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You can do more in one hour in a kitchen than you can in a gym. We only spend a few minutes actually moving weight but could easily spend a few minutes on just the first 10pc chicken mcnugget yaddamean

Now I'm hungry **** man. Haven't had chicken nuggets in a minute now I want like 20 of them.
Had like 3 for dinner and trashed the rest because thats what they tasted like 

It reminded me why I never eat that **** unless its a total last resort. 
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gym isn't the hardest point at all, it's eating right

Absolutely, positively, one hundred percent correct

Working out is fun, or can be fun

Nothing fun about cutting yourself off from food you like :frown:

I wish I had more ectomorphic traits. Sure, it'd be harder for me to gain muscle, but all the more excuse to stuff myself with food, right? :D
eff that man. i'll a 20 piece mcnugget dipped in the chick fil a sauce an NT'er sent to me. that and a super-sized fries.

i'm just really hungry though. first week of the cut is going to kill me. i have terrible eating habits.
eff that man. i'll a 20 piece mcnugget dipped in the chick fil a sauce an NT'er sent to me. that and a super-sized fries.

i'm just really hungry though. first week of the cut is going to kill me. i have terrible eating habits.

flavor drink packets,
sugar free popsciles,
0 fat greek yogurt and sugar free pudding (mixed can't beat it)
Sugar free jello

Have been wondering for a while now...

When it comes to counting calories, are you supposed to weigh your meats (e.g. chicken) before or after cooking?

I have always done it raw (pause). 
I know im a little late but nunez is natty, he, along with others, run 3dmj. They are natty organization/team that compete in natural shows and powerlifting meets. My girl won their sponsorship for free coaching for a year and i have to say, they know their sh*t lol very knowledgeable about getting low bf % and drying out for shows
I know im a little late but nunez is natty, he, along with others, run 3dmj. They are natty organization/team that compete in natural shows and powerlifting meets. My girl won their sponsorship for free coaching for a year and i have to say, they know their sh*t lol very knowledgeable about getting low bf % and drying out for shows
Is Ogus natty doe big Mike??

Pls respawn 

PS your IG is full of food porn that looks DELICIOUS 
I honestly don't believe ogus is. Lol he claims but....nahh its more for business.

And thanks man haha im just trying to get food sponsored bigboss bigboss
Looked around and can't really find another place to ask this question.

I was at the batting cages yesterday, haven't been there in a while. I took about 20-30 pitches, ate some dinner, and went home. I woke up this morning and the left side of my ribs were hurting. It hurts when you gently press it inwards, and I would say the pain is about 4/10. I'm thinking I might have strained something, but I just wanted to know what you guys think it might be.
Feel bad for the chubby bros cutting right now, even though y'all got jokes for the lightweights.

Finished the day off with a pint of ice cream and tomorrow I will be demolishing a 3lb rack of pork ribs.
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i know i have a bunch of you bros on IG

but I wish to follow more.

what are your IGs guys?

follow me at @internationalchestday

Gotta be interesting though if all you got is a picture of your avy and a few jays swerve bruh
nah i def post a good variety of things: food, fitness, supreme, kicks, friends.

i don't post memes or pics that aren't my own
I would post my Instagram, but I don't want you pervs getting off to my stuff...


Not srs :lol:
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I'm too personal a guy for instagram

You guys wouldn't want to follow me anyway. I don't post much of myself. It's basically food and screen caps of stuff that interest me

I used to post lifts but then I stopped cuz I got self conscious. :lol:
i post nothing fitness-related [emoji]128557[/emoji]
I don't follow any famous fitness people either but deadlifts and nikes is a beast. bigboss too, when he posts his lifts. i follow hookgrip too - that's plenty inspirational enough.
Thought so.

Thank goodness too because it would be so much more expensive if it was the other way around :x


If u do measure it cooked just subtract like 2-3 oz.
I think 8 oz of chicken raw turns out to be like 5.5 oz cooked
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