Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

Originally Posted by 40JaysAnd40Flights

Originally Posted by joeme719

Damn who ever is nellz was putting in that work with toon link and s0leFUNK thanks for the advice now im lasting longer than usual when I battle with yall.

I'm Nellz. GG. Add my code to your freind list. MPIRE had pissed me off during those 4 way battles. Son just chilled in the corner with snake and spammed that damn missle.
I was getting messed up so much at one point that I said F it and stopped switching my character and just kept picking my main, Toon Link and went to work. And also, after you and /Life left, I got my revenge on MPIRE.

I just got offline right now, but I'm be back on in about an hour or so.

hahaha it does tend to piss people off.
I still haven't used my main yet (Zelda) but I like her for 1 on 1 battles. Had I not gotten any wins on youI might have switched to her early. Those were some ggs tho. Ill get chu next time
^kats, i wanted 1 vs. 1 too, THAT'S why i dropped
laugh.gif came through as the 3rd person so there was never a chance to get some rounds in...i wanted to see if you'd set up a room but never did...

GG's solefunk...your mario and sheik are pretty nice, def. caught me by surprise because you use mario in a different way...i won a couple but you had the upperhand, thanks for giving me that 1 vs. 1, NO ITEMS that i desired...

man, i need some more training though
...i'm somewhere in the middle of the pack, i need to unlock everyone (i STILL haven't even played subspace yet ducktales) and play least i know there's good competition on NT...

i'm out for a bit, might come back later on...
GG to you too. Mario's "Hand of God" spike is why he's my main. That move is just too
. Too bad I barely connect with it though
. And that was only my 3rd time using Sheik in Brawl. I mained her in Meleebut she is so different now that I just stick with Mario now. Pit is ok. Just need more time training with him. Your Falcon isnt too bad. Its just myfriend mained him in Melee and he was pretty much perfect with him so I had practice against him. Just work on using the sheild grab more and you'llnotice a huge difference.

But dont feel bad man. I'm only at 12% in SSE and so far I've only unlocked Ness, Marth, and Falco. Dont really feel the need to unlock everyonesince my mains are already available.

I'm Nellz. GG. Add my code to your freind list. MPIRE had pissed me off during those 4 way battles. Son just chilled in the corner with snake and spammed that damn missle.
I was getting messed up so much at one point that I said F it and stopped switching my character and just kept picking my main, Toon Link and went to work. And also, after you and /Life left, I got my revenge on MPIRE.

I just got offline right now, but I'm be back on in about an hour or so.
I had a few matches with MPIRE before the FFA and I admit, dude was killin me. I dont even think I won one.. Damn Snake was killin me with themissles. I walked right into them every single time
. GG though man,we need a rematch though maybe tomorrow.

I wanted to have a 1 on 1 with you Nellz but you never joined my room. Just get at me tomorrow if you're on.

But GG to everyone I played tonight. Thanks for the matches and I'll get at yall tomorrow or Tuesday.
Add me

Location: Houston, TX
Wii nickname: DRU
friend code:3995-6194-8607

(DRU) - South- TX - 3995-6194-8607
cri good games 4-2 mine haha your fox is pretty good was he your main in melee? he was mine, but hes not as great in this game =/
Originally Posted by rowbot626

cri good games 4-2 mine haha your fox is pretty good was he your main in melee? he was mine, but hes not as great in this game =/

the lag was crazy...I used samus, mario, fox in melee in that order, but now I main mario. I was practicing with zero suit samus so you got that match.....weeach made some dumb mistakes though
yo tom jooks i added you add me info's on the first page.

yo prints i added you, but it says awaiting registration?
omg so0o many wii codes! Well ill be working on addding all of the westcoast people this week. So be patient my friends!

GG's to steve! And i forget whoelse joined us.

And btw i added everyone on the list from california, so add me please!
Anyone else on nt PM me if you want me to add you!
Added everyone on the list. Hey DSK, you got my Friend Code wrong on the front page. Here's the correct one. Thanks!


Phil (2702-1332-9782)
I think in another week we can have a west coast tourney (I only say that because i'm on the west coast) a tourney between regions would have too much lag.Anyways I'd be willing to organize a west coast tourney once everyone gets this friend code %%%* in order.
Originally Posted by OldLoveNewLove23


edit- anyone else up for a brawl? ID in sig, if possible, join aim chat "NTBRAWL" or just post here
I tried to play you but it said you were off line
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