Street Culture, Art, Fashion, Music, Life...Lupe's Gold Watch

^Well how has anyone particular other than those quite famous affected culture? Goons in the hood don't affect culture either, by that logic. They'resimply reflections of precepts created by other people.
graffiti didnt come directly from skating as far as I know... (it preceded it)

im just looking for a lateral connection.
If you look at the link I posted, You'll see alot of street/sneakerhead culture contradicts what skater culture is supposed to be in some ways.

You notice how we try to keep our kicks nice and pristine, While skaters wear their kicks down to the sole?

But at the same time, Nike making millions off limited SB's which collector's keep DS etc.

It's all a give and take...
^No, but goons in the hood didn't invent even timbs either, white dudes in like vermont or wherever timberland is from did. And as classically stated"ain't no uzi's made in harlem". Culture is built on the co-opting of parts of other cultures. No idea is original.

Skateboarding a place like downtown manhattan co-existed with a great deal of other cultures, most if not all function or on some level exist or come from"the street". So to say it hasn't left some mark on those other cultures and visa versa is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

No idea is original.
^ my point exactly.
so when people throw the "skaters influenced 'street culture'" argument out there should be some direct"borrowing/copying/lending/adaptation" to point at.
How can you define something that has a different meaning to everyone?

The debate seems to be between skating and street culture. Call me oblivious, but if it isn't about originality/expression in artistic forms: I don'tknow what it is

My personal opinion is that Skateboarding is a way of life, so is street culture.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ebayologist

No idea is original.
^ my point exactly.
so when people throw the "skaters influenced 'street culture'" argument out there should be some direct "borrowing/copying/lending/adaptation" to point at.

You didn't read anything of what I wrote huh. Oh well, I can't convince you. Your best bet is to read subculture-related literature, there are somereally good Street Culture books out there as well.
Thus my point with Supreme. It's a skate shop and it's arguably one of the most famous/well known companies within streetwear. Whether Supreme itselfcomes from "the street" i dont know, I'm pretty sure it does in it's origins, but skateboarding in downtown Manhattan is a quintessential asany street based culture in downtown manhattan.
^ ebay... I understand that, but isnt that in the wrong direction? caps came from the streets TO supreme... not the other way around.
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

You didn't read anything of what I wrote huh. Oh well, I can't convince you. Your best bet is to read subculture-related literature, there are some really good Street Culture books out there as well.
I did, I can only conclude that we don't have the same definition of "street culture"?
but I did try to clear this up by mentioning
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

so can anyone name how skating might have affected the street culture I'm familiar with?
^Define the street culture you're familiar with? And more to the point you act as though there is one and only one street culture… ^Box caps might comefrom anywhere, i have no idea where they got the box cap thing from but that's what I was saying about co-opting. Everythign is co-opted from somewhere.Name something popular in the hood, odd are, it was popular somewhere else totally different in probably a totally different way first.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

^ ebay... I understand that, but isnt that in the wrong direction? caps came from the streets TO supreme... not the other way around.
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

You didn't read anything of what I wrote huh. Oh well, I can't convince you. Your best bet is to read subculture-related literature, there are some really good Street Culture books out there as well.
I did, I can only conclude that we don't have the same definition of "street culture"?
but I did try to clear this up by mentioning
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

so can anyone name how skating might have affected the street culture I'm familiar with?

Okay, what is the street culture you're familiar with? The problem here is that the postmodern idea of "street culture is whatever you want it tobe" means that to Johnny, street culture is his cell phone, and to Mickey, street culture is ketchup, and to you, street culture is hip-hop. There is adefined point by which street culture evolved. Unfortunately, just because it has the word "street" in it doesn't mean that its derived fromculture that comes from the "streets." It's just a name, and uses the word street. Street-skating, hip-hop started in the streets, etc.
^i'm assuming boxcaps came from PoLo wear which was big in the streets up here.
OG supreme from what I know is based on the simple aspects of ny culture... you said it yourself (just not the other way around)

and I know the hood steals things... I don't honor the hood, I don't even live there any more... I'm just saying everyone is quick to put skatingon a pedestal for streetwear, which I understand... but street culture? here on the East Coast I don't understand that.

if you said on the westcoast they wear vans then i'd say yes... that came from skating... DIRECT CORRELATION... are there any examples like that for theEast coast?

EDIT: if anything speedboating and YACHTING had more of an affect on east coast "streetwear" than skating ever did!

east coast
Ralph Lauren
Avirex jackets
Timb boots

we still have:
Champion hoodies
some are holding onto snapbacks

sports logos/outfits

comin in/here now:
nike boots

so yeah street culture to me is "hip hop" bobbytripledigits
graff, rap, a little mugging/boosting, and showing off

I'm sure there are but I'm not even from the east coast so… But it's not about giving something to the streets if you will. Skateboarding at very least is a participant, it reflects the precepts of the culture in a number of ways.
I'm sure it had something to do with it. but I'm a bit removed from Manhattan itself and out here the skaters seem to be a bit moresuburban yet graff and hiphop and the clothing around it had less of a distinct classist barrier.
I wish I could skate myself, I'm def not putting it down. I'm just wondering why everyone is always so quick to throw that into the mix
I'm sure there are but I'm not even from the east coast so… But it's not about giving something to the streets if you will. Skateboarding at veryleast is a participant, it reflects the precepts of the culture in a number of ways.

