Stupid Conspiracy Theorists...Gov't involved in 9/11...Get Real !!!

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

I will stop posting on NT forever if you answer this post I made a while back on a different website:

This doesn't make any sense. Let's say the US government was indeed extremely corrupt to the point of attacking its own people. Now, let's say they either did 9/11 or helped it in being carried out.

** 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Refution **

What was gained ? (It gave Bush increased power, and allowed for the invasion of Afghanistan) - Why would Bush want to invade Afghanistan so badly ? - What has he gained in passing the patriot act ? Has he really gained money from Afghanistan for himself or abused the patriot act to the point of using it as a tool to gain money from ? Nope. By the way, why would al-Qaeda work with the U.S in claiming they in fact attacked the U.S only to have itself be bombed out by the U.S in return ?

Now, before you bring up Iraq.. it was not caused by 9/11. 9/11 was a part of it, but too small to be considered. The root cause was WMD's. Beyond this, why would al-Qaeda work to allow the U.S to invade Iraq and turn around and kill U.S soldiers there ? Why would al-Qaeda continue to accept 9/11 responsibility if the U.S is killing them with the reason that they caused 9/11 ? Does this make any sense to you at all ?

There's only 1 possible way to answer my questions: al-Qaeda is a U.S tool.

If you believe this, I pity you. Why would a U.S tool target Americans/American allies so indiscriminately ? Why is al-Qaeda so loose an organization that I, if I wanted to, could simply go to Afghanistan, learn how to make bombs, and go back to the U.S and kill Americans ? (Before 2001, although still possible today). Would the U.S want its own "tool" training thousands of radicals and sending them out with both a thrist for western blood and more importantly, the means in which to spill it ? Do you realize how big of a problem this would be for the whole western world ? The only answer to that is that every single al-Qaeda member is instructed by the U.S on what to attack. If you believe THIS, well... let's just hope you don't.

Until someone comes up with a valid response to this post, I will consider all 9/11 conspiracy theories disproven and simply copy paste this back when the issue is brought up again.

watch zeitgeist my friend, then maybe you wont be so sure of yourself?
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

did you really have to post that gif of JFK? Have some decency. I suppose these "false-flag" operations are also part of the "New World Order" huh? The Illuminati are conspiring as we speak to dominate the world huh? Stop with these ridiculous conspiracy theories all ready. There is no proof of any of this. Show me hard evidence that our government was involved in or knew about 9/11. Don't just post a load of speculative stuff can be interpreted to suit the conspiracy agenda.'re offended by a GIF of an actual event that is shown 1000 times a month on cable television?

But you're not offended by the official government paperwork posted, which calls for the execution of American citizens by the American military to draw usinto war, further sacrificing American and foreign lives?

And where do you see me mention NWO or Illuminati in my posts? I didn't even claim that the government was definitely responsible..all I am showing you isthat you need to open your eyes, its not out of the realm of fact its more realistic than the story that you have been sold.

But hold on...i'll post up the audio clip of Bush and Cheney on Direct connect, chirping each other about the specifics of the whole that you canhave your "hard evidence"

What hard evidence do you expect to see about an event like this at such an early time?
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Yea, Where's your proof at conspiracy freaks?!?

now i dont consider myself a conspiracy theorist or anything like that, but i do believe that there are facts about the whole situationsurrounding 9/11 that the government has kept secret from the public. I personally just find it hard to believe that will all of the intelligence that ourcountry gathers that the government had absolutely no idea of the events that were going to occur that day. I'm not saying that the knew the exact plane,time, date & all that. But i do think that they had an idea that something was going to happen to a major metropolitan area around that time.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Yea, Where's your proof at conspiracy freaks?!?

now i dont consider myself a conspiracy theorist or anything like that, but i do believe that there are facts about the whole situation surrounding 9/11 that the government has kept secret from the public. I personally just find it hard to believe that will all of the intelligence that our country gathers that the government had absolutely no idea of the events that were going to occur that day. I'm not saying that the knew the exact plane, time, date & all that. But i do think that they had an idea that something was going to happen to a major metropolitan area around that time.
of course they did. problem is they got bs threats all the time. so how to tell which ones are real and which are not? you cant take every one ofthem seriously.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

In some videos you can see explosions in different floors as the building falls.

