til one day your heart stops"

I'm sure the doctors had their reasons as to why this kid isn't on the list.

Rather than the reasons being portrayed in this article to try and drive on the emotions of people.

Rather than provide facts as to why he was placed, they gave assumptions and reaches :rolleyes to play on the emotions of people as create some type of emotional response and reaction.

So now what? The next time someone doesn't qualify for this list? They go to the news with some bleeding heart story about "welllll it could be so and so reasons, Maybe and maybe not"

And now that person gets added to the list? And what about the people that were on there before him ? Etc?
I'm sure there reasons weren't substantial enough otherwise he wouldn't be on the list now. If my kid is being denied I'm definitely going to the news/social media. Make every attempt to save my child's life, I'm not thinking about someone else at that point.
denying a CHILD a heart transplant?


You're playing right into what this kid's family wants you to think. They're trolling for sympathy by tugging at everyone's heart strings. They know what they did by making him seem like the poor black kid being jerked around by the big, bad white hospital. The protocols are so stringent, that one little deviation is all it takes to strike you from the list. Sucks, but thems the rules.
So what were they suppose to do? "welp son they won't put you on the list I guess we'll just wait til one day your heart stops"

I'm sure the doctors had their reasons as to why this kid isn't on the list.

Rather than the reasons being portrayed in this article to try and drive on the emotions of people.

Rather than provide facts as to why he was placed, they gave assumptions and reaches :rolleyes to play on the emotions of people as create some type of emotional response and reaction.

So now what? The next time someone doesn't qualify for this list? They go to the news with some bleeding heart story about "welllll it could be so and so reasons, Maybe and maybe not"

And now that person gets added to the list? And what about the people that were on there before him ? Etc?
I'm sure there reasons weren't substantial enough otherwise he wouldn't be on the list now. If my kid is being denied I'm definitely going to the news/social media. Make every attempt to save my child's life, I'm not thinking about someone else at that point.

Others don't understand because once again, they're just a third part observer reading a story on the internet.
Also, isn't it racist to assume the people in charge at the hospital are all white and racist? What if the chief of medicine is black? What if one (or more) of the doctors and nurses working with this kid are black? You don't know anything about the situation other than what the family told the media (a bunch of non-medical related stuff, at that). All you're doing is making baseless claims off assumptions, which is just as dangerous.
a nurse would have no say so in that decision
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