^But yachting isn't done in the "streets" people drink Moet in nantucket like where they yacht. But Moet became part of street culture whenpeople drank it in clubs in lower Manhattan, where people skateboarded.
^ I know... they took it from yachting... tommy hill jackets. Nautica coats
I don't do any hiking but I wear timberlands... I know

Im asking, in the same respects, what did they take from Skating? other than kids wearing SBs...
Ok ThunderChunk, so if street culture to you is "graff, rap, a little mugging/boosting, and showing off," then you're talking about straight-up,no-frills HIP-HOP culture. Not Street Culture. Street Culture is Hip-hop + Skateboarding + Fixed Gear + tattooing +... it goes down the list of all the urbansubcultures that have cross-pollinated over the last 20 years. Seriously, you should read a book called "STREET WORLD" by Roger Gastman (formereditor for While You Were Sleeping). It does a really great job of delineating what street culture is..
Yachting isn't a participant in streetwear, it doesn't happen in the streets, it's something that's been co-opted. With the Polo, Tommy,Nautica, etc. Skateboarding is a participant in street culture. It's in the mix. you could argue it's just raped various other street cultures rightand left and that's all it's done. (which isn't true but still) and it's still high on the list of participants. It's very much a crosscultural activity, it functions within more backpacker hip-hop to punk rock all which function under the umbrella of "the streets".

Example: If you watch the movie Kids when they're with the skateboarders downtown, there is like a diamond d song and like a tribe called quest song, whydo you think that is… Because that music is what those people listened to… They may have played no roll in the creation of that music but as it's audiencefunction within it and reflect it.
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Ok ThunderChunk, so if street culture to you is "graff, rap, a little mugging/boosting, and showing off," then you're talking about straight-up, no-frills HIP-HOP culture. Not Street Culture. Street Culture is Hip-hop + Skateboarding + Fixed Gear + tattooing +... it goes down the list of all the urban subcultures that have cross-pollinated over the last 20 years
ok, thank you for your time. I just need to expand my horizons on the culture and I'll see what I can do to look it up.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Ok ThunderChunk, so if street culture to you is "graff, rap, a little mugging/boosting, and showing off," then you're talking about straight-up, no-frills HIP-HOP culture. Not Street Culture. Street Culture is Hip-hop + Skateboarding + Fixed Gear + tattooing +... it goes down the list of all the urban subcultures that have cross-pollinated over the last 20 years
ok, thank you for your time. I just need to expand my view on that and I'll see what I can do on the book

No worries. i'm not the expert on street culture, but I am an avid fan, and have learned a lot from the experts in the field. I understand your point ifyou think street culture is just hip-hop culture, because sure, skateboarding and hip-hop may have little crossover in your world. But being that streetculture is the umbrella by which hip-hop culture falls under, you can see how hip-hop actually DOES interact with skateboarding and viceversa with the kids. Itwas big in the 90s in skate fashion and the growing dominance of black skaters. (even white skaters.. Muska, best skater, doing noseslides with a boombox).Today, with the help of guys like Pharrell, it's not rare to see inner-city kids on skateboards (which was rare when I was growing up).
Great discussion....

But yeah, as for me personally, I'm still affected (dress/clothing) wise by *!#% I liked when I was young as hell

Polos & Plaids. For some reason I have always had ad affinity for them. Whether Polo, Le Tigre, Lacoste, Nautica, Tommy, etc, those have been a mainstay inmy closet for YEARS.

I can't really rock w/ TOO MUCH of this 'streetwear' *!#%. Some of it is cool though.

My style would be boring to a lot of y'all

But as far as music/fashion, IMO this is just *!#% coming full circle. Early on in the Hip-Hop scene, Fashion was just as important as the actual music peoplewere putting out. It's only right that they all be intertwined like that. You can't have one, w/o the other. If that was the case, we wouldn't needmusic video's.

Some of y'all take that 'Back to the essense' '80's' *!#% a little too far though.

And I mess w/ Play Cloths. Heavy.
damn..............i dont think i dress street at all come to think of it..................
All I see in this thread is a bunch of dude jumpin' on the hype of !$%%. Kid CuDi, Cool Kids, Charles Hamilton..all went dressing like this 2-3 years back.

Im talking on some "yup, in my white tee" !$%%.
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

All I see in this thread is a bunch of dude jumpin' on the hype of !$%%. Kid CuDi, Cool Kids, Charles Hamilton..all went dressing like this 2-3 years back.

Im talking on some "yup, in my white tee" !$%%.

yea i dont dress like none of them dudes at all. i guess im boring too.
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

All I see in this thread is a bunch of dude jumpin' on the hype of !$%%. Kid CuDi, Cool Kids, Charles Hamilton..all went dressing like this 2-3 years back.

Im talking on some "yup, in my white tee" !$%%.
there was 1 pic of them.
and half the time Im in a snapback im in timbs, semibaggy jeans and dressed appropriately for the winter.

I don't know where you got that image from.
also out here certain styles will ALWAYS be certified
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