SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

I really hope 2k16 turns out good. I haven't bought a wrestling game in forever.

I hope MyCareer is vastly improved as well
Their convo about spoilers... How If you put the results on the headline, it's a giant penis move to do so...
Oh yea, they did talk about spoils. They were like if you want to avoid something, don't go to that site. But here, before we even click on a damn thread, we see the results.

No other TV show thread on NT does that, but this one does.
Agreed, Sheamus holding the case leaves no type of suspense at all, regardless of his character change. Heel Sheamus is only a bit better than face Sheamus, and even though he's a very good worker, he's still unbearable. I don't want him ever winning a World title ever again. That case should've went to Cesaro or Ambrose.
I never saw the reason he got it in the first place. I wish people could defend the case. Has WWE ever did that?
PJ Funk :lol:

Didn't realize Carmella's theme is some variant DJ Mustard beat :lol:

I always thought of Carmella's theme as a Disney version of Fancy

Wow....that's actually legit :lol:

Watching that Eva/Carmella match goodness Eva stinks. That match was worse than her first one. Carmella and Cassie damn near had to drag her through the entire match. Her Sliced Bread was slow as ****. I feel for every chick on the roster that has to take a pin to her. Awesome entrance, awesome "aura", hot chick. Everything else sucks straight up :lol:
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Who dis?

From how grainy the pic is I'm thiking this is an old school "actress" I should know.
Their convo about spoilers... How If you put the results on the headline, it's a giant penis move to do so...
Oh yea, they did talk about spoils. They were like if you want to avoid something, don't go to that site. But here, before we even click on a damn thread, we see the results.

No other TV show thread on NT does that, but this one does.

All of that... Pollock specifically said he would never post the results in a wrap up podcast though...

didn't see this before , i'm sure i'm late but for some reason i found this hilarious :lol:

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