Studied 12 hrs last night on gen chem. Had 3 tutors. Still flunked.

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cramming for chemistry doesn't work
Yes it does. I didn't go to my gen chem class for 6 weeks. 2 days before the final I just studied about 7 hours a day. SHABAM! C.

how the hell do you not get kicked outta that class way before if you haven't been there for 6 weeks? 4-5 absences at CUNY schools and they kick you outta the class

by "cramming doesn't work," i think dirty meant that it doesn't work at getting A's. getting a C aint anything to write home about,especially if you need to get those A's for grad or med school.

and lacedup, a lot of schools don't take attendance (actually most lectures don't take attendance, unless your school is super strict). at uci, youcould skip all of lecture and just come to take the midterm and final. however if you got a discussion, they might take attendance, or you have to come to takethe quizzes.
cramming for anything doesnt work. you dont remember most stuff from the night before, let alone on no sleep
I got a Biology test in 90 mins and I've only studied for a total of an hour in the past week. SMH
Honestly, it happens. I just try to take advantage of being in class...whatever work you have from there, make use of it.. I like being punctual and timely with my stuff so I have time to play though... balancing is a necessity... I try to take an easy and hard class at the same time.. so when I'm in my easy class.. I spend that class period either doing hw or reviewing notes from that hard class. Not only are u already in a school setting which makes it easier to the time I get off work and school, the work is done or close to being done and I have time to just review... what i didnt get to cover in that class... and wit that tutor.. after u comprehend something try to teach it back to THEM. it works for a lot of people.. it works for a lot... but all in all.. don't complain and bug urself out about it.. cause if u do, guarantee u'll probably work urself to the point u crack under pressure when ur taking the next tests... good luck!
its been said, cramming doesn't pay dividends. there is NO substitute for hard work and it needs to be done since the first day of a class. It doesn'tmatter how some guys think theyre cool and all that for studying last min and passing. if passing is all you want then i guess cramming is good.
12 hours? what the hell.. that's like dudes bragging about smashing chicks for 15 hours. completely unnecessary.. you need to change your studyingtechniques and you'll probably be aight.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cramming for chemistry doesn't work

cramming won't work man. if you're having trouble with gchem, you are gonna get handled by ochem. what you need to do OP is pace yourself over the course of the quarter/semester and gradually memorize/learn as you go. if you can find 15-30 minutes to sit down and read the text or go over notes, you are already ahead of the game.

the only people who can cram 2 days before a test and ace it are the ones who just have exceptional memorization abilities. the majority of people need a good night's rest in order to consolidate short-term memory to long-term memory. if you don't sleep at all, you won't remember what you studied (well, maybe a bit, but you will blank at one point and this will cause you to panic, which will blank you out even more).

7-8 hours of sleep >>>>> all-nighters. also, drink some coffee before the exam to improve your focus and maybe chew some gum to stimulate your brain.

i know plenty of people who got handled by gchem but did exceptionally well in ochem. they are two totally different things.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cramming for chemistry doesn't work

cramming won't work man. if you're having trouble with gchem, you are gonna get handled by ochem. what you need to do OP is pace yourself over the course of the quarter/semester and gradually memorize/learn as you go. if you can find 15-30 minutes to sit down and read the text or go over notes, you are already ahead of the game.

the only people who can cram 2 days before a test and ace it are the ones who just have exceptional memorization abilities. the majority of people need a good night's rest in order to consolidate short-term memory to long-term memory. if you don't sleep at all, you won't remember what you studied (well, maybe a bit, but you will blank at one point and this will cause you to panic, which will blank you out even more).

7-8 hours of sleep >>>>> all-nighters. also, drink some coffee before the exam to improve your focus and maybe chew some gum to stimulate your brain.

i know plenty of people who got handled by gchem but did exceptionally well in ochem. they are two totally different things.

that's because the plenty of people you know got smart and learned how to study just in time for ochem.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Quality > quantity, even with studies.

If you're really tired, you're less likely to retain anything you read. So, you could study for hours on end, and still bomb it. Along with the other tips in this post, try studying earlier in the day, if possible. If you can't, caffeine before studying could help.
Yes, and I apply this rule during exams as well.

Agree (except for the Caffeine part, try drinks enriched with B vitamins. lots of energy, no crash
i have a midterm on fri and i have no idea what the hell is going on

this one is only worth like 10% of our grade but im still
knowing im gonna fail
I really dont believe you can cram in chem. Its something you have to learn over a period of time IMO.
Everybody works different...studying and cramming the night before may work for some

but if you havent always done that then it probably wont work
okay my dude there should be assigned problems you should do those the day after you learned that material and study the material you learned that day for 30mins it will sink into your brain that way.... then when it comes test time it is reviewing material you already know.... at least thats what works for me
That sucks. I'm bout to fail a math test tomorrow but at least I can redeem myself with the 4 other tests this semester. I came in the class 2 weeks lateand I haven't been able to catch up. Just gonna have to get this one past me. Don't give up though. There are a few subjects in college that make mefeel like I'm not smart enough to be here and math is one of them. Everything else is cake
Dont think I've ever FAILED an exam... gotta get at least a D son.

But I do have a math exam on friday that I definitely am not prepared for.
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