T-Shirts - Hang them up, or Fold them up?

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

i fold and hang half and half all my used tees ie plain, tees i ball in, undershirts ifold and throw em in a bin some might not even get folded
newer tees designers tees and such i hang
Really? I do the complete opposite... 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

hanging takes up too much space tho. unless you hang them one over the other. then you'll really mess up the neck
Folding can take up a lot of space too though, unless you're nice with the folding and leave them thin, and nicely folded. 
hanging takes up too much space tho. unless you hang them one over the other. then you'll really mess up the neck
i started folding for that very reason. hanging took up way too much space. at least with folding you can stack 'em up.
i started folding for that very reason. hanging took up way too much space. at least with folding you can stack 'em up.
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

i fold and hang half and half all my used tees ie plain, tees i ball in, undershirts ifold and throw em in a bin some might not even get folded
newer tees designers tees and such i hang

pretty much the same thing i do. i put the hanger from the inside, so it doesnt ruin the neck that way
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

i fold and hang half and half all my used tees ie plain, tees i ball in, undershirts ifold and throw em in a bin some might not even get folded
newer tees designers tees and such i hang

pretty much the same thing i do. i put the hanger from the inside, so it doesnt ruin the neck that way
t-shirts - fold
dress shirts - hang

hangers mess up the shoulder part of the shirts. I need bigger hangers.
t-shirts - fold
dress shirts - hang

hangers mess up the shoulder part of the shirts. I need bigger hangers.
everything gets folded except for tops i hate folding tops..
never noticed the neck part getting stretched though or maybe it is and im just used to it
mind = blown
everything gets folded except for tops i hate folding tops..
never noticed the neck part getting stretched though or maybe it is and im just used to it
mind = blown
When hanging shirts, cheap plastic hangers will probably result in more stretched out necks than if you use hangers that have felt/velvet type material so the collars don't slip and stretch. Plus they're far thinner than the plastic alternatives and will free up a lot of closet space.
When hanging shirts, cheap plastic hangers will probably result in more stretched out necks than if you use hangers that have felt/velvet type material so the collars don't slip and stretch. Plus they're far thinner than the plastic alternatives and will free up a lot of closet space.
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