Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

cpg joe cri irock gg o an smith gg cpg you got to get that rust off man lol i remember when i first got the game u use to own me
we should have a tourney where we have the best ssbb nters vs iss or something
Joe, CPG, good games, guys.

I've got three matches from each of you guys to go onto youtube, I'll have links/descriptions later on in this thread, prolly tonight.

Awesome games today.
Here are some YouTubs vids from Saturday's action! They take like 2-3 hours to upload a single one, so I've got only four for y'all.

^iRock (Diddy) vs Joe (Toon Link)
I've said it many times before, but Toon Link is easily my hardest matchup with Diddy Kong. I get off to a terrific start, but basically SD at 6% damage,which is the beginning of the end for me. I rarely get 3-stocked, and I don't in this match, but it was damn close. A frustrating thing about Diddy is hisover smash doesn't even kill TL at like 130% and then later at 146%, while TL's over smash KO's Diddy easily at 119% shortly after. I just gottastep my game up.

^iRock (Shiek) vs CPG33 (Ike)
Very competitive match. CPG's been fooling around with Ike's playstyle a bit, and I only recently realized that I had some success against him withShiek, so we gave this match a go. I'm definately leaning towards maining Shiek in the future after messing around with her.

^iRock (Diddy) vs CPG33 (MK)
Competitive game, yet again. I always bring my best against CPG, and his intensity is always up there, as well. I start out with the upper-hand, but thatquickly fades as CPG comes back to have a near-perfect last stock, capped off with a sick off the edge chase FTW.

iRock (Diddy) vs Joe (Toon Link)
Fun match on Mario Circuit. Quite a few car accidents in this one. The stages edges are perfect for a short hop fair for Diddy. You get to see some of the lagJoe and I were experiencing as well.
o dam irock your getting good
at ike cmon man you could have won and JOE! your samus is now disgusting
i really got to step my ike up i keep short hoping forward smash itsa bad habit needs to change
i rock your ddidy is good but as i was looking at the dedede vs diddy vid you didnt real use the banana that much you could do a dash attack short jump in tofoward air smash then use banana just a suggestion see you guys prolly tonight as i have failed to obtain a box to ship the wii
Quick question does the wii have online chat? I was going to pick up on next week. And is just wondering a little about the system.
Originally Posted by Stargalaqtic

Quick question does the wii have online chat? I was going to pick up on next week. And is just wondering a little about the system.

Nope, no online chat. Nintendo's online services are rather lackluster lmao

Xyber...hes from Smashboards. Hes' a really good player but really weird. He sent me a message the last time I beat him 8-0 saying "Delete me offyour friends list, I just suck too much" and then sent me another message on smashboards subject titled "Bye" and saying "Im just no goodand I don't want you wasting your time with me. I deleted you off my list and you should do the same. Take care."
Originally Posted by 40JaysAnd40Flights

Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

DSK said GG's to Nellz and Joe...and he'll be back soon.

Czda were you gettin disconnected last night again or did you just leave?

it was actually the game disc well more the wii i shipped it off so it will be back soon hopefully in the due time i suggest you guys try hard
Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

Originally Posted by 40JaysAnd40Flights

Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

DSK said GG's to Nellz and Joe...and he'll be back soon.

Czda were you gettin disconnected last night again or did you just leave?

it was actually the game disc well more the wii i shipped it off so it will be back soon hopefully in the due time i suggest you guys try hard
last night when you got drop cause Nellz picked Bowser bymistake.

Xyber...hes from Smashboards. Hes' a really good player but really weird. He sent me a message the last time I beat him 8-0 saying "Delete me off your friends list, I just suck too much" and then sent me another message on smashboards subject titled "Bye" and saying "Im just no good and I don't want you wasting your time with me. I deleted you off my list and you should do the same. Take care."

guess you got to him mpire because you have made meheated when I played you.
Originally Posted by Millzhouse719

Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

Originally Posted by 40JaysAnd40Flights

Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

DSK said GG's to Nellz and Joe...and he'll be back soon.

Czda were you gettin disconnected last night again or did you just leave?

it was actually the game disc well more the wii i shipped it off so it will be back soon hopefully in the due time i suggest you guys try hard
last night when you got drop cause Nellz picked Bowser by mistake.

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