Studying Abroad?

Mar 22, 2001
Anyone have any experiences.....recommendations?

Been thinking about it lately.......the having to borrow money part is whats holding me back.
i went to UNSW in Sydney, Australia for 6 month. Best experience of my joke. Like easily, the best 6 months of my life. You meet a lot of people fromall over the world, you basically become part of a whole new culture while you're there (granted, Australia wasnt that much of a change from the US, mainlymore laid back), and it's just a great overall experience if you pick a place that is right for you.
if its not gonna hurt you to much in the long run i say borrow the money...i'm sure its well worth it...i'm thinking about it but i haven't decidedwhen/where.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

i went to UNSW in Sydney, Australia for 6 month. Best experience of my joke. Like easily, the best 6 months of my life. You meet a lot of people from all over the world, you basically become part of a whole new culture while you're there (granted, Australia wasnt that much of a change from the US, mainly more laid back), and it's just a great overall experience if you pick a place that is right for you.
Dude i was just wondering about that university do they take transfers from the united states??? if so is it really hard to get in compared to thecolleges in the states? and do they pay for the public universities over there?
Originally Posted by Much Respected

I've studied a broad... or two.
Not me (unfortunately) but my boys, who are also my roommates (2 of em) studied abroad last spring...Went to Italy, France, and Spain..Roughly a month and 1/2at each location. They said it was one of the best experiences they ever had, no regrets.

I regret not goin though. I was supposed to, and backed out last minute mostly because of financial concerns but I shoulda jus dealt with it and gone. Imlooking into doing a winter break study abroad next year, senior year.
^^^ A month and 1/2? I didn't know they had programs that short.
Do it. I'll be studying abroad in Shanghai this summer. I can't wait but I know I won't regret doing this.
I spent 6 months in Australia as well...I was an hour south of sydney in NSW University of Wollongong. It was the time of my life...definatly head up toQueensland if you go...thats where all the broads is at lol...and its much more tourist friendly...Fraser Island and Whitsundays were the highlights of mytrip.
Man...If you're a minority, your school should have tons of scholarships in which you can apply....Personally, I would go to China, Japan, or India sincewe will be conducting tons of business with them in the near future.. Ma gurl went to Japan/Taiwan and her starting Salary @ Vanguard was higher because shewent to Japan/Taiwan..
Studied abroad in 04, sept-dec, university of east anglia in norwich, england (about 2 hrs by train from London.)..had a great time, but I was broke as hellhaha. My school had a program where you paid instate tution and I had scholarships that covered all that so I was cool. Only thing that sucked was the schooldidn't have a cafeteria, only a bunch of restaurants in the union..teachers were awesome, still keep in contact with one of their wives. It was my firstThanksgiving away from home and my "History of American Slavery" professor's wife was from Louisana. The invited me over for Thanksgiving andreally took care of me while I was there...if you can do it, you should...
RFX, yea, but it was a month and a 1/2 in Italy, then another month and 1/2 in Spain, and then France...idk if i came off as confusing or still endedup being a full semester...either way, it looked and sounded like a blast. Before I graduate I promise to do something like it...
Ooo I'm excited now I'm going to Italy this summer. Hopefully Japan for fall/winter 08
Do it. I studied at the University of the West Indies for a summer and it was the most fulfilling time of my college experience.
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