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Meet up with ex to "talk" after breaking up a month ago.  Both in mid-twenties.  She broke up with me because her parents would disown her if she ever considered getting serious due to religion and i got heated when it came out she was entertaining a mail suitor who fit the "profile" but, according to her as of yesterday, had nothing else on me. I text her that morning saying im excited to see her.  And she gives me this debbie downer bit tombout lets keep it peaceful. So I'm thinking I'm gonna get a free dinner out of this and that's that.  

FFW to our "talk">>  We meet up and she's holding my arm, as we walk down to the place to get dinner.  I make sure to order some shots before our food comes and soon we're sucking face at the restaurant, in the street, at the bar.  Meanwhile the consensus is we love/hate each other and that she is adamant about the family thing (and prefaces it with, unless we lived far away) and I tell her that right there should show you it's not impossible for us.  She tells me she been on a date but cannot get herself to be physical with anyone as much as she wants to enjoy herself.  She tells me she blocked the other guy because she didnt "respect him" (this I really doubt). Telling me how wet she was and holding on my to log in the car.  But no further.  I told her its all good whatever happens, we both know we cant be just friends, just wish you would've kept everything 100. 

So I'm now wondering whether she wants to make peace because she thinks I'd send vids/pics/audio to derail this thing with the mail suitor (I emailed her an audio clip of her O'ing 2 weeks ago and told her to use her imagination) or is actually getting ready to let your boy back in.  

Thanks NT.  
I cant stress how much of a plus it is for the Cali dudes to have the beach right at their doorstep. Forget all the simpish talk, walk on the beach and something from the food trucks for a first date is CLUTCH.

Btw, any advice on smashing chicks in a professional/grad program. I have 75 people in my pharmacy class. All are transfers and 52 are females. I have a feeling the same "dont dip your pen in company ink" rule applies....
Those are the pretty easy outside of freshmen and when you graduate.

Can you elaborate. These are the same people i'm gonna see for the next 3 years of my life. We all take the same classes at the same time. I feel like i'm gnna have to move like a ninja if I dont want anyone knowing i'm smashing more than 1 girl.
Can you elaborate. These are the same people i'm gonna see for the next 3 years of my life. We all take the same classes at the same time. I feel like i'm gnna have to move like a ninja if I dont want anyone knowing i'm smashing more than 1 girl.
It's going to be like a family for the most part dude. But if the ratio works in your favor with dudes to chicks then test the water. They are away from home(I'm not saying they are not for getting D down but some are). Don't smash majority of the chicks in your class but to look into the chicks in the other classes also. I have had nothing but success when I mess with grad chicks(or at least those that do t have much free time). This is only me talking so I can be way off but some are some freaks only ready to unleash them yambs on the right person.

I'm sure you will do fine after the first few weeks feeling out the situation around you. Can't go into detail like how I want since I'm about to head to the bar. I'll take alot of the grad school yambs over others since I know they have something to bring to the table. But also be careful young Jedi! You will be most likely out number and don't want to get a nasty title.
Not necessarily true.

Every time when the chick has insisted she pay or at least go dutch I see them again. Usually end up smashing
thats true lol btw met this asian chick from Cali today that told me that down here (FL) we're full of Latinas with attitudes she told me to make my way down to LA & Flourish with the Asian girls , she told me they love black dudes up there they dont discriminate .
Not necessarily true.

Every time when the chick has insisted she pay or at least go dutch I see them again. Usually end up smashing

thats true lol btw met this asian chick from Cali today that told me that down here (FL) we're full of Latinas with attitudes she told me to make my way down to LA & Flourish with the Asian girls , she told me they love black dudes up there they dont discriminate .

It's true. Got one in my bed right now :lol:
She suffers from depression and its straining things. Trying to cope with it, but it gets so hard at times i wanna give up.
... My man when a girl tells u she has a nipple piercing you tell her ur last chick had a **** piercing. Unless you trying to wife. Step ur lying game up.
thats true lol btw met this asian chick from Cali today that told me that down here (FL) we're full of Latinas with attitudes she told me to make my way down to LA & Flourish with the Asian girls , she told me they love black dudes up there they dont discriminate.
Def need to take a trip to Cali, tryna flourish 
Smashed a few. One wanted to date but I wasn't about that long distance life

I approach all girls the same so don't really have specific advice
Okay. I was asking because I've been a eying a few of them  and every time I spot a bad one they always seem to have blocker walls around em.
Smashed a few. One wanted to date but I wasn't about that long distance life

I approach all girls the same so don't really have specific advice

Okay. I was asking because I've been a eying a few of them  and every time I spot a bad one they always seem to have blocker walls around em.

Approach them like you would any other chick

They're still just women. And don't treat more attractive women differently either
I ain't been in the TAY in so long, but I always got the best knowledge in here, so I need a little more help really just some opinions.

Okay I've been working at Walmart for like 7 months now and this chick she's a solid 8 on my scale but pretty face nice *** all that smart, and she smokes tree. Okay fast forward a month from me being employed she never showed me attention until I eased into it with small talk and playing. She has a BF who she is throwed over, but everyday this girl comes to work and asks me to smoke with her, go to the club, and just chill vibe. Brah omg I swear up and down I'm in the friend zone I EVEN ASKED HER if I was in the friend zone she said yes which I didn't care because I have a chick too, so since then me and her flirt jokingly, but out of nowhere she calls me "bae" to me this word is a indication of I have some type of feeling for you; I laughed shrugged it off called her bae back yknow to flirt and ****. It's funny because she tells me everything like literally everything, her sex life, relationships, goals all types of ish. On that sex life part she always describes everything in detail. So me jokingly I asked her if she wanted to smoke and see a movie I thought she was going to curve me because lets be honest if you in the friend zone you probably wouldn't make it as far as I did on any other basic chick. Most of my friends are saying "she just want to smoke bro she don't want you", but I think it's more.

Can anybody weigh in on this every piece of advice works? Should I just taker her out then if nothing happens just dead it or Wah? I'm clueless lol.
She told you you were in the friendzone, b.

Lol @ her calling you bae having you feel some type of way :lol: keep it moving.
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Real **** though I understand that, but I did keep it moving the bae **** happened out the blue, and maybe I wasn't clear about the some type of way part I don't like her I got that feeling of confidence when you think someone likes you doesn't mean I like her brah lol I know you had broad throwed before and you ain't like her lol don't act like the ***** new.
Sounds like she's not getting the attention she wants in her relationship and she is getting that from you without giving any reciprocation other than dangling the carrot that you MIGHT hit in front of your face. And they way she is acting is disrespectful to her man. Does he know about you? Does he know that she is chillin and smokin with you? If not, that could be a potentially dangerous situation for you to be in. I would just drop all the extra curricular activities with this woman and keep it on a hi/bye basis.
Sounds like she's not getting the attention she wants in her relationship and she is getting that from you without giving any reciprocation other than dangling the carrot that you MIGHT hit in front of your face. And they way she is acting is disrespectful to her man. Does he know about you? Does he know that she is chillin and smokin with you? If not, that could be a potentially dangerous situation for you to be in. I would just drop all the extra curricular activities with this woman and keep it on a hi/bye basis.
I didn't think of it like that, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know anything, I just had to get some quick guidance. I ain't tryna fight over no piece of *** especially if it wasn't mine to begin with.
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