Super Bowl XLIV Thread: Saints vs. Colts 2/7/09 6pm CBS vol: Peyton vs. Drew

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43



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Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

So I'd like to hear the "Peyton Manning is the best QB of this generation" crowd explain what happened today...

Sure, as soon as you can explain "What has Tom Brady done since Spygate"? Or do we just ignore the fact that ever happened?
Originally Posted by DMan14

what happened to bob sanders, i havent seen dude play since 07
The guy has played in 8 games since 2007
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

wow ... this is what i come home too ...
... so garcon dropping the pass on 3rd down when the colts were rolling ... or the colts not being able to get the 3rd and 1 b4 the half which allowed the saints to get a fg ... or caldwell being an idiot for not having the team ready for an onsides kick ... or hank baskett being a bum and not recovering the onsides kick, or reggie slipping on his cut for that 3rd and down pass that was intercepted ...

so yeh the potentially one day goat failed ... he single handedly loss the game ... he also dropped that 4th down and goal pass to reggie wayne at the end of the game too ...


yeh i'm hurt and i just pasted this in from another thread ... too many emotions ... just hurt

i have nothing coherent to say right now

Truth, how could people blame this solely on Manning,  I swear that 3rd down where Garcon drop pass was the biggest play that shifted the momentum.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Well, it was built up and built up and whaddya know? Saints win.  It's at times like these I wonder if some sports games are fixed.  Cynical?  Maybe.  Impossible? Who knows.

It's really interesting how the city co-opted the Saints as they began winning and all of the sudden the team winning the SB is some amazingly cathartic experience.

Forget a football championship.  The real victory people should be celebrating is having the city of New Orleans back on track to prosper again.

I can tell that you've never, ever spent any time in New Orleans during regular season with a statement like that.

New Orleans is and has been a Saints city through losing season after losing season.  If you go back to the first home game back in the dome (season opener) right after Katrina that was the real cathartic experience.  New Orleans didn't even know if the Saints would be staying after Katrina, but the team remaining there and putting the city on its back, so to speak, gave people something to look forward to while going through all of the bs they had to deal with right after that horrendous experience.

I know people are tired of hearing about it, but tell that to my family who had to live through that @+%+.  Tell that to my grandma who lost her house.

Tell that to one of my closest friends who had to relocate to California with nothing but the clothes on his back, because he lost everything.

Really, this goes for anyone who's crying about "all we're gonna hear now is about NO and Katrina, blah, blah, blah...".  If you didn't have to live through it, it's easy for you to say that was five years ago, move on.  New Orleans really hasn't improved much since, but this championship gives people something to feel good about.

Was the game fixed?  From what I saw, no.  It was hard fought by both teams.  The Saints busted their @$#+$ and came up with the W.  Other than the two point conversion which was a close, but good call by the refs, I don't see what people are talking about saying it was fixed.  Where?  Do you think Reggie Wayne threw the game?  C'mon...  be for real.

Like I said before, I'm glad my team finally made it to the big game and walked away with the win. 

New Orleans does deserve this.  Not because of what they had to go through, but because of devotion they've given the Saints through thick and thin.
I won a small amount of $250 from this game (won 4th quarter in a last minute Pool my friends and I made right before the start of the game). Get this, I chose Jets numbers for all 6 of my boxes (I won on Revis

I didn't expect the Saints to win this game to be honest, but good for them.
That pick was all Manning, it shouldn't of been thrown. The DB wassitting on that route, so it aint matter how hard he ran his route. The DB even said he seen that route combination on film. So once Collie motioned he already knew Wayne was just gonna sit down on his route. He hopped it, that's all she wrote.
seriously i am sick and tired of hearing about this whole katrina nonsense and how new orleans needed to win to feel some sort of pride for their city.

new yorkers been thru 9/11 and hell when the giants won the super bowl 2 years in dramatic fashion and no one brought it up how that victory saved us from all the sorrow and sadness.
Just read the thread.

at misterP posting all those rolling faces to start off the game only to start posting stonefaces after the colts got bodied.

at the vikings fans still being salty and thinking we couldn't win cuz we had our wrost game of the season and still beat them.

at people saying brady>Manning.

at us being the champions of the NFL
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt


If this picture isn't a metaphor for life, I don't know what is.

Congrats to the Saints. Didn't think they'd do it, but i was rooting hard for Brees and the boys!

Hopefully my Bears are taking notes.
Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr


as much a i hate him, i respect him, and i can't help but feel for the guy. his fault or's his name in the headlines
peyton is still the best qb in this generation no doubt. The saints just have a better team around brees. Was the pic all on him no wayne is supposed to beat the defender there and he didnt. And the colts d couldnt do one thing right in the 2nd half.
To the dude that said Caldwell was an idiot for not being ready for an onside kick...+*!, would you have ever thought that a team in the superbowl would kick an onside kick to start off the third quarter? Didn't think so, that was a huge gamble and it worked. Had the Saints lost and blown the onside kick you would have been calling sean payton an idiot for not kicking that FG in the first half and calling the onside kick
To the dude that said Caldwell was an idiot for not being ready for an onside kick...+!*, would you have ever thought that a team in the superbowl would kick an onside kick to start off the third quarter? Didn't think so, that was a huge gamble and it worked. Had the Saints lost and blown the onside kick you would have been calling sean payton an idiot for not kicking that FG in the first half and calling the onside kick
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