Studied 12 hrs last night on gen chem. Had 3 tutors. Still flunked.

OP you should drop out


use comments like this to push yourself more.
Chemistry takes time to work with. You can't just cram it in one night.
word to dirty.
Just wait till you get to Organic're gonna wanna off yaself after taking that class
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cramming for chemistry doesn't work
Yes it does. I didn't go to my gen chem class for 6 weeks. 2 days before the final I just studied about 7 hours a day. SHABAM! C.
they key to learn ANYTHING is to understand the concept and WHY...
spreadin the knowledge...
I'm down to proofread stuff if it's under 5 pages or so. I've gotten all A's on my papers in college. However, if you're having issuesregarding material, I can't be much help to those of you with science majors.

I find that getting a good night's sleep, waking up and reviewing with a not sugar free Redbull in the morning before class helps a lot.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cramming for chemistry doesn't work
Yes it does. I didn't go to my gen chem class for 6 weeks. 2 days before the final I just studied about 7 hours a day. SHABAM! C.
that's not exactly what I consider "working"
I'm with Dirty. Most professors grade on a scale like this: A) superior, B) above average, C) average.
He didn't necessarily say he crammed. He just said he had 3 tutor and studied 12 hrs on top of the extra tutoring.
Originally Posted by wj4

Studied 12 hrs last night on gen chem. Had 3 tutors. Still flunked.

Not even intro O chem? 3 tutors? The Kwame Brown of the chemistry game, you are.


rough. Dimensional Analysis and balancing equations FTW. I loved Gen Chem.
cramming won't work man. if you're having trouble with gchem, you are gonna get handled by ochem. what you need to do OP is pace yourself over thecourse of the quarter/semester and gradually memorize/learn as you go. if you can find 15-30 minutes to sit down and read the text or go over notes, you arealready ahead of the game.

the only people who can cram 2 days before a test and ace it are the ones who just have exceptional memorization abilities. the majority of people need a goodnight's rest in order to consolidate short-term memory to long-term memory. if you don't sleep at all, you won't remember what you studied (well,maybe a bit, but you will blank at one point and this will cause you to panic, which will blank you out even more).

7-8 hours of sleep >>>>> all-nighters. also, drink some coffee before the exam to improve your focus and maybe chew some gum to stimulate yourbrain.
sad thing was it was over 12 hours. something like 16 hours straight 4PM to 8AM.

I didn't even go on NT the last 2 days. I banned it from my modzilla. I came here today to exasperate my discontent.

A lot of people got whacked today though. I swear I blanked out. I was correcting tutors at 6am. I picked up on all the mistakes they made. Man.. Btw, I'mnot a chem major or Pre med. I won't be taking Orgo. I'm a engineering physics major
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

procrastination FTL

I still have yet to learn my lesson. A teacher can give me the assignement 2 weeks ahead, I'll still be up till 1am the night before its due working on itfor hours. Never fails
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cramming for chemistry doesn't work
Yes it does. I didn't go to my gen chem class for 6 weeks. 2 days before the final I just studied about 7 hours a day. SHABAM! C.

how the hell do you not get kicked outta that class way before if you haven't been there for 6 weeks? 4-5 absences at CUNY schools and they kick you outtathe class
Quality > quantity, even with studies.

If you're really tired, you're less likely to retain anything you read. So, you could study for hours on end, and still bomb it. Along with the othertips in this post, try studying earlier in the day, if possible. If you can't, caffeine before studying could help.
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