Super Bowl XLIV Thread: Saints vs. Colts 2/7/09 6pm CBS vol: Peyton vs. Drew

Originally Posted by TheGift23

^ The Cardinals getting to the SB was more amazing though because NO has been teetering as a team who could possibly win it all since 06.

Congrats New Orleans  and
at the Saints Owner who was desperate to sell the team after Katrina saying he's always believed in the team.

the cardinals making the super bowl shocked the hell out of me because of how they backed into the playoffs then got hot at the right time.  still can't believe they were 30 seconds away from winning too.

reason i said the saints winning was a victory for all historiclly bad teams is that they finally got it together in the 2000's.  i remember thinking that they were cursed after the panthers and jaguars won playoff games in the their 2nd season in the league in 1996 and the saints had been in the league for almost 30 years at the time and hadn't even won a playoff game. they finally started getting a sense of direction after the 2000 season and established themselves as a potential contender in 2006 and finally ended up winning it all.

to me it shows that with some luck and the right personel moves, a team like the lions or browns could erase decades of frustration if the saints could do it.
If Donovan would have threw that pick the media would have been at this dudes neck about how he chokes in big games
Originally Posted by philly5fan

If Donovan would have threw that pick the media would have been at this dudes neck about how he chokes in big games

if mcnabb threw the pick, he would be labeled as a choker

peyton threw the pick so he quietly will get a pass

if favre threw the pick he would be labeled as a gunslinging warrior little kid thats out there having fun
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by philly5fan

If Donovan would have threw that pick the media would have been at this dudes neck about how he chokes in big games

if mcnabb threw the pick, he would be labeled as a choker

peyton threw the pick so he quietly will get a pass

if favre threw the pick he would be labeled as a gunslinging warrior little kid thats out there having fun

:li mean the colts score 7 pts from the 2nd -4th qrtr ... sounds like a choke job until u realize the drop by garcon ... but peyton gotta catch the ball 2 ... then the saints milk the clock and turn it over on down ... colts have 3rd and 1 ... its a running situation ... but yeh peyton runs and blocks too ... then they are supposed to get the ball to start the half but its an onsides kick ... oh yeh ... peyton plays special teams ... then he gets the ball and he goes down and score ... then the saints score again ... and then they miss a fg ... b/c on 2nd and 12 the colts have HUGE PLAY LINED UP FOR COLLIE AND HE RUNS OUTSIDE WHEN HE HAD 3 BLOCKERS COMING TO HELP INSTEAD OF CUTTING INSIDE ... so so far this is all on peyton manning though ... yall need to try to be objective ... then he makes the pass which is debatable ... on the play you throw the ball to a spot ... and his man got beat ... blame reggie / blame peyton ... but great ones benefit from solid team play ... and then for extra salt on the wound ... reggie drops the td on 4th and goal just disgusting ... @ the end of the game the colts still had a chance but the ones acting like peyton choked is a joke that loss was a huge stain on his legacy ... now i try to guess what vikes fans feel like ... i mean the colts score 7 pts from the 2nd -4th qrtr ... sounds like a choke job until u realize the drop by garcon ... but peyton gotta catch the ball 2 ... then the saints milk the clock and turn it over on down ... colts have 3rd and 1 ... its a running situation ... but yeh peyton runs and blocks too ... then they are supposed to get the ball to start the half but its an onsides kick ... oh yeh ... peyton plays special teams ... then he gets the ball and he goes down and score ... then the saints score again ... and then they miss a fg ... b/c on 2nd and 12 the colts have HUGE PLAY LINED UP FOR COLLIE AND HE RUNS OUTSIDE WHEN HE HAD 3 BLOCKERS COMING TO HELP INSTEAD OF CUTTING INSIDE ... so so far this is all on peyton manning though ... yall need to try to be objective ... then he makes the pass which is debatable ... on the play you throw the ball to a spot ... and his man got beat ... blame reggie / blame peyton ... but great ones benefit from solid team play ... and then for extra salt on the wound ... reggie drops the td on 4th and goal just disgusting ... @ the end of the game the colts still had a chance but the ones acting like peyton choked is a joke
Just reviewed the pick 6 and that is 98% Wayne's fault. Manning pinpoints those in/skinny post routes all the time and Wayne just happens to be running a joke route in the Super Bowl with 5 minutes left.

Manning even stopped short when asked about the could tell he was holding something back. He's too good of a teammate to throw Reggie under the bus. And I guess Wayne was battling some sort of injury...?
New Orleans was crazy last riot stuff but pandemonium nonetheless....classic moment to witness firsthand!!

Tuesday is gonna be wild!!!!
The Saints WON the game point blank period. The offensive line did an amazing job protecting him and Drew chewed up that soft +!* zone defense they gave him. The middle was wide open all game and he took it and made them pay, while killing the clock and keeping Peyton on the sideline.

In terms of Peyton, honestly he made 2 bad decisions thee entire game, the deep ball to Collie over the middle which just wasn't there and the pass that was almost picked. The INT, while its credited to Peyton is really on Reggie, like all of their routes, it was a timing route that he'd ran earlier and was successful. In that situation its a set drop you put the ball on the spot and the receiver is supposed to get there. Reggie ran a half +!* route, not sure if he didn't think the pass was coming his way, he slipped, or what the case may be.

