Stupid Conspiracy Theorists...Gov't involved in 9/11...Get Real !!!

Jul 15, 2006
Yeah...lets get real for a second.....

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false-flag conspiracy plan, proposed within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or other operatives to commit apparent acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba. One plan was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington".

This operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on a foreign government, namely Cuba.

The plan states,
"The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere."
US Gov'tplan to sacrifice American lives in the name of War...









"The former Chairman of The FederalReserve, safely out of office, confessed in his memoir..."everyone knows: The Iraq War is largely aboutOil"..."

The Chairman of the Federal Reserve says that, really?.....

Any second thoughts on the subject?

dont know about all that. i still question the FLASHES as the planes hit the two WTC towers.. whats up with that? no explanation
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

dont know about all that. i still question the FLASHES as the planes hit the two WTC towers.. whats up with that? no explanation
I can't speculate on the actual semantics of the "attack" and aftermath but anyone who totally dismisses US governmental involvementin the 9/11 incidents, when virtually identical false-flag plans were proposed in the 1960's, with the intention to propel us into should reallytry to think objectively and realistically for a second.

Look at the chain of events that has transpired and ask yourself why? How and why did we really invade Iraq AKA the largest untapped Oil field on the Earth?

The answer is right there in black and white. Stamped with an official government seal.

Every great empire in human history has its dark moments, atrocities done in the shadows to maintain hegemony...this is one of ours.
the only problem i have with all this conspiracy talk is that people think the government needed 9/11 to invade iraq. we were going to invade iraq regardlessof 9/11. no doubt about that.
IMO the gov't knew what was up or were involved in the WTC events...I still don't understand how those two massive building collapsed in a"demolition style" way and WTC 7 collapsed a few hours after the buildings fell.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

the only problem i have with all this conspiracy talk is that people think the government needed 9/11 to invade iraq. we were going to invade iraq regardless of 9/11. no doubt about that.
we all know that the government wanted to invade iraq for the longest time, but 9/11 gave them the perfect excuse to do it under other pretenses
Originally Posted by 1boredzombie

IMO the gov't knew what was up or were involved in the WTC events...I still don't understand how those two massive building collapsed in a "demolition style" way and WTC 7 collapsed a few hours after the buildings fell.

its been proven. you can read all about it if you really want to know.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

the only problem i have with all this conspiracy talk is that people think the government needed 9/11 to invade iraq. we were going to invade iraq regardless of 9/11. no doubt about that.
we all know that the government wanted to invade iraq for the longest time, but 9/11 gave them the perfect excuse to do it under other pretenses
i guess. i had professors in college back in 2000 telling me we were about to go to war as soon as bush was elected. they had that decided beforehe was elected. 9/11 didnt have much to do with it.
I will stop posting on NT forever if you answer this post I made a while back on a different website:

This doesn't make any sense. Let's say the US government was indeed extremely corrupt to the point of attacking its own people. Now, let's say theyeither did 9/11 or helped it in being carried out.

** 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Refution **

What was gained ? (It gave Bush increased power, and allowed for the invasion of Afghanistan) - Why would Bush want to invade Afghanistan so badly ? - What hashe gained in passing the patriot act ? Has he really gained money from Afghanistan for himself or abused the patriot act to the point of using it as a tool togain money from ? Nope. By the way, why would al-Qaeda work with the U.S in claiming they in fact attacked the U.S only to have itself be bombed out by the U.Sin return ?

Now, before you bring up Iraq.. it was not caused by 9/11. 9/11 was a part of it, but too small to be considered. The root cause was WMD's. Beyond this,why would al-Qaeda work to allow the U.S to invade Iraq and turn around and kill U.S soldiers there ? Why would al-Qaeda continue to accept 9/11 responsibilityif the U.S is killing them with the reason that they caused 9/11 ? Does this make any sense to you at all ?

There's only 1 possible way to answer my questions: al-Qaeda is a U.S tool.

If you believe this, I pity you. Why would a U.S tool target Americans/American allies so indiscriminately ? Why is al-Qaeda so loose an organization that I,if I wanted to, could simply go to Afghanistan, learn how to make bombs, and go back to the U.S and kill Americans ? (Before 2001, although still possibletoday). Would the U.S want its own "tool" training thousands of radicals and sending them out with both a thrist for western blood and moreimportantly, the means in which to spill it ? Do you realize how big of a problem this would be for the whole western world ? The only answer to that is thatevery single al-Qaeda member is instructed by the U.S on what to attack. If you believe THIS, well... let's just hope you don't.

Until someone comes up with a valid response to this post, I will consider all 9/11 conspiracy theories disproven and simply copy paste this back when theissue is brought up again.
did you really have to post that gif of JFK? Have some decency. I suppose these"false-flag" operations are also part of the "New World Order" huh? The Illuminati are conspiring as we speak to dominate the world huh?Stop with these ridiculous conspiracy theories all ready. There is no proof of any of this. Show me hard evidence that our government was involved in or knewabout 9/11. Don't just post a load of speculative stuff can be interpreted to suit the conspiracy agenda.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

the only problem i have with all this conspiracy talk is that people think the government needed 9/11 to invade iraq. we were going to invade iraq regardless of 9/11. no doubt about that.

Perhaps...but how do you convince the American people and the world community that a clash of civilizations is necessary? How do you get a blank check for aborder less assault on Middle Easterner states without 9/11? What happens when 9/11 never took place, you invade Iraq and can't find WMDs or one singlereason to justify the war? How do you force congress into approving military force without the looming memory of that tragic day?

Without 9/11 none of this would be possible. It set the stage for for the war and our future imperialistic goals.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

In some videos you can see explosions in different floors as the building falls.

Umm no, that's the floors popping out from the pressure as the top falls down. The windows and walls at the lower floors obviously get blown out.

anyway, I dare any of you conspiracy theorists to even try to answer my post on the first page. Just give me some laughs.
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