Umm no, that's the floors popping out from the pressure as the top falls down. The windows and walls at the lower floors obviously get blown out.

anyway, I dare any of you conspiracy theorists to even try to answer my post on the first page. Just give me some laughs.

I answered the question in my previous post.

9/11 was about more than just Afghanistan and Iraq (which would not have been possible without it) has opened up the door to many options.

Primarily the expansion of the military industrial complex, historic expansion of executive powers and a free pass to do as we please in the middle east andnorthern africa.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

In some videos you can see explosions in different floors as the building falls.

Umm no, that's the floors popping out from the pressure as the top falls down. The windows and walls at the lower floors obviously get blown out.

anyway, I dare any of you conspiracy theorists to even try to answer my post on the first page. Just give me some laughs.

I answered the question in my previous post.

9/11 was about more than just Afghanistan and Iraq (which would not have been possible without it) has opened up the door to many options.

Primarily the expansion of the military industrial complex, historic expansion of executive powers and a free pass to do as we please in the middle east and northern africa.

You answered nothing. That "answer" has nothing to do with what I posted. So you believe that al-Qaeda is all run by the CIA and every singleal-Qaeda terrorist is controlled by the U.S government ?

Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

I will stop posting on NT forever if you answer this post I made a while back on a different website:

This doesn't make any sense. Let's say the US government was indeed extremely corrupt to the point of attacking its own people. Now, let's say they either did 9/11 or helped it in being carried out.

** 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Refution **

What was gained ? (It gave Bush increased power, and allowed for the invasion of Afghanistan) - Why would Bush want to invade Afghanistan so badly ? - What has he gained in passing the patriot act ? Has he really gained money from Afghanistan for himself or abused the patriot act to the point of using it as a tool to gain money from ? Nope. By the way, why would al-Qaeda work with the U.S in claiming they in fact attacked the U.S only to have itself be bombed out by the U.S in return ?

Now, before you bring up Iraq.. it was not caused by 9/11. 9/11 was a part of it, but too small to be considered. The root cause was WMD's. Beyond this, why would al-Qaeda work to allow the U.S to invade Iraq and turn around and kill U.S soldiers there ? Why would al-Qaeda continue to accept 9/11 responsibility if the U.S is killing them with the reason that they caused 9/11 ? Does this make any sense to you at all ?

There's only 1 possible way to answer my questions: al-Qaeda is a U.S tool.

If you believe this, I pity you. Why would a U.S tool target Americans/American allies so indiscriminately ? Why is al-Qaeda so loose an organization that I, if I wanted to, could simply go to Afghanistan, learn how to make bombs, and go back to the U.S and kill Americans ? (Before 2001, although still possible today). Would the U.S want its own "tool" training thousands of radicals and sending them out with both a thrist for western blood and more importantly, the means in which to spill it ? Do you realize how big of a problem this would be for the whole western world ? The only answer to that is that every single al-Qaeda member is instructed by the U.S on what to attack. If you believe THIS, well... let's just hope you don't.

Until someone comes up with a valid response to this post, I will consider all 9/11 conspiracy theories disproven and simply copy paste this back when the issue is brought up again.

watch zeitgeist my friend, then maybe you wont be so sure of yourself?

Nice answer..... not.

The makers of that garbage movie made for sheep would not be able to answer my question either.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

In some videos you can see explosions in different floors as the building falls.

Umm no, that's the floors popping out from the pressure as the top falls down. The windows and walls at the lower floors obviously get blown out.

anyway, I dare any of you conspiracy theorists to even try to answer my post on the first page. Just give me some laughs.

I answered the question in my previous post.

9/11 was about more than just Afghanistan and Iraq (which would not have been possible without it) has opened up the door to many options.

