Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

Ight I'm on. Who wants to play?

I use Luigi. Suck with him right now tho
.. Really just working to get better with him since i used him in Melee and hes my favorite character .. Besides that tho i use Mr Game and Watch (you can laugh but son is a beast on the low
), and Meta knight (his combos are disgusting
), he just can't knock anyone out to save his life tho

Yo I was killin you with Ike in 1 on 1 battles earlier.
Dude's smashes are mad strong(nh)

Luigi's Final Smash is no joke though..mad hard to escape.
DSK, I added you earlier this afternoon, mine still says the same...imma check after I finish this paper

Blaze, I'll be on a lil later, gotta finish this paper, then I'm comin' on
Originally Posted by CPG33

DSK, I added you earlier this afternoon, mine still says the same...imma check after I finish this paper

Blaze, I'll be on a lil later, gotta finish this paper, then I'm comin' on

Awesome man thanks
man i played online for the first time...GG's 40Jays40Flights, you beat me 3 out of 4

was the lag as bad on your end as it was on mine? MAN i couldn't take it anymore after a while
...i'd press commands and it would respond like asecond later...i tried setting it up again but it said you were had that red spot next to you so i guess it was telling me it wasn'trecommened to play you (you live in NY right?)

alright CPG, i got you now took too damn long though smh...Nintendo really needs to fix their service up...they should have prepared for the amountof heads that were going to be on...


Rapper Slash Exec, check for me online...i'm about to start a game up i'll add you ASAP my bad
Lincey and Rapper Slash Exec, make sure to add me...

i'm trying to see who has the better connections with me so i'll keep them on the list...40Jays don't take me off, i'll repay you back
...nabut you're nice with that toon link, that was actually my first time seeing sonic (i haven't even played SSE yet,
) so i was
at his speed...
Yeah I did CPG.

Man Lincey you lucky I kept fallin off the edge.
You was kickin $*+ though. I trapped you with that Landmaster.

I think I'm gonna main Ike from this point forward.
im on right now if any one wanna go at it.

Is it only possible to play with two players on the same wii if i host a game, or can me and a friend join a friends game?
we've both played together online but only when im hosting.

czda that error code means the server has to much traffic. can look up the error codes on
nintendo's solution: try back another time
What does Luigi's final smash to exactly?
I saw a youtube video of it and it looked really weird..........
008719807768 add me to the list if you dont mind. i live in ny. im typin like this cuz im usin the wii
anyone on right now wanna play? dont got class til 4:30pm.

ps: i can only post usin quick reply hence me not puttin this post inn the previous one usin edit
Yoooo, some of those codes don't work. Be sure to double check your FC's yall.

I'm on.

Oh and DSK, maybe you can update the lists of the regions in different sections with dates? Like different lists, so that we know who to add, etc. Just athought.
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