Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other than their music sucking besides their first album, which was decent, I have to deal with people who think they're hardcore because they listen to fairy, emo, puffball metal like Atreyu...usually specifically Atreyu.  It does not amuse me.
Metallica up to and through the black album is top notch in my opinion (mainly because of Cliff on the first 3), and after that I still like about 5 songs off each album.  As for Megadeth, I like about 10 songs total and that's on a generous day.

Originally Posted by BCF06

YeahI'm not a big fan of his attitude but in my opinion he is a betterguitarist than Kirk. But like you I prefer Metallica over Megadeth.

Seriously?  I'm not trying to start an argument or anything and I respect your opinion, I just think Kirk's playing is far more elaborate than Dave's.  It seems like every Megadeth song is a *%%* ton of power chords played fast and that's about it where as Metallica uses appreggios and picking out of notes more to layer thier songs with.  They can both shred for days, but it seems like Kirk's solos fit in the song more.  Just my opinion...

Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Originally Posted by T i c a l

Ican't stand Mustaine.  I loathe his life.  He is honestly one of the 5people I'd choose to fight to the death in a circle of fire.

- Tical.

Is Lupe anywhere near those other 4?

You gotdamn right.  Chad Kroger is #1 though, after him it goes Lupe, Mustaine, Sasha Vujacic (sp), and Jerry Jones in no particular order.

- Tical.

Thanks, dude. I haven't had a laugh like that in my entire life. I'm not trying to start an argument either, but you'd have to be exceptionally demented to believe for a second that Kirk is a better guitar player than Dave. Saying Kirk can "shred for days" is hilarious. I challenge you to listen to one of Kirk's wah-saturated attempts at shred, then listen to anything Mustaine has ever played, and with a straight face, tell me that Kirk could hold Dave's jock. If that isn't enough, watch this video and then tell me they belong in the same discussion.

Your assessment of both bands leads me to believe that you've never actually listened to Megadeth. If you truly believe every Megadeth song is a bunch of power chords played fast, you couldn't possibly be more off base. Yes Megadeth is fast, far faster than Metallica ever was, but at the same time, the riffs they play are infinitely more technical than anything Metallica ever did. Matter of fact, both bands are extremely keen on power chords, as this is the basis of metal, thrash in particular, but the vast majority of Metallica songs are just that. The word you're trying to use is arpeggio's, and Megadeth utilizes them far more and better than Metallica ever has, and the layers of their songs are far more elaborate. As an aspiring guitar player and in the first few years learning the instrument, I always marveled at their ability to play incredible technical passages in odd time signatures and still rock out. Where as, at 14/15 years old, I had nearly every Metallica song from Kill em All to the Black album down (solos and all). I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Metallica from my years of worship, but there is no doubt whatsoever that Megadeth is superior in every way. Oh, and don't even get me started in the comparison of the drums. Megadeth has that in a landslide.
Damn Matt you didn't even give me a chance to answer back. You said everything I meant to say only I would have said it a little nicer. But you took the words out of my mouth as far as the argument. I argue this countless times with my uncle. Metallica is always in my heart as One was the first metal songs I ever heard in my life when I was about 3. Kirk is a great guitarist but I do think Kirk sounds the same on a lot of songs and that wah pedal is overused (He's almost as bad as Zakk Wylde's obsession with the whammy bar). I swear almost every song has it and it gets old. It is a trademark of his but sometimes its time to change it up a bit. Mustaine is a hell of a lot more technical which I tell my uncle repeatedly. If you haven't heard much of Megadeth just listen to the first four albums alone (Killing is my Business, Peace Sells (guitar heaven), So Far So Good So What, and the legendary Rust in Peace. Even Countdown has some amazing solos. I don't play guitar but a lot of my friends that do have stated Metallica was easier to learn. I have a friend who is still trying to learn Good Mourning Black Friday of Megadeth and it pisses him off cause he still can't get it.

As much as Dave is a punk trying playing his parts and singing at the same time has gotta be tough. This explains the sucky vocals at times but they are unique and fit the style of Megadeth.

I will say that Jaymz is a hell of a Rhythm guitarist.

As for Lars, the dude is just too basic. I think he did a decent job on And Justice for All but thats it. My uncle tried to argue with me on Lars being better than Nicko from Maiden. He got the biggest laugh out of me.

