Yea the costume prices suck and you cant even buy fighter coins in the correct increments for them. I bought Ryus costume and i might buy Dee Jays since he has the best one. Thats it until Akuma drops.
I’m struggling to even start a game. How do you ruin the menu even more? I thought sf5 with the crap notifications was a bad ui, this is ridiculous. Worst menu than cod at this point.
There's grade schoolers that probably don't have trouble starting a game. This might be an indictment on you :lol:
if anyone is still active playing Street Fighter II 30th Anniversary Collection, let’s get some matches goin … I only play Hyper Fighting and Turbo … hit me up

Empty demon flip into throw will be nice, I wonder if the other is an overhead.
Combo after teleport looks crazy.

I need a new system I haven’t played seriously since USIFV
Besides Super Turbo and Second Impact, has he ever been top tier?

With the recent patches, Shotos are still high tier? I know the Ken army was a big deal prior to the patch around Ed release time.
I'm wondering how they will properly balance Akuma. They're already having issues balancing characters in SF6 (JP, Ken, ect.) I tell you what, Akuma's "Raging Demon" looks amazing in that trailer. He looks the most angry and dark in this game then he's ever been. I hope we get Oni and Hugo soon.
That low 4 cancel into rush is OD. Kind of ruining the game for me in the higher ranks. Zero skill and a basic combo can be cancelled into level 3 for 40-60% damage based on the character.

It also doesn’t help that that the low 4 connects when the character’s foot doesn’t actually hit you making it very hard to tell when and where you are safe.
They are finally buffing drive reversal. Good mechanic in other games but complete trash in this one.

A little disappointed they’re only dropping four characters in the second season. $30 or $50 for the ultimate pass is steep…
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