STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I can't do pull ups right now because of my shoulder, but before i got injured, i do this for high rep pullups...

I disagree with the lower calories equals strength loss, now maybe if you do something dumb and go under 1500 but I am cutting at 18-2k and Im making strength gains. I stopped taking creatine because I retained too much water and didnt like it. The only lift that dropped once I was off it was my bench.

Creatine is the most confused/questioned/uninformed topic discussed in this thread lol

Heated after i tried to get a quick squat session in tonight, IF YOU CURL IN THE SQUAT RACK GO **** YOURSELF, STRAIGHT LIKE THAT :D

Wouldn't even be able to function on a 1500 cal cut. How long do you usually cut for? I find my strenght start to ween a bit after about week 4, 5ish
I disagree with the lower calories equals strength loss, now maybe if you do something dumb and go under 1500 but I am cutting at 18-2k and Im making strength gains. I stopped taking creatine because I retained too much water and didnt like it. The only lift that dropped once I was off it was my bench.

Creatine is the most confused/questioned/uninformed topic discussed in this thread lol

Heated after i tried to get a quick squat session in tonight, IF YOU CURL IN THE SQUAT RACK GO **** YOURSELF, STRAIGHT LIKE THAT :D

Ya your numbers will drop slightly but that's more of a result of you cutting calories rather than you actually losing strength. REad Paul Carter's article, explains the idea succinctly.

id love to do them, no hills around here. my friend who plays soccer said its awesome and his team did some other stuff that kills your legs and core

If you have a college stadium nearby try running that. I run the stairs at the Harvard Stadium and it's an awesome interval workout.
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From my experience you can make gains on a cut but you really gotta be gettin good rest and usin some form of Pre workout for energy sure helps. Also depending on the severity of the cut Gains can slow down a lot or stop after a while.

Hypertrophy on the other hand is much harder on a cut because you're trying to grow while at a deficit
Wouldn't even be able to function on a 1500 cal cut. How long do you usually cut for? I find my strenght start to ween a bit after about week 4, 5ish
**** man 2-4 months would be ideal, in 2012 I lost 50lb total and was cutting the whole time but this year ive been trying to maintain after a bulk gone wrong lol

Right now I'm just trying to cut back to around 175 then put on size for the rest of the year.
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seems like every page there's at least one post about somebody hurting their should...the hell are you guys doing???
I'm in that hurt shoulder camp so im not lifting fir a while. Been that way for the longest but I usually work through it, finally decide to rest it. Just gonna put a shoulder brace on and penetrex for a while. Good time to become a cardio beast.
There's gotta be a way to tag people when you post, like @'ing people.

Anyway, Durden, yeah you work in the medical field?

As a physical therapist? Did you have to go to school to get into that?

You know, my story is messed around and got two bachelors in humanities, but now working on PT cert, which is maybe 40% complete.

But the medical field is also naturally my fit, since I like to help people.

So your advice, either about getting into that, or whether it's worth it at all?

You like that chit? Fullfilling?

Its not the medical field exactly,although thats where id ultimately like to end up. Its medical fitness, so think of it as an intermediary between physical therapy and your typical recreational gym. Its a health club geared towards individuals with orthopedic issues. I was planning on going back to get my DPT (Doctorate in Physical Therapy) next year but I found out I still have to take some pre-requisite classes for admission, so school will have to wait till '15.

For what I do, you really just need a 4 year degree in a health-related field. (Ex Science, Kines., etc.) The difference between the exercise specialists who "just work out" and those who do their reading/studying/research is glaringly obvious though.

What PT cert are you working on? Whether its worth it really depends upon what you want out of it, where you think youd like to take it, what types of people you want to work with, expectations, etc. I will say that its a really difficult field, and there are a ton of obstacles in the way to great success.

seems like every page there's at least one post about somebody hurting their should...the hell are you guys doing???

...Because most people have no idea how to move properly.... or, they let their ego rule their body. The latter is more likely, but the former is the case more than most people think it is.
Man This stomach fat is killing me, I know I havent been on my diet but sheesh this stuff is crazy, my arms get my vascular by the day, but my love handles are so soft and empty feeling smh
Man This stomach fat is killing me, I know I havent been on my diet but sheesh this stuff is crazy, my arms get my vascular by the day, but my love handles are so soft and empty feeling smh
It takes time bro, stay strong and keep grinding. 
what's a good pre-workout to take? i hear c4 is the one. i've been on hemavol, not even sure if that's even a pre-workout, but i dont feel any difference in strength anyways.
my shoulder is hurt probably because of both of those reasons. my bench press form is not that good to begin with and as i upped the weight, it messed up my rotator cuff and i refused to 1) stop and let it heal rather than work through the sharp pains 2) make the correct adjustments in form rather than do some dumbass compensating tweaks that compounded the problem. even with just one plate, it hurts when i bring it down all the way. been just doing high reps with dumbell on the incline and more cable/fly work for chest.

also, i'm trying to rehab my rotator cuff and do long warm ups before i actually lift. i'm open to suggestions.
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I hurt my shoulder about 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's my rotator cuff. I've cut off a lot of exercises that aggravate it, stretch/warm up, and get regular massages. I did have to take some time(s) off. I'm very careful with it now.
Grade 2/3 ac separation for me. Did it a few months ago playing soccer. All the crazy stuff we do at Crossfit, and I've never been injured there. Think I'm going to stick to that for a while.
did a 9 month cut with proper diet, exercise (230 to 190)

feel like bulking up again... what is the best LEGAL test boost on the market right now where I WONT have to take 9 pills a day (liver stuff, estrogen recovery, etc)???? :nerd:
I hurt my shoulder about 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's my rotator cuff. I've cut off a lot of exercises that aggravate it, stretch/warm up, and get regular massages. I did have to take some time(s) off. I'm very careful with it now.
Same type of thing happened to me. I hurt my rotator cuff doing the incline bench press. I've had pain there for about 5 months and it doesn't go away. It doesn't hurt that bad though.
That's it man.  I'm tired of these set backs. I'm tired of not accomplishing.  For god's sake the last two months have been a net 0.  Everything gained, lost (or everything lost, gained depending on perspective).

Focus Mode starts today.

Eating healthy + portion control

no soda/commercial juices and only water, milk, protein shakes and home made smoothies/juices.

going to bed at decent hours (
 yes I can see the irony)

also gonna focus on other parts of my life like keeping my ish organized

being prepared, actually giving a damn about my appearance

and just doing what needs to 
Killed chest yesterday felt good.

Cardio mostly today. If the weather holds i am gonna head up to the local high school throw my cleats on and get in some sprints/agility work.
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