Don't take the arguing personal Tical we Metalheads just love us a good discussion sometimes and can argue for hours.  By the way whats the hate on Sasha Vujachic, as as a Spurs fan I don't like him either but he is annoying.  As for Jerry Jones I don't blame you on that one but did is just trying to make money.
Don't get me wrong though Metallica is great and their music just goes well together but when you break them down individually it just gets ugly. Only one I would say is in the great status individually is Jaymz. Vocals and Rhythm are awesome.
Just one thing about your post, bro. Zakk Wylde doesn't use a wammy bar. His guitars, like almost all Gibsons, have a tunomatic fixed bridge. What you're looking for is the pinched harmonics, which I completely agree. The dude can't get through a freaking riff without one, and it drives me up a wall. It's been a long time since anything Zakk did impressed me. I once read in an interview that he doesn't like wah pedals, thinks they're for people without right hands, and that he only uses one for a "treble boost". Its been awhile since I've listened to BLS, but I know for certain there is wah action in Bleed for Me and Stillborn, if I'm not mistaken. I know I've heard solos of his live that are just littered with wah, as if he was trying to impersonate Hammett haha.

Speaking of Dave's singing, I downloaded the Peace Sells album pack for Rock Band 2 when it was first released, keeping in mind I can play half the songs on that record. I took one of the mic stands from our jam room home, so I could sing and play at the same time. That was a huge mistake. I had the guitar on expert and the vocals on medium, and I'll tell ya, a couple of the songs I did well with both (think those were Wake Up Dead and the title track), a few I did alright at the guitar parts, but the rest I just flat out failed. It amazes me how he can sing over some of that stuff, much like Schuldiner with Death.
Thanks for the info man on the guitar I'm definitely no expert and I've never seen him live or in videos to know I pretty much spoke on sound but I checked out a video and I see the pinch there man big difference. Schuldiner was a beast man no explaining how he did it. By the way man since your pretty knowledgeable on the guitar and play it. What do you think of Iced Earth's stuff man I've always loved and been intrigued with the guitar playing and style its definitely unique to me. Have you ever tried playing some of that. I love the guitar work on a lot of the songs especially, the whole Iced Earth album, and Night of the Stormrider.

Also Mercyful Fate man. No one has or do I think can duplicate their guitar sound its definitely different. I heard King Diamond mention that when they tried remastering that they literally had to learn it again and hear some songs to remember.

By the way Hank Shermann and Michael Denner are Beasts.
No problem, bro. Just tryin to help out! The thing about Schuldiner was that the guitar parts and the vocal patterns were often erratic. Seldom did his vocals match what he was doing on the guitar, which a lot of guys do when they do both, and that made what he did even more amazing. It absolutely kills me, with him as such an influence on my playing and Death being the 1b to Iron Maiden as my 1a, that I will never see that band live. Although, if there is ever a chance to do a Death tribute album with a bunch of different musicians, I would do that in an absolute heart beat. I've also been trying to get my dudes to cover some, hopefully Bite the Pain or Flesh and the Power it Holds.

To be honest, Iced Earth is one of those bands I never got into. Not because they aren't a good band or anything. I just never had anybody around me that was into them, or anything like that. I checked them out briefly when I learned Tim Owens had replaced Rob Halford in Priest. I remember being exceptionally bitter when I heard an Iced Earth Maiden cover (I believe it was Hallowed be thy Name, since everyone decides to cover that haha) and thinking Priest got this guy, but Maiden was stuck with %%@%$!@ Blaze Bayley?! Regardless, I don't dislike them or anything, definitely haven't tried playing any, but I'll give them a look here soon. I dig some Mercyful Fate!
i would love to contribute to this conversation, but i dont know jack **@# about guitars. yeah, i played for a bit but i havent touchd it since i started going to college

and i wish that alexi laiho knew how to play guitar and do vocals live. son cant do either

well, anymore anyways, tokyo warhearts just might be their best album. his vocals on that trump anything thats ever come out of his mouth

in the club we have music swaps and had out last one of the year last night. someone presented folk metal which was pretty cool. i know almost every band he schooled us on but his 101 on the structure of songs and traditional folk music was interesting.

my buddy then did a session orthodox black metal. i had only heard of the term but i didnt know what bands fell under the umbrella. didnt know that funeral mist, watain, deathspell omega and corpus christii were considered orthodox black metal
^i wish those were longer

10-12 songs on a compilation album is bull

edit - downloads only for us customers...damn. i had a hunch, but still
Originally Posted by Physicx

^i wish those were longer

10-12 songs on a compilation album is bull

edit - downloads only for us customers...damn. i had a hunch, but still
What the hell is with US only downloads?  Amazon sucks for that