That Garcon 3rd down drop in the 2nd was huge, I said it as soon as it happened... "Watch that play come back to bite them in the +!*

Bottomline they won it and you can't take anything from them.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I can tell that you've never, ever spent any time in New Orleans during regular season with a statement like that.

The city latched on to the Saints early this season when it became clear the team was a solid contender.  Then the whole Katrina tragedy got wrapped around their season.  Maybe that's the city's fault.  Maybe that's the media's fault.  I'm saying it's both.

New Orleans is and has been a Saints city through losing season after losing season. If you go back to the first home game back in the dome (season opener) right after Katrina that was the real cathartic experience. New Orleans didn't even know if the Saints would be staying after Katrina, but the team remaining there and putting the city on its back, so to speak, gave people something to look forward to while going through all of the bs they had to deal with right after that horrendous experience.

   I'm not from New Orleans so I can't claim to understand exactly what the city's residents' experience was.  I get what you're saying.  But from my vantage point, post-Katrina N.O. appeared tied to the Saints only to the extent that team playing simply represented a signal of a return to normalcy, no different than infrastructure being restored.  I don't recall the fervor starting until this season, when the Saints looked serious.  I personally think it's a little inappropriate to hitch Katrina to this Saints championship.  What the players accomplished deserves to be celebrated on face value and not overridden with a horrible event 4 years in the past.  As I mentioned above, maybe some of this is the media's fault.  No doubt they played up the angle to o.d. level as they always do.  Remember the reports of FEMA money being spent on LV bags and other high-dollar items rather than on the food and water it was supposed to buy? I get the sense that many people are glorifying Katrina in this title rather than the genuine joy of the title itself.  The Saints franchise deserves for the win to be a win and not a "Katrina win".

I know people are tired of hearing about it, but tell that to my family who had to live through that @+%+. Tell that to my grandma who lost her house.

Tell that to one of my closest friends who had to relocate to California with nothing but the clothes on his back, because he lost everything.

Really, this goes for anyone who's crying about "all we're gonna hear now is about NO and Katrina, blah, blah, blah...". If you didn't have to live through it, it's easy for you to say that was five years ago, move on. New Orleans really hasn't improved much since, but this championship gives people something to feel good about.

It's sad to know that this happened thousands of times over.  As I said, I can't imagine the actual experience.  I'm not suggesting people pretend Katrina didn't happen because it was over 4 years ago.  I'm just making a point that it seems the only fair thing to just enjoy the moment of winning without linking it to this tragedy.  The championship has nothing to do with Katrina and has everything to do with playing great football.  People can bring Katrina into this win if they want.  But maybe they're short-changing the team, and themselves, if they do.

Was the game fixed? From what I saw, no. It was hard fought by both teams. The Saints busted their @$#+$ and came up with the W. Other than the two point conversion which was a close, but good call by the refs, I don't see what people are talking about saying it was fixed. Where? Do you think Reggie Wayne threw the game? C'mon... be for real.

I don't know.  We've seen sports tweaked for a lot less.  Everything about a Saints championship is a can't-miss.  A Colts win would've been reported, and taken, as another loss for N.O.  It's a feel-good story that everyone wanted to feel good about.  I've seen enough sports over the years to know that they're never as simple and pure as the game itself.  There's a lot of factors flying around this one.

Like I said before, I'm glad my team finally made it to the big game and walked away with the win.

New Orleans does deserve this. Not because of what they had to go through, but because of devotion they've given the Saints through thick and thin.


Congrats to you and the other true fans who care about the team for the team's sake and not the city's.  And shame on anyone who'd hang the Katrina loss around the Saints' win.  The team and true fans deserve better.

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by doyung9

Mardi Gras is the week after the Super Bowl 

From the article -
"This has been historic,'' she said. "The goal was always to have a celebration to honor the achievements of Saints'' Quiett said.
"The team will be featured in the parade," Quiett said.
Yup, sounds like Mardi Gras is going to be the reason for the parade

Originally Posted by doyung9

meanwhile in 9 days Drew Brees is gonna be hoisting the Lombardi Trophy.
Do they let the players from each team hold the trophy before the game?....becauseeeeee you along with 90 million other viewers are going to be seeing this and only this:


We're gonna revisit this in 3 days... but I fully expect you to go into hiding... similar to your quarterback... ex-quarterback... hired gun... attention wh*re... however you want to refer to Brett Favre.

Well... well... well... PAGING JPZx... 
I'll be back to gloat later, just got home from New Orleans...  but tell me.... how does your foot taste?
congrats to saints fan im not even mad at them even winning the superbowl i swear on it
damn its pretty crazy how the colts made it to the superbowl with most of their starters where injured marlon jackson, bob sanders,adam vinateri and other players i can't even think that got injured
Originally Posted by Mikeisoriginal

congrats to saints fan im not even mad at them even winning the superbowl i swear on it
damn its pretty crazy how the colts made it to the superbowl with most of their starters where injured marlon jackson, bob sanders,adam vinateri and other players i can't even think that got injured

I won't get too technical, but the reason is in your avatar. But congrats to the Saints. Never had a problem with them, just the millions of bandwagon 'who dats'.
Anyone here Carl Nicks' interview?

Reporter: "Carl how do you feel?"
Nicks: "Man I feel great.. I know I'm going to +*!@@@#+ Disneyland!"

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