Stephen A. Smith Apologizes about Domestic Violence Views

Being uneducated on the subject of domestic violence and using triggering language

Do I personally think he was wrong? No. Did he use the wrong terminology? Yes. I just wish people would step out their POV for once and see it from the POV of who he was addressing. People really can't understand how telling someone who was abused that they provoked what occurred is damaging? Victim blaming 101. There is a huge difference between saying don't put your hands on someone and don't provoke someone. Provoke means so many things, so although I got his point he used the wrong verbiage.
I'll re-watch it, but I don't recall him saying women who have been abused are the provokers.  If that's what he said then I'll agree he was wrong.
Blake let it go man, it's always about a white person out to get a black person to certain people. Can't just admit Stephen A made a mistake.

What's his mistake?
Being uneducated on the subject of domestic violence and using triggering language
How is SAS uneducated on the subject of domestic violence when he admitted he has experienced and dealt with the issue of domestic violence in his own family??
How is SAS uneducated on the subject of domestic violence when he admitted he has experienced and dealt with the issue of domestic violence in his own family??

because using a term like "provoke" in a blanket statement is a giant no-no.

its just the way it is now.
I'll re-watch it, but I don't recall him saying women who have been abused are the provokers.  If that's what he said then I'll agree he was wrong.

Nah what he said was we have to stop provocation as a preventative measure to domestic violence.

Blake let it go man, it's always about a white person out to get a black person to certain people. Can't just admit Stephen A made a mistake.

What's his mistake?
Being uneducated on the subject of domestic violence and using triggering language

How is SAS uneducated on the subject of domestic violence when he admitted he has experienced and dealt with the issue of domestic violence in his own family??
I say uneducated and you mention experience. Does he know what a trigger word is? Does he know the mental reaction when a person hears a trigger word? Yeah he's very experienced.
Are you guys kidding?

He's putting some of the blame on the women for being abused. That's not acceptable EVER. He's not talking about the women that come at guys with a knife and they simply defend themselves.

SAS is one of the more reckless and blunt personalities on radio and on the air - if an athlete stepped to him and beat him up everytime he said something, would he enjoy taking some of the blame? Would he enjoy someone on TV telling him to change his behavior instead of telling people to stop beating him up?

This is black and white. SAS is wrong. Imagine being a victim of domestic violence, being afraid for your life on a regular basis and hearing someone on TV telling you to check your behavior. Ridiculous.
But the thing is that you can provoke someone. People don't want to hear that?

yeah but given how many women are abused in relationship jarping on the few who "provoke" is unproductive.

your putting the focus on the victims rather than the guys who do it.
But the thing is that you can provoke someone. People don't want to hear that?

Well, when you say that, you're taking blame away from the abuser and placing it on the victim. If anyone that's been a victim of domestic violence is listening, they're going to hear you saying it's their fault for provoking the other person. So if you're okay with doing that, go right ahead.
yeah but given how many women are abused in relationship jarping on the few who "provoke" is unproductive.

your putting the focus on the victims rather than the guys who do it.

Here's the problem. Domestic violence isn't only a male inflicted thing. That mentality has to change.
Are you guys kidding?

He's putting some of the blame on the women for being abused. That's not acceptable EVER. He's not talking about the women that come at guys with a knife and they simply defend themselves.

SAS is one of the more reckless and blunt personalities on radio and on the air - if an athlete stepped to him and beat him up everytime he said something, would he enjoy taking some of the blame? Would he enjoy someone on TV telling him to change his behavior instead of telling people to stop beating him up?

This is black and white. SAS is wrong. Imagine being a victim of domestic violence, being afraid for your life on a regular basis and hearing someone on TV telling you to check your behavior. Ridiculous.

Your comprehension skills aren't up to par.

Go back and look at clips... Because I bet money you didn't.
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1) What would have been a better choice of word than provoke?
2) Do you think Beadle wouldn't still make that comment anyway?
Here's the problem. Domestic violence isn't only a male inflicted thing. That mentality has to change.

