STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

@jkitty  since youre here 

thanks for the info on the hyperfeels they fit great

ran some sprints in them the other day  
Some people have visible ab outlines at higher BF% than others. He is also flexing them in that picture more than likely, they go right away once he stops or sits down :lol:  

This. I have it right now and I am fat (nowhere near that dude, but still fat) :smh: :wow:

Thing is when I start losing weight it still takes forever for my abs to actually start showing :\
 since youre here 

thanks for the info on the hyperfeels they fit great

ran some sprints in them the other day  :pimp:

yea man no problem, I love mine. The black/white color way hit outlets but they are at 120. Once they go down Im gonna grab a pair for casual wear since theyre so comfortable.
that's the beauty of you guys in America, you have healthy options everywhere. you don't have to go to mcdonalds, you can go to chipotle or noodles and company or subway and get your food just as fast.
Since we on the topic of nutrition, best advice I can give is not to do a crazy diet. 

I've never had abs that show, been a fat kid all my life and then skinny fat. I've just now been realizing I used to have an eating disorder fam. I swear that at least Monday-Friday it would be turkey or tuna sandwiches all week with protein bars and shakes. Then as soon as the weekends would come, I would binge cause I would go out with my family. That destroyed my metabolism of treating my body like that. I would lose 3 or 4 pounds but gain back like 5 or 6 as fat because my body literally thought it was in starvation mode. Skinny fat at its finest. I'm learning recently that anything is good in moderation and I'm glad I'm at a better place now where I eat good, nutritious foods and add in a few junk foods here and there to help me hit my caloric surplus and macronutrients. 

Most importantly, I enjoy it a lot more now. Don't try to go on a month of atkins to get those quick 6 pack summer abs. Stay patient and put yourself in a position to succeed. 
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Since we on the topic of nutrition, best advice I can give is not to do a crazy diet. 

I've never had abs that show, been a fat kid all my life and then skinny fat. I've just now been realizing I used to have an eating disorder fam. I swear that at least Monday-Friday it would be turkey or tuna sandwiches all week with protein bars and shakes. Then as soon s the weekends would come, I would binge cause I would go out with my family. That destroyed my metabolism of treating my body like that. I would lose 3 or 4 pounds but gain back like 5 or 6 as fat because my body literally thought it was in starvation mode. Skinny fat at its finest. I'm learning recently that anything is good in moderation and I'm glad I'm at a better place now where I eat good, nutritious foods and add in a few junk foods here and there to help me hit my caloric surplus and macronutrients. 

Most importantly, I enjoy it a lot more now. Don't try to go on a month of atkins to get those quick 6 pack summer abs. Stay patient and put yourself in a position to succeed. 
This is beautiful advice.
Too many people get hung up on the word "diet"
Just meal plan, figure out what is good for your body. and calculate the frequency of when you eat it in there.

Doesn't matter if you do it every 3 hours
or even he fasting diets.

just get in the nutrition that's good for you.

I know I myself have done starvation diets. or as he said eat tuna and protein shakes all week then go Ham on weekends. when I changed that to a decent meal plan where I was getting fed. and feeling good every meal. my metabolism started rising and now I feel great and don't binge even on cheat meals no matter how much I want to because im full and I dont push past satiety any more.
Da feels.

Woke up early enough for a morning workout. Delayed it about 20 mins cause I thought the NT hat release would be quick.

Nope. Now at the gym cause it took forever.
Was amped for shoulders and tri's and now im calling it a night cause I burned my thumb and pointer finger pretty bad.

Left the fire on the skillet and went to grab the steel spatula off (wasnt thinking) and burned the hell outta my fingers.
Was going to pull a two a day today, but nodded off during the Raptors game :smh: At least I got my morning workout in.
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