T-Mobile Project Dark- $50 Unlimited Everything Plan!? UPDATE: IT'S UP!!! T-Mobile.com!!!

Originally Posted by encore2007

$75 for unlimited minutes and messaging is too much. Especially since AT&T just released a prepaid plan with unlimited minutes and messaging for $60
That's pre-paid. It's $120 for unlimited minutes and messaging on their post-paid service. It's $130 for unlimited minutes, messaging, and data on a non-smartphone. It's $150 w/ a smartphone.

It's the same price ($120) on Verizon. $130 for unlimited minutes, messaging, and data.

Sprint charges $100 for everything. They don't have an option for unlimited minutes or unlimited minutes and messaging.

So, $100 for everything would put T-Mobile on par w/ Sprint, save $30 compared to Verizon, and $30-50 compared to AT&T.

The thing is, if $50 gets you unlimited minutes and they kept the same rates for their services, it'd break down like this:

$50 unlimited minutes
$65 unlimited minutes & messaging on any phone
$75 unlimited minutes, messaging, and data on a regular phone
$85 unlimited minutes, messaging, and data w/ a Blackberry or other smartphone.

That would be a lot of savings compared to other carriers
I just got this text message from t-mobile:

FREE T-MOBILE MESSAGE: Congratulations, you now qualify for our exclusive $49.99 Unlimited voice plan. Call 611 to learn more ^ false alarm sorry it was myloyalty offer! Lol
Just got word from some people up top. That prices will come out on 10/25. It will be different packages not just one for 50$. It starts with unlmited min likeholden was saying and then you can add things to it. With the most expensive one with everything being $100 I believe.
ugh.... they really got this thang under wraps.... but here's some info i found.... you can click here for the article


Yesterday we brought you some insider information concerning what T-Mobile's Project Black actually is - in short, it's in essence an (arguably long overdue) complete T-Mobile USA revamp (see: T-Mobile Project Dark/Project Black: Insider Details Obtained by TFTS [Project Dark/Project Black is the Term for a 'Company Turnaround' Says Our Source]) - and today, amidst growing speculation that all is set to be revealed soon, we can confirm, via another inside source, that not only are T-Mobile's staff getting trained up now but that Project Black is set to roll out at the end of the month.

On and above T-Mobile's Project Black (we now hear it is known as Project Black and not Project Dark) being set to launch by the end of the month we can also confirm that it will include a $50 all-in plan as we initially reported here. There had been some concern that this may not be the case following on from the initial leak we received, as linked in the introductory paragraph, but our information is that, yes, a $50 all-in unlimited text/voice/data plan is indeed on the cards.

Needless to say if you're 'in the know' and want to slip us any other information concerning Project Black (your anonymity is totally assured - I delete the mails once I've posted so they cannot be traced or recalled) we'd like to hear from you with as much detail as you can provide us - be that in the form of text or imagery (preferably both). You'll find our contact form via the header menu or you can drop a comment in here which we'll hold and delete subsequent to covering.

Talk to us, you know you want to.

[Thanks G.]

UPDATE: We're getting more juicy info right now and are just trying to substantiate before making a decision to either publish or not. We are being particularly careful here as the info just received is going to please a lot of people (it would be improper to let slip now as we need to be in a position where we are as certain as we can feasibly can be but, if we can corroborate, you're going to like it ). Hold tight.

UPDATE: See T-Mobile Project Black To See T-Mobile USA iPhone Release? [Our TMO Sources Say Hold Back on iPhone Purchases Until 25th October - TMO iPhone Coming?].

Looking for more? See Mobile/Cell Phones or scroll down for carefully selected related items that may also be of interest to you.

