Taking A Semester Off?

Do what you have to do, OP. Would you rather waste the money you spent on tuition and do poorly because you're having a few issues? Take care of yourself and refocus. It would help you, however, to keep in contact with your academic counselors/advisers so that there is actually a game plan in place to facilitate your return.

In the grand scheme of things, taking one semester off isn't going to mean anything.
it's different for everyone. it's not as hard to come back as people are making it seem, unless you're just a lazy bum.
just do it if you want/need to. it ain't that serious. worst that can happen is you graduating a semester late.
it's different for everyone. it's not as hard to come back as people are making it seem, unless you're just a lazy bum.
just do it if you want/need to. it ain't that serious. worst that can happen is you graduating a semester late.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I really feel like I had to do it...for my sanity. Was going through alot with deaths and the family. I'm starting to regret it though I feel like I'm wasting time and delaying the future. Anybody ever else done this or Had to do this.

take time for you bro. no grade is better than a bad one.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I really feel like I had to do it...for my sanity. Was going through alot with deaths and the family. I'm starting to regret it though I feel like I'm wasting time and delaying the future. Anybody ever else done this or Had to do this.

take time for you bro. no grade is better than a bad one.
Not something I've ever done, but I've never been in your shoes OP.

Don't worry about falling a semester behind. You can probably make most of the time up with a few summer classes.

If you're worried about the extra free time, try and keep busy. If you're planning on a graduate school, consider studying for the related admission exam (LSAT, MCAT, PCAT, etc). That way you can keep busy and at the same time not have the pressure of grades.
Not something I've ever done, but I've never been in your shoes OP.

Don't worry about falling a semester behind. You can probably make most of the time up with a few summer classes.

If you're worried about the extra free time, try and keep busy. If you're planning on a graduate school, consider studying for the related admission exam (LSAT, MCAT, PCAT, etc). That way you can keep busy and at the same time not have the pressure of grades.
i withdrew last semester because of issues outside of school that were affecting my grades. if you're gonna take a break i think the most important thing is to figure out what you're going to do with all that free time. make sure you take care of your issues, don't just sit around doing nothing all day or else you're going to be back in the same position when you start taking classes again
i withdrew last semester because of issues outside of school that were affecting my grades. if you're gonna take a break i think the most important thing is to figure out what you're going to do with all that free time. make sure you take care of your issues, don't just sit around doing nothing all day or else you're going to be back in the same position when you start taking classes again
Originally Posted by pacers31

i withdrew last semester because of issues outside of school that were affecting my grades. if you're gonna take a break i think the most important thing is to figure out what you're going to do with all that free time. make sure you take care of your issues, don't just sit around doing nothing all day or else you're going to be back in the same position when you start taking classes again
Real talk
Originally Posted by pacers31

i withdrew last semester because of issues outside of school that were affecting my grades. if you're gonna take a break i think the most important thing is to figure out what you're going to do with all that free time. make sure you take care of your issues, don't just sit around doing nothing all day or else you're going to be back in the same position when you start taking classes again
Real talk
i've never taken a semester off but looking back i honestly wished i would've done it after high school grad. I know it's the norm to start college right after high school but i was in a time of transition moving to a new state and having to work 2 jobs to support myself.

it was really distracting doing 3 things that took up pretty much all my time. If i could do it over again, i would've delayed starting college and just worked the 2 jobs i was at the time and just saved up money. It would've been less stress on me since i'll admit that my focus wasn't that great on school so my grades were pretty average since i was half-*%!ing it my whole freshman year (another factor: i got too wrapped up in partying in my free time so that didnt help much :lol:)

Also, i wasn't so sure what i wanted to do for my major so i kind of just picked something that i wasn't truly in love with. it was all kind of a waste of tuition money and time once i realized it and had to switch over to a diff one.
i've never taken a semester off but looking back i honestly wished i would've done it after high school grad. I know it's the norm to start college right after high school but i was in a time of transition moving to a new state and having to work 2 jobs to support myself.

it was really distracting doing 3 things that took up pretty much all my time. If i could do it over again, i would've delayed starting college and just worked the 2 jobs i was at the time and just saved up money. It would've been less stress on me since i'll admit that my focus wasn't that great on school so my grades were pretty average since i was half-*%!ing it my whole freshman year (another factor: i got too wrapped up in partying in my free time so that didnt help much :lol:)

Also, i wasn't so sure what i wanted to do for my major so i kind of just picked something that i wasn't truly in love with. it was all kind of a waste of tuition money and time once i realized it and had to switch over to a diff one.
Do what you gotta do for you.  If you're determined to get through school, you will no matter how long of a break you take.  
Personally, I took several breaks from college.  Some for a semester and the longest was for a year and a half when I thought the military was the route I wanted to take.  Once that didn't move me like I thought it would, I busted my hump and went 8 semesters straight--fall, winter, spring & summer--and made the Dean's List every semester. 