Primarily the expansion of the military industrial complex, historic expansion of executive powers and a free pass to do as we please in the middle east and northern africa.

explain the "expansion of the military industrial complex".

and we do as we please because we are the USA dude

its nothing new, we have been doing it for a long long time.
We now have the perceived right to do whatever we deem necessary in the middle east to protect our domestic and foreign interests and allies. In doing so wewill also ensure that our energy sources and profits are secure for centuries. Not to mention wenow insert our influence and economic base in the center of the globe. In between Europe, at arms reach to Asia and tactically closer to Russia. Its exactlywhat we needed to expand and maintain our empire.
I don't care about that movie and I don't base my reality around that stretch of a flick or what anyone other biased outlet tries to feeds to me...Iuse my own God given brain and intuition.

If you can't see how the reasoning that I posted correlate to that simplistic line of questioning, which you seem to think is bulletproof...I guess youwin.
Show me hard evidence that our government was involved in or knew about 9/11. Don't just post a load of speculative stuff can be interpreted to suit the conspiracy agenda.

How can anybody come forth with any more evidence than what is already being shown over the internets? Who can we(the people) get proof from? The Media? Themedia is controlled by the Govt... My buddy said it best, "You only know what they show." The world wide web is the only way to expose these"truths" because it is SO VAST and harder to regulate. We will never get evidence from the Govt. so who do we get proof from?

I would like somebody to answer MidEastBeasts question also, or explain to us what Zeitgeist said about it.

You gave me a simple "reason" I hear all the time from everyone else who buys into this joke.

Still, you have no explanation for why al-Qaeda would go along with it, unless you believe al-Qaeda is completely run by the CIA (as in literally every singleal-Qaeda member and affiliate is controlled by the U.S government and told what to attack and when)

Since you still believe that hogwash you therefore must believe the latter, in which case this argument is over.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

In some videos you can see explosions in different floors as the building falls.

Umm no, that's the floors popping out from the pressure as the top falls down. The windows and walls at the lower floors obviously get blown out.

anyway, I dare any of you conspiracy theorists to even try to answer my post on the first page. Just give me some laughs.

I answered the question in my previous post.

9/11 was about more than just Afghanistan and Iraq (which would not have been possible without it) has opened up the door to many options.

Primarily the expansion of the military industrial complex, historic expansion of executive powers and a free pass to do as we please in the middle east and northern africa.

explain the "expansion of the military industrial complex".

and we do as we please because we are the USA dude

its nothing new, we have been doing it for a long long time.

Its never that easy.

There is always an agitating factor to propel would we just launch such a far reaching global war without 9/11. What is the motive? Where would thesupport come from? How would we quell tensions from other wary superpowers questioning our motives and feeling pressured into counteracting our moves?

Its not that simple as just "We're we declare war on any nation with untapped oil reserves".

There is a clearly established code to statehood, you have to win the support of your people, the international community and show a certain face publicly,even though all the heads of states around the globe know the real rationale taking place behind close doors.....

Look at any war that we have been involved in, in our bloody history and you the reasons for war will be right next to it. *Gulf of Tonkin*
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

We now have the perceived right to do whatever we deem necessary in the middle east to protect our domestic and foreign interests and allies. In doing so we will also ensure that our energy sources and profits are secure for centuries. Not to mention we now insert our influence and economic base in the center of the globe. In between Europe, at arms reach to Asia and tactically closer to Russia. Its exactly what we needed to expand and maintain our empire.

and you thought war was about what?
I don't get why people so quickly dismiss it.

I'm not picking a side, but lets not act like the gov't isn't capable of this type of stuff.
I find interesting that Iraq is where Ancient Babylon used to be.

This is what I think.
Bush invaded Afghan because of the poppy flowers. To get more control of the drugs industry.
As for Al-qaeda killing soldiers in Iraq, i don't think it was them. I think its was some Iraqis and other groups that didn't want their country beingtaken over. But seriously, would you let an invading army step on ur land and destroy your country. These guys had pride. And they were not going to let ithappen.
Al-qaeda is a tool. Just like it was used to fight the Russians in the Afghan war(I believe). And who do you think funded them back then and gave themweapons? Um . . . the U.S.
I'll recommend you some books to read, if you want.
If you believe that the US was behind the 9/11 attacks that means you either believe that either

- The attacks on 9/11 were somehow a coordinated effort between the US and Al-Qaeda

- The US performed these attacks directly (the point of view argued by those who think it was an elaborate hoax, it was a missle not a plane, etc. etc.)