And yeah 10-12 songs is weird, but they're free and I know we've had some people wanting to get into metal popping in here.  Figured they wouldn't be half bad albums for 'em to try out.
Alright well, I'm a bassist (which might be another reason I prefer Metallica i.e. Cliff) so I'm not going to claim to know much about technicality with guitar playing.  All I know is I listen to both bands and Kirk just sounds like he knows what he's doing a lot more than Dave does.  Plus, Dave is an enormous bag of steamy douche, which doesn't help his cause with me.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Alright well, I'm a bassist (which might be another reason I prefer Metallica i.e. Cliff) so I'm not going to claim to know much about technicality with guitar playing.  All I know is I listen to both bands and Kirk just sounds like he knows what he's doing a lot more than Dave does.  Plus, Dave is an enormous bag of steamy douche, which doesn't help his cause with me.

- Tical.
Its all good bro we all have our different opinions.  But in all honesty most guitar players will go on Daves side because he is more technical.
Originally Posted by matttherippersanchez

No problem, bro. Just tryin to help out! The thing about Schuldiner was that the guitar parts and the vocal patterns were often erratic. Seldom did his vocals match what he was doing on the guitar, which a lot of guys do when they do both, and that made what he did even more amazing. It absolutely kills me, with him as such an influence on my playing and Death being the 1b to Iron Maiden as my 1a, that I will never see that band live. Although, if there is ever a chance to do a Death tribute album with a bunch of different musicians, I would do that in an absolute heart beat. I've also been trying to get my dudes to cover some, hopefully Bite the Pain or Flesh and the Power it Holds.

To be honest, Iced Earth is one of those bands I never got into. Not because they aren't a good band or anything. I just never had anybody around me that was into them, or anything like that. I checked them out briefly when I learned Tim Owens had replaced Rob Halford in Priest. I remember being exceptionally bitter when I heard an Iced Earth Maiden cover (I believe it was Hallowed be thy Name, since everyone decides to cover that haha) and thinking Priest got this guy, but Maiden was stuck with %%@%$!@ Blaze Bayley?! Regardless, I don't dislike them or anything, definitely haven't tried playing any, but I'll give them a look here soon. I dig some Mercyful Fate!
As for Iced Earth I can't get into the Tim Owens era.  I'm just not a big fan of his.  but listen to the first two albums, Iced Earth and Night of the Stormrider, I have a feeling you'll dig them.  Listen to every song on those albums though.  By the way man there are so many Maiden covers  I try no to listen to them because I'm to critical and it will end up with me disliking the band that covers them.  As for Blaze I give the guy an A for effort only because who as a singer would turn down a job for Maiden I can't sing but I'd at least give it a try just cause its Maiden
.  He did the best he could and I like a few songs such as, Man on the Edge, Futureal, Justice of the Peace, and Educated Fool.  To be honest who can replace Bruce just like who can replace Halford.  Pretty much anybody that tried would fail.
Yeah I've just recently really started listening to Iced Earth, so it's good to know to check out the first two.  I've never had the issue with not listening to a band because none of my friends do, I have virtually no metalhead friends
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Yeah I've just recently really started listening to Iced Earth, so it's good to know to check out the first two.  I've never had the issue with not listening to a band because none of my friends do, I have virtually no metalhead friends
i have none either

well, i had friends who listen to metal and theyre kinda funny
i know this one guy who tries to school me on metal, its hilarious. i respect other people's opinions and dont bash them unless they ask for it but:

-did you know that amon amarth sounds like dethklok, but only has one good song?
-apparently iron maiden, metallica, megadeth, ozzy etc isnt metal, it isnt even hard rock. its classic rock
-he showed me a video of a 'underground' band once? you know who that 'underground' band was?
Spoiler [+]
arch enemy


ill admit, i dont look metal, and im definitely not a know it all by any stretch, but people just underestimate me heavily when they first meet me. its kind of annying really...

edit - iced earth is
power thrsh ftw
Originally Posted by Physicx

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Yeah I've just recently really started listening to Iced Earth, so it's good to know to check out the first two.  I've never had the issue with not listening to a band because none of my friends do, I have virtually no metalhead friends
i have none either

well, i had friends who listen to metal and theyre kinda funny
i know this one guy who tries to school me on metal, its hilarious. i respect other people's opinions and dont bash them unless they ask for it but:

-did you know that amon amarth sounds like dethklok, but only has one good song?
-apparently iron maiden, metallica, megadeth, ozzy etc isnt metal, it isnt even hard rock. its classic rock
-he showed me a video of a 'underground' band once? you know who that 'underground' band was?
Spoiler [+]
arch enemy


ill admit, i dont look metal, and im definitely not a know it all by any stretch, but people just underestimate me heavily when they first meet me. its kind of annying really...