Look as a black guy, who's seen how some black women operate I can understand how "provoke" might enter SAS mind, but he's on the world wide leader, its a no-no beacuse if you look at any research on the topic, guy who repeatedly abuse their wives have problems that go beyond being "provoked".
1) What would have been a better choice of word than provoke?
2) Do you think Beadle wouldn't still make that comment anyway?

He already said it when he said men and women should not put their hands on each other. He should of left it at that. I don't believe she would of said anything if that's all he said. The whole issue is the terminology.
because using a term like "provoke" in a blanket statement is a giant no-no.

its just the way it is now.

But the thing is that you can provoke someone. People don't want to hear that?
Of course you can but in this situation Stephen had to be really specific with his wording so that there's no room for an attack on him. He was too vague
He never said all domestic violence is a result of a man being provoked

but to sit here and act like no woman who ever got hit upside the head did something to set that in motion is childish

and Beadle is a real life troll shes the one who should apologize for trying to twist that man's words around
1) What would have been a better choice of word than provoke?
2) Do you think Beadle wouldn't still make that comment anyway?

well that on SAS, if the thought you want to voice is so nuanced and difficult to convey perhaps you shouldnt do it on a rapid fire debate show.

he hit the third rail, thats on him.
How is SAS uneducated on the subject of domestic violence when he admitted he has experienced and dealt with the issue of domestic violence in his own family??
because using a term like "provoke" in a blanket statement is a giant no-no.

its just the way it is now.
The word "provoke" in a blank statement like that is a vague description to begin with.  Michelle Beadle and her circus of fake outrage supporters both on Twitter and here on NT were just looking for attention on the matter and used this opportunity to do so. 
I'll re-watch it, but I don't recall him saying women who have been abused are the provokers.  If that's what he said then I'll agree he was wrong.
Nah what he said was we have to stop provocation as a preventative measure to domestic violence.
Blake let it go man, it's always about a white person out to get a black person to certain people. Can't just admit Stephen A made a mistake.

What's his mistake?
Being uneducated on the subject of domestic violence and using triggering language
How is SAS uneducated on the subject of domestic violence when he admitted he has experienced and dealt with the issue of domestic violence in his own family??
I say uneducated and you mention experience. Does he know what a trigger word is? Does he know the mental reaction when a person hears a trigger word? Yeah he's very experienced.
How does one become "educated" on domestic violence then?? 
Of course you can but in this situation Stephen had to be really specific with his wording so that there's no room for an attack on him. He was too vague


Don't weep for SAS, in north America the onus is on the speaker to properly convey meaning, don't blame other people for not seeing the hidden nuance of your opinions.
The word "provoke" in a blank statement like that is a vague description to begin with.  Michelle Beadle and her circus of fake outrage supporters both on Twitter and here on NT were just looking for attention on the matter and used this opportunity to do so. 

How does one become "educated" on domestic violence then?? 

Research. Talking to victims. Reading about victims. Reading about what leads up to it. Reading about how it effects victims for the rest of their lives.
The word "provoke" in a blank statement like that is a vague description to begin with.  Michelle Beadle and her circus of fake outrage supporters both on Twitter and here on NT were just looking for attention on the matter and used this opportunity to do so. 

Fake outrage huh? :rolleyes

That is the lowest form of argument; criticize her points, you aren't a telepath no one wants to hear what you think her secret motives are.
But the thing is that you can provoke someone. People don't want to hear that?

What if looking at me what I deem the wrong way, provokes me though? Or raising your voice?

Nah nobody wants to hear yelling is going to warrant you putting your hands on me
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I can see why we have such a problem with domestic violence. Weak guys like you beat weaker women then blame it on them for provoking you or making you angry. :smh:

You trolling now, bro...


People talk about being an abused women looking at TV...

No apologies made to young black men getting hemmed up by white cops or wrongfully harrassed... And Stephen A says "watch what you do... Don't put yourself in that position"

But yet... We're outraged about him saying the same to women...

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