Read more: http://nexus404.com/Blog/2009/10/15/t-mobile-project-black-set-to-hit-end-of-month-project-black-insider-info-suggests-new-t-mobile-revamp-ramping-up-staff-in-training-now/#ixzz0U5IvqydS
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Just got word from some people up top. That prices will come out on 10/25. It will be different packages not just one for 50$. It starts with unlmited min like holden was saying and then you can add things to it. With the most expensive one with everything being $100 I believe.
i already have unlimited mins/sms/mms/data for less than a 100 a month with tmo already.

loyalty unlimited minutes-45
unlimited sms/mms-9 (24.99 for unlimited text split by 3 people)
unlimited g1 data-25

my portion of the bill is coming out to less than 80 bucks a month, close to about 75 dollars

so im already winning
Hmmm...the iPhone on T-Mobile for $50-a-month? Damn, I'm not sure that a lack of multi-tasking or switching quickly between programs could keep me off itthen. Only confirmed news of HD2 would keep me a way.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

From what I heard from a reliable source, there will be 3 different plans w/ Project Dark, that's all they could give me
Anyone wanna shed a bit more light on this?

if true, i kinda see it as a $50, $75 and $100 plan
Try $50.....$40......$30..........
Things seem to be looking up...

So they're confirming a $50 all in one plan it seems. I'll have to keep on this...

Thanks for that article.
i honestly think that they arent gonna get an iphone...

that info would have definitely leaked... besides, att has a binding contract w/ apple for a few years... so it would breach the contract if they brought thisout... apple could have a class-action lawsuit on their hands....

i think that its not an iphone that's the big phone... its the nokia N900... and possibly the HD2 next quarter...

but as far as the iphone 4g, i highly, highly doubt that...

much props to the guy who said they are lookin at plans for $50 (everything), $40 (text and talk), and $30 (talk)... but that's just speculation

they ARE NOT goin to be $100, $75, and $50.... check the article and they confirmed that the $50 unlimited everything plan IS dropping...
dang...the first page had me excited, then i come to the end here...not worth

i pay $60 for minutes, unlimited messaging/data...i'll stay with em for now.
but as far as the iphone 4g, i highly, highly doubt that...

I don't believe they're getting it either, just another "iPhone killer"/high end touch screen phone. Still, getting a new radio on an iPhone3G S shouldn't be that difficult. It's not like an "iPhone 4G" would actually be a fourth generation iPhone if all they were changing is theradio.
Do y'all think it'll be available to everyone or just people from other companies? This has the potential to turn the industry upside down...
Unlike phone subsidies, I don't believe they could keep this plan from current customers willing to extend their contract two years from the date theychange their plan.
hmmmm as if the 9700 wasn't enough reason to ditch sprint and go back to t-mobile, now this info drops...hmmmm
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

dang...the first page had me excited, then i come to the end here...not worth

i pay $60 for minutes, unlimited messaging/data...i'll stay with em for now.

Maybe I'm missing it, but what are you having a problem with??

Oh Project Dark, you are a curious one. We here at BGR think we know what you're all about, but it's pretty hard to feel totally confident without some proof in the form of documents. Thankfully a leaked picture of some T-Mobile advertising which looks to be a part of Project Dark has emerged, and seems to more or less confirm what we've been saying for nearly a week. Right off the bat we noticed the tagline of "coverage you need, price you want and the handset you crave." Gee, you think that could refer to a rapid 21Mbps HSPA roll-out, a $50 unlimited plan and handsets like the Behold II, Bold 9700, CLIQ and N900? We certainly do, but we're more interested in something else. We've always thought that Project Dark had a single unlimited plan, but the mention of an "Even More" and "Even More Plus" rate plan has us a bit confused. Sure, it makes sense and all to have a few different unlimited plans that offer up different things, but just what is it that the Plus plan includes? We haven't a clue to be completely honest (although we are working on it), but perhaps - and this is nothing but us thinking aloud - it could include some sort of long distance package that is meant to compete with AT&T's GoPhone. Regardless, all will be solved soon (we're hearing either this Sunday or the next), but for now we must tip our hats for T-Mobile for actually being able to keep its employees mouths shut. Bravo.
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Maybe the "Plus" includes the phone in the price or something because the "Handset you crave" part is sitting right over it. Just athought...thanks DS. How are things anyway?? Haven't heard from you in a while...
The article says expect to hear an announcement soon, within the week, so I'll be watching for sure.
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