Studied 12 hrs last night on gen chem. Had 3 tutors. Still flunked.

Aug 4, 2004
running on no sleep, got 2 quizzes today.

I feel like school work is more demanding then work.

i didn't go to sleep cuz i was scared i would miss an 8 am quiz...we get there he tells us he'll post in online when we get out of class...i wastight...

but then i found he put the answers to some class questions in his notes online...luckily i brought my laptop today...i don't know if he did it on purposeor not but its appreciated...
Studied 12 hrs last night on gen chem. Had 3 tutors. Still flunked.

Not even intro O chem? 3 tutors? The Kwame Brown of the chemistry game, you are.
its time to quit school and try suttin different. i heard mcdonalds is hiring.....

JK. never happened to me before tho ima good test taker.. to help you understand some chemistry. keep trying real hard. your hard work and dedication will pay off, word to the light bulb.
if you're not going to be a pharmaceutical engineer i doubt this will effect your life
Originally Posted by Lrrr

if you're not going to be a pharmaceutical engineer i doubt this will effect your life
If you're planning on applying to dentistry school, pharm school, med bet it will make an impact.

They're going to be asking you why you didn't do so stellar in general chem...the lowest chem course you can take for the pre req.
Late night cramming is the worst thing in the world.

Get some sleep, and look over stuff in the morning. It's a lot tougher to think and process things running on no sleep IMO
Basic understanding of the brain and memory.

Rather than studying 12 hours the night before. Spend 2 hours each day the week before reviewing and studying.
Yeah you over-studied. My professor said to get the optimal amount of information, you have to study for about 25 minutes straight take a quick break and doanother 25 minutes continuing this until you get it.
You pretty much wasted your time and your life over-studying like that.
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