tonight i ma def. be on ... i gotta take out yall cats i still ain't play yet ... my percentage been dipping so i'm going hard tonight ...
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OK the novelty is over... yes I grew up playing this in the arcade and on SNES and PS1 and other iterations. But since them my gaming preferences have become more advanced. No longer can a 2D (yes I know it's 3D characters, but it's still a 2 dimensional playing field) satisfy me for more than a few matches. Coupled with the fact that the Mad Catz controllers are pure trash. I wasted money on the game, but I'll trade it in for KZ2. Now that's a game.

someone getting beat down haha just take the L and move on ... no need to bash the game bc u suck and cant learn from your mistakes.
Originally Posted by parada45

eastnewyork80 wrote:
so how do i unlock gouken2 Perfect and 3 Ultra finishers worked for me.
2 Perfects and 3 ultra finishers worked for me.
^^^^^ that and make sure u unlock akuma as well as beat arcade mode with akuma plus no continues
whoo finaliy gettin this ultra and super combos down for bison and akuma... but DAMN i just beat arcade with bison 3 perfects and 4 ultras.. no gouken.. do ihave to just beat it wit akuma?
Originally Posted by Razorsharp510

whoo finaliy gettin this ultra and super combos down for bison and akuma... but DAMN i just beat arcade with bison 3 perfects and 4 ultras.. no gouken.. do i have to just beat it wit akuma?
I did
Originally Posted by rowbot626

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OK the novelty is over... yes I grew up playing this in the arcade and on SNES and PS1 and other iterations. But since them my gaming preferences have become more advanced. No longer can a 2D (yes I know it's 3D characters, but it's still a 2 dimensional playing field) satisfy me for more than a few matches. Coupled with the fact that the Mad Catz controllers are pure trash. I wasted money on the game, but I'll trade it in for KZ2. Now that's a game.

someone getting beat down haha just take the L and move on ... no need to bash the game bc u suck and cant learn from your mistakes.
Negative... actually I have been doing quite well lately and the matches I have been losinghave been pretty close. I'm not new to this game, been on it since 1992, and that's precisely what I meant by the novelty is gone. Not bashing the gameper se. It's just that Win OR Lose, it's a 2D fighter that I wasted $140 on because of a nostalgic urge. Charge it to the game, I'll be on KZ2tomorrow
^ I can agree. It ges boring after a while more characters are necessary. When Tekken 6 drops games like this will get no burn
Like I've been saying. I want the arcade stick more than the game itself. You can use the arcade stick with any fighting game. That right there is crazy.MORTAL KOMBAT, MVC2 etc. here i come.
Originally Posted by Twig1026

^ I can agree. It ges boring after a while more characters are necessary. When Tekken 6 drops games like this will get no burn
you dare say Tekken 6 will put SF down????!!! Yea people will play it alot when it first comes out, but it wont out do SF4

it actually takes SKILL to be good in SF.....(and people who get beat by people spammin fireballs or the same move suck, because you can counter EVERY move inthe game, you just have to know with what and when)
I think there's enough achievements to keep you going. And I will continue to play until NO ONE can beat me on Xbox Live.
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

Originally Posted by Twig1026

^ I can agree. It ges boring after a while more characters are necessary. When Tekken 6 drops games like this will get no burn
you dare say Tekken 6 will put SF down????!!! Yea people will play it alot when it first comes out, but it wont out do SF4

it actually takes SKILL to be good in SF.....(and people who get beat by people spammin fireballs or the same move suck, because you can counter EVERY move in the game, you just have to know with what and when)

i'll be playing this game 4 at least another 15 years ... i still play street fighter 2 turbo ... the music and levels in this game don't really do it4 me though ... gameplay is crazy ...
it takes skill to be good at streetfighter?? you must be joking... it takes more time and effort to be good at tekken.. there it's real fighting, not justthrowing fireballs and waiting till someone makes a mistake..

i love tekken, but there are more streetfighters, so streetfighter will get more burn.. some people even lost interest in tekken cause it's gonna come outmore than a year after it hit the arcade
What street fighter II game was it where you can throw a bunch of Fire balls or sonic booms. I know it was turbo but it had another edition. I want ti findthat game.
Let me say this...SFIV is an excellent game, the ultimate chess match type of fighter. It's all about move andcountermove. I just am not into the fighter genre like I used to be. My bad, didn't mean to disparage the game.
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