- The US knew about the attacks yet intentionally did nothing to prevent them


None of those scenarios seem at likely.

At the very most, you could argue that Bush & Rice allowed for these attacks to happen, ignoring the data gathered by US intelligence warning of attacks byBin Laden that would target ""military passenger aircraft" and were "designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities orinterests."

The most logical standpoint to take would be that, at worst, they were incredibly negligent.

Even if we had been behind these attacks, the premises seem a little ridiculous. I have no doubt that we invaded Iraq in part because of interests far removedfrom homeland security, but to say we set up these attacks in order to invade Iraq or Afghanistan seems far-fetched.

September 16, the first day Wall St opened up for trading after the attacks, was one the worst days on the floor ever, and many experts at the time believed itwould lead us directly into a recession.

Doesn't seem to add up.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

In some videos you can see explosions in different floors as the building falls.

Umm no, that's the floors popping out from the pressure as the top falls down. The windows and walls at the lower floors obviously get blown out.

anyway, I dare any of you conspiracy theorists to even try to answer my post on the first page. Just give me some laughs.

I answered the question in my previous post.

9/11 was about more than just Afghanistan and Iraq (which would not have been possible without it) has opened up the door to many options.

Primarily the expansion of the military industrial complex, historic expansion of executive powers and a free pass to do as we please in the middle east and northern africa.

explain the "expansion of the military industrial complex".

and we do as we please because we are the USA dude

its nothing new, we have been doing it for a long long time.

Look at any war that we have been involved in, in our bloody history and you the reasons for war will be right next to it. *Gulf of Tonkin*
what about Bosnia bro? what was the reason for that?
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Yea, Where's your proof at conspiracy freaks?!?

now i dont consider myself a conspiracy theorist or anything like that, but i do believe that there are facts about the whole situation surrounding 9/11 that the government has kept secret from the public. I personally just find it hard to believe that will all of the intelligence that our country gathers that the government had absolutely no idea of the events that were going to occur that day. I'm not saying that the knew the exact plane, time, date & all that. But i do think that they had an idea that something was going to happen to a major metropolitan area around that time.
of course they did. problem is they got bs threats all the time. so how to tell which ones are real and which are not? you cant take every one of them seriously.
alright well then i pose another question to you about how are they supposed to know which threats are legitimate & which aren't. Theexample im going to use is the Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh. You claim that the government has no way of knowing which threats are serious &which arent.

Then my question to you is that how was it that there wasnt a single government official in the building the day of the bombing. They all had gotten callstelling them not to go to work that day, that just seems very suspicious in my opinion. Also another indicator that the government knew about it beforehand, isthe fact that 10 minutes after they found the other vans that McVeigh had planned to detonate, 10 minutes after they found them, they knew the exact chemicalmixture that he had planned on using. How would they know that so soon after finding them if they had no prior knowledge.

but seeing as how i wouldnt really expect you to believe what im saying you can listen to michael corbett make all of these claism right here... http://www.corbettreport....ii=74&i=Documentation
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

You gave me a simple "reason" I hear all the time from everyone else who buys into this joke.

Still, you have no explanation for why al-Qaeda would go along with it, unless you believe al-Qaeda is completely run by the CIA (as in literally every single al-Qaeda member and affiliate is controlled by the U.S government and told what to attack and when)

Since you still believe that hogwash you therefore must believe the latter, in which case this argument is over.


Great logic.

Thats exactly what I'm really narrowed down all the possibilities and nailed down my exact thought process.

The argument is over. You win.

BTW if you don't like The Beatles or Michael must think that the music industry is a hidden alien conspiracy designed by Martians tosecretly destroy humanity.
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