edit - iced earth is
power thrsh ftw
Damn Physicx you should see the looks I get at shows cause they don't see me as a Metalhead when I probably know more about metal than they do.  I don't have tattooes or long hair or crazy piercings or chains so I get the stink eye sometimes.  I usually just wear the concert shirt with plain jeans and vans or adidas.  As for outside wear its usually a casual wear like polos (post in Polo thread every now and then).  As for Metalhead friends I have one that plays guitar and thats it.  They all like rap.  I used to jam out to it back in the day but it just got horrible.  If I want to hear songs about Spongebob dances and lollipops I'll listen to Kidz Bop or watch Nickelodeon in the morning.  Anyway I know what you mean about dudes trying to school you on Metal. 
at Arch Enemy being underground.  I at times make conversation if I see someone at school wearing a shirt of a group I like but stopped because sometimes they just don't even know.  I think I mentioned a story once of when I saw this dude with a Maiden Killers shirt and I asked him what his favorite album was and he told me The Trooper.  I just gave him the
and walked away.
Originally Posted by BCF06

Originally Posted by Physicx

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Yeah I've just recently really started listening to Iced Earth, so it's good to know to check out the first two.  I've never had the issue with not listening to a band because none of my friends do, I have virtually no metalhead friends
i have none either

well, i had friends who listen to metal and theyre kinda funny
i know this one guy who tries to school me on metal, its hilarious. i respect other people's opinions and dont bash them unless they ask for it but:

-did you know that amon amarth sounds like dethklok, but only has one good song?
-apparently iron maiden, metallica, megadeth, ozzy etc isnt metal, it isnt even hard rock. its classic rock
-he showed me a video of a 'underground' band once? you know who that 'underground' band was?
Spoiler [+]
arch enemy


ill admit, i dont look metal, and im definitely not a know it all by any stretch, but people just underestimate me heavily when they first meet me. its kind of annying really...

edit - iced earth is
power thrsh ftw
Damn Physicx you should see the looks I get at shows cause they don't see me as a Metalhead when I probably know more about metal than they do.  I don't have tattooes or long hair or crazy piercings or chains so I get the stink eye sometimes.  I usually just wear the concert shirt with plain jeans and vans or adidas.  As for outside wear its usually a casual wear like polos (post in Polo thread every now and then).  As for Metalhead friends I have one that plays guitar and thats it.  They all like rap.  I used to jam out to it back in the day but it just got horrible.  If I want to hear songs about Spongebob dances and lollipops I'll listen to Kidz Bop or watch Nickelodeon in the morning.  Anyway I know what you mean about dudes trying to school you on Metal. 
at Arch Enemy being underground.  I at times make conversation if I see someone at school wearing a shirt of a group I like but stopped because sometimes they just don't even know.  I think I mentioned a story once of when I saw this dude with a Maiden Killers shirt and I asked him what his favorite album was and he told me The Trooper.  I just gave him the
and walked away.
@ The Trooper
I don't have long hair...anymore

I do have one tattoo about to be two tattoos.
I always get the, "You listen to Metal?!? But you're so nice!"

The *!$+ does being nice have to do with listening to Metal?  The biggest #$+$*%*$ I know listen to that piss poor excuse for music they call alternative rock these days.
Damn Anton you post the most randomest groups along with J1Goku but I definetly Appreciate them. You guys are bringing me into the new stuff. I've alway been stuck to the groups from the past. Somebody once told me of Cryptopsy but I never gave them a listen. Recommend an album to get me started from them. By the way guys we are almost to that 100th page there. I never thought this thread would have lasted this long.
Originally Posted by BCF06

Damn Anton you post the most randomest groups along with J1Goku but I definetly Appreciate them. You guys are bringing me into the new stuff. I've alway been stuck to the groups from the past. Somebody once told me of Cryptopsy but I never gave them a listen. Recommend an album to get me started from them. By the way guys we are almost to that 100th page there. I never thought this thread would have lasted this long.
I'm good for anything fast, complex and technically sound.

Crytopsy-And then you will a good start
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Amazon product ASIN B003AFVU2Y
They also have this album.� Shrug it's the US

truthfully i dont think i would have downloaded this one if i could
gama bomb and ihsahn are pretty wicked though. and i get the same response too. who the $$#@ says only bad people listen to metal

and bcf and anton, cryptopsy is canadian
if youre in the mood for another mind !%@+%%! canadian tech death group, check out gorguts
Not sure if I've posted this one but what do you guys think of her vocals.  I personally dig her orgasmic scream.
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