Yeah, all the folks that I came into school with graduated well before me.  Oh well--fortunately, I don't live for them.  If taking a break is something you feel you need to do, I say go for it.  There's no rush to finishing school as quick as you can--you have the rest of your life to work and live in the "real world".   
Do what you gotta do for you.  If you're determined to get through school, you will no matter how long of a break you take.  
Personally, I took several breaks from college.  Some for a semester and the longest was for a year and a half when I thought the military was the route I wanted to take.  Once that didn't move me like I thought it would, I busted my hump and went 8 semesters straight--fall, winter, spring & summer--and made the Dean's List every semester. 

Yeah, all the folks that I came into school with graduated well before me.  Oh well--fortunately, I don't live for them.  If taking a break is something you feel you need to do, I say go for it.  There's no rush to finishing school as quick as you can--you have the rest of your life to work and live in the "real world".   
Dont do it took a semester off to work full-time.. Even though i was making good money i would have rather continued school.. Company went under and now im back in school but behind a whole year.. And its was hard to bounce back i actually just got used to being a college student again.. Go straight through get it done get your credits and get out..
Dont do it took a semester off to work full-time.. Even though i was making good money i would have rather continued school.. Company went under and now im back in school but behind a whole year.. And its was hard to bounce back i actually just got used to being a college student again.. Go straight through get it done get your credits and get out..
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Never take a semester off, no matter what.

from what i've seen, taking a semester off = i'm in denial that i'm dropping out. i see too many dudes "take time off" and get themselves into situations where they don't finish.

i was in the hospital twice during a semester and going through lots of mental and emotional trauma and i still stayed enrolled. my grades suffered, but i finished. i graduated in december and i'm glad i did. to be honest, i hated school and wish i never went, but that's in my past now, and i can move forward. best thing you can do if you is just do your best and try to get it over with as soon as you can.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Never take a semester off, no matter what.

from what i've seen, taking a semester off = i'm in denial that i'm dropping out. i see too many dudes "take time off" and get themselves into situations where they don't finish.

i was in the hospital twice during a semester and going through lots of mental and emotional trauma and i still stayed enrolled. my grades suffered, but i finished. i graduated in december and i'm glad i did. to be honest, i hated school and wish i never went, but that's in my past now, and i can move forward. best thing you can do if you is just do your best and try to get it over with as soon as you can.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I can't imagine taking a semester off; I feel weird even going on winter break
So hard to get back on the grind after a month off

The truth.  I haven't done anything school-related since I've been on winter break, and the spring semester starts next Monday.  I can't even describe how unprepared I am because I waited too late to sign up for Spanish and now registration is closed, I don't wanna take Gen Bio II anymore so I need to replace it, and I haven't ordered my books yet
.  I mean it's nice to be on break, but the first day back is gonna be

But back to OP:
If you can, I'd suggest taking at least 1 class at a CC.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after high school, so I had the idea of going to a CC for 2 years then transferring, but I slacked on signing up for classes so I ended up taking 1 class that fall semester.  I tell everyone that I don't regret it at all
because it was an easy class (Asian History), and I ended up volunteering in my free time.  Now the next semester I intended to take 4 classes, but I got kicked out of Pre-Cal for missing 2 out of the first 4 classes (the class was too early
) and Chem 400 (Gen Chem 1) was too hard without taking Chem 300 (credits don't transfer).  So I ended up taking 2 classes spring semester and decided CC wasn't for me, so I transferred out to University of San Francisco...
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I can't imagine taking a semester off; I feel weird even going on winter break
So hard to get back on the grind after a month off

The truth.  I haven't done anything school-related since I've been on winter break, and the spring semester starts next Monday.  I can't even describe how unprepared I am because I waited too late to sign up for Spanish and now registration is closed, I don't wanna take Gen Bio II anymore so I need to replace it, and I haven't ordered my books yet
.  I mean it's nice to be on break, but the first day back is gonna be

But back to OP:
If you can, I'd suggest taking at least 1 class at a CC.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after high school, so I had the idea of going to a CC for 2 years then transferring, but I slacked on signing up for classes so I ended up taking 1 class that fall semester.  I tell everyone that I don't regret it at all
because it was an easy class (Asian History), and I ended up volunteering in my free time.  Now the next semester I intended to take 4 classes, but I got kicked out of Pre-Cal for missing 2 out of the first 4 classes (the class was too early
) and Chem 400 (Gen Chem 1) was too hard without taking Chem 300 (credits don't transfer).  So I ended up taking 2 classes spring semester and decided CC wasn't for me, so I transferred out to University of San Francisco...
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