TAY: thread about yambs...

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its corny but its not at the same time..like if its forced than yea thats wack lol
its definitely forced...

i'm telling you ... the yamb will embrace me tighter when she hears the hook cuz that's when i pick up the tempo and go hammber.
considering I haven't smanged to the weeknd yet..I will have to try this out..I always wanted to smang to the party/after party
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I pulled a BAAAAD chick last night on my red-eye flight. Out of all the seats on the empty plane she came and sat by me. Then I played the cool non-thirsty role and you could tell she was like "Why he not sweating me" this made her come to me. Next thing you know after she started a brief convo with me she commences me to showing me her pics on her iPhone...******* and a** shots included. Then she starts getting so comfortable that she starts touching me on my shoulders and s**t.

Long story short we took pictures together and she gave me her contact info, she lives in Houston just like me in the Westheimer area in a condo. I knew I was in there when she started asking me where I lived and how many kids I have...basically doing a suitability check on me laugh.gif The chick is a beautiful redbone with a jaw dropping body, she wants me....BUT I'm married. How can I stay faithful when yams be coming to me without even trying? I'm not sure how I'm gonna keep out of those yams.

Moral of the story, don't be thirsty around these bad broads, acknowledge them, but make them wonder why you aren't all over them like every other thirsty dude. This will intrigue them and they will usually make the first move. Worked for me many many times.

[COLOR=#red]And here are the pics of the woman that I met on that plane ride. Yes I got the number, but I'm not going to do anything with it cause I'm married, if I wasn't it would be on.

Tips once you know a woman is interested you MUST take the affirmative authoritative tone...I just handed her my phone and told her to put her number in it...I didn't ask, I didn't have to ask. I told her to take a picture with me ( I didn't say "will you take a picture with me?", and without a pause she practically jumped into my lap and took pictures with me...mind you this was with a plane full of people looking at us as we were waiting to get off the plane. That's all a part of confidence and it's too easy.[/COLOR]




******* love pictures :lol: :pimp: Firmly telling a chick exactly what you want is refreshing to me, cause after years of the whole filling out process to certain women, at 25, I just don't have that small talk type effort anymore (well, depending on who it is and the circumstance I guess). And a lot of women like that too. Even though a lot of them do want to feel like they're in control, a dude who is firm in his stance and approach can change her mind/attitude quickly.
its an ick feeling i know but try to get your friend to confirm if she does any extra services if u get me. that way if she doesn't you know you could get serious with her and if she does she'll be a one nighter or j/o at best.
serious with her? she a stripper bruh. You tryna be Tyga #2? You ain't even got the bread for that. AND SHE 17? Bad news. Don't even begin to even think about thinking about getting into anything serious with this girl. Smash, and that's it. Try to get her to give you your own little private show.
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Does a Chick judge you on your phone? Like would your chances be better if you whip out the new iphone 5 with the fresh case or the whip out the droid incredible (lol)...
haven't acquired yambs in awhile and I am getting real thirsty now. Trying to get at this one girl from my class, but im not sure if she feeling me like that
Im tryin to holla at two different girls from different classes, one seems to enjoy conversating with me after class(about class) the other seems short spoken/shy from what I get from the only time I approached her after class, having a short convo about the exam....any advice? I'm thinking of asking the more talkative one for the digits next class or something on some "Hey, we should hang out some time" type steeze...but as far as the more shy one, IDK seems like my chances are slim =/....also I don't even know if these broads are even single, I have no patience for these processes lol....what yall think?
Im tryin to holla at two different girls from different classes, one seems to enjoy conversating with me after class(about class) the other seems short spoken/shy from what I get from the only time I approached her after class, having a short convo about the exam....any advice? I'm thinking of asking the more talkative one for the digits next class or something on some "Hey, we should hang out some time" type steeze...but as far as the more shy one, IDK seems like my chances are slim =/....also I don't even know if these broads are even single, I have no patience for these processes lol....what yall think?

Like you said, talk a little with them then ask the digits saying you would like to chill out sometime or because you would like her to explain something you have not understand in class, etc.

Don't worry about her having a dude or not, you're just asking for some digits.

Worst that can happen is she says no.

But if you get them, now it's game time for you.
QQ for yamb patties what's the best way for a guy to get at a girl who is talking on the phone when he sees her
Been dating a girl over a month now, got the yambs and all its pretty good, vanilla in respects to the sex right now, but still good, anyways...How I get her to chop it off down there, i don't really mind when i'm smashing, but if i'm trying to eat I ain't trying to have a Larry David moment with a hair stuck in my throat for months and all. But I know its a touchy subject for some girls, I just can't say "Baby, I need to you to trim it up a bit" Can I?
Need Help Yambs Fambs

Tell her you're trying to eat the box and you want her to shave down there for you.

That's what I do.
Let me know bruh wassup people say it goes either way just want to know from the yamb gods.

it depends on what type of phone she rockin...

she will look at you differently if you're rocking a metro pcs or boost as opposed to a national carrier...

same with you, brah...

it wont make or break you... but it does play a part, my dude...

Does a Chick judge you on your phone? Like would your chances be better if you whip out the new iphone 5 with the fresh case or the whip out the droid incredible (lol)...

I don't think it matters that much.

I've really good looking women pull out some old school flip-phone. "My iPhone's screen broke."
So after swagging out of the polling station this morning. I decided to talk to this chick that I saw voting as well. Hit her with the old "Aye who did you vote for?" She responds and asked who I voted for and I told her myself, which I did. Chopped it up a little bit in an attempt to get those digits, hit her with the we should chill line and shorty seems hesitant and then is like "What type of chilling?" I then tell her the usual "Dinner, movies, etc." She hits me back with "I've already got a family of my own" Asked if she had kids and she said not yet but plans on it. I asked if she was married and she said yeah. I looked down and sure enough she had a ring on her finger. I continued to chop it up just because we were walking the same path to the train and I feel like it would have been awkward to walk in silence the whole time. I was slightly kicking myself for not going harder but at the same time I wasn't because she was married and I'm not trying to **** that up.

My thing is why even entertain the convo if you're married? Why even ask what we would do if we chilled if you are married? Like it just didn't make sense to me. If I were married I would have cut that **** off quick and would not have beat